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Central Surrey Recycling and Waste Centre




<div class="ExternalClassE67ADA6C15BA4D8D93AD6AE5BE92F744"><p>The Central Surrey Recycling and Waste Centre provides convenient recycling and garbage drop-off options for residents and businesses. It has a free recycling depot that offers recycling options for a wide variety of items.​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass9EFA39C6535E4BCEA3B3BB1D8F05B64F">​ <table class="uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider mv-border-top-slate mv-table-heading-slate mv-table-border uk-table-striped"><tbody><tr><th colspan="2">Winter hours (October 1 – March 31)</th></tr><tr><td>Monday – Saturday</td><td>8:00 am – 5:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Sundays and statutory holidays<br></td><td>9:00 am – 5:00 pm <p>Closed December 25 and January 1</p></td></tr><tr><th colspan="2">Summer hours ​(April 1 – September 30)</th></tr><tr><td>Monday – Saturday</td><td>7:00 am – 6:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Sundays and statutory holidays<br></td><td>9:00 am – 5:00 pm</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="ExternalClassBAFE783F80C0452CA45502EBECE88736"><p>Facilities are separated into two areas: free recycling, and paid recycling and garbage. Use the tabs below to see what is accepted where.</p><p>Complete tipping fee bylaw details are found in the <a href="/boards/Bylaws/GVSDD_Bylaw_379_Consolidated.pdf" target="_blank" title="Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw">Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw</a>.​​<br></p></div>

  • Separate all recycling materials by type and place in designated bins in the recycling depot.

    Refer to the visitor guide or ask facility staff for material locations.

    ​Commercial cus​tomers (businesses th​at pick up recycling or are recycling items from a business) are to use the dedicated bin for commer​cial cardboard. Contact the RCBC Recycling Hotline (604-RECYCLE, to find commercial recycling options for materials listed as “residential only" (accepted from residents only).

    To find additional recycling locations or recycling options for items not listed here search the Metro Vancouver Recycles database.

    Vehicle restrictions (recycling depot)

    • Maximum vehicle length: 7.6 m (25 ft)
    • Maximum vehicle and trailer length: 9.1 m (30 ft)

    Materials must be off-loaded by hand in the recycling depot.



    Foam packaging, coloured (expanded polystyrene or Styrofoam)Foam packaging, coloured (expanded polystyrene or Styrofoam)<div class="ExternalClass9E944C9570684B4DAA7B154382F98E71"><ul><li>​​​Accepted: foam food containers and trays, and foam cushion packaging</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: napkins, liquid absorbing pads, foam peanuts, foam board insulation, and foam furniture</li><li>Note that any food residue and labels/tape must be removed</li><li>Squishy foam packaging should be dropped off with flexible plastics<br></li></ul></div>Residential onlyFree
    Foam packaging, white (expanded polystyrene or Styrofoam)Foam packaging, white (expanded polystyrene or Styrofoam)<div class="ExternalClass3C503BA8CE3F4994A5B994C7454125F7"><p></p><ul><li>​Accepted: foam food containers and trays and foam cushion packaging </li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: napkins, liquid absorbing pads, foam peanuts, foam board insulation, foam furniture, and insulated foam coolers</li><li>Note that any food residue and labels/tape must be removed</li><li>Squishy foam packaging should be dropped off with flexible plastics<br></li></ul></div>Residential onlyFree
    Glass bottles and jarsGlass bottles and jars<div class="ExternalClass06C16072F5F14BDBB22DF63859324185"><ul><li>​​​​​Accepted: clear and coloured bottles and jars (labels okay)</li><li>Empty and rinse containers​<br></li><li>Put all lids with mixed containers recycling</li><li> <strong>Not </strong>accepted: drinking glasses, dishes, cookware, window glass or mirrors (whole or broken), non-packaging glass containers, and ceramic mugs<br></li></ul></div>Residential onlyFree
    Mixed containersMixed containers<div class="ExternalClass34B5FA74251943DAB662FB2DFAC04221"><ul><li>​Accepted: paper cups for hot and cold beverages, coated paper plates and bowls, cartons, empty spray/aerosol containers, aluminum cans, aluminum foil, plastic gift boxes, plastic tubs and lids (for products such as yogurt, margarine, and ice cream), and plastic bottles and caps</li><li>Empty and rinse containers</li><li>Note that only packaging materials are accepted as mixed containers</li><li>Other rigid plastics maybe accepted as “Bulky Rigid Plastics” (see below)</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: soft plastics, paper towels, paper or metal straws, oil containers, and paint cans</li></ul></div>Residential onlyFree
    Paper and cardboardPaper and cardboard<div class="ExternalClass5E1E83A20DB14F84B422D20737901A2D"><ul><li>​​​Accepted: newspaper and flyers, magazines, cardboard, paper bags, paper party decorations, and shredded paper (contain shredded paper inside a paper bag or box)</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: wax paper, parchment paper, items made with a combination of plastic and paper, paper towels, and hardcover or paperback books</li></ul></div>Residential onlyFree
    Plastics, flexiblePlastics, flexible<div class="ExternalClass017953E2CC2A42B1B113B1D7A69B0F7A"><ul><li>​Accepted: grocery bags, zipper lock pouches, woven and net plastic bags, overwrap from paper towels, squishy cushion packaging, bubble wrap, plastic shrink wrap, and produce bags</li><li> ​<strong>Not</strong> accepted: plastic-lined paper, crinkly cellophane wrap, and plastic squeeze tubes</li></ul></div>Residential onlyFree
    Appliances, power tools, and electric outdoor power equipmentAppliances, power tools, and electric outdoor power equipment<div class="ExternalClassC63E02D49E264AAA90A5E0F19F28B928"><ul><li>​Examples of accepted items include: circular saws, drill, sanders, welding tools, heat guns, blenders, toasters, coffee makers, vacuums, outdoor power equipment, microwaves, surface cooking units, clothes dryers, washing machines, and treadmills</li><li>Note​: large appliances are accepted as scrap metal​<br></li></ul></div>Free
    BatteriesBatteries<div class="ExternalClass83119CED08B14ED7824674AD182F31DF"><p></p><ul><li>​Accepted: single-use (alkaline) batteries, rechargeable batteries, button cells, carbon zinc, lead acid automotive batteries, lithium primary and small seal lead acid batteries<br></li><li>Seal batteries in bags or tape terminals before recycling</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: batteries weighing over 5 kg each, damaged/defective/recalled batteries (if under 5 kg contact <a href="" target="_blank" title="Link to Call2Recycle">Call2Recycle​</a>)</li></ul><p></p></div>Free
    BooksBooks<div class="ExternalClassA8BFA382ABE64CAF8EFC0AA5A89E9D73"><ul><li>Accepted for donation</li></ul></div>Free
    Butane canistersButane canisters<div class="ExternalClassA8C31281F76A4D9DBD57904C54A5453E"><ul><li>​Accepted: butane canisters​<br></li></ul></div>Free
    Carbon monoxide and smoke detectorsCarbon monoxide and smoke detectors<div class="ExternalClassD7090D1B779646D5817AFF71E75C0A0B"><p></p><ul><li>Accepted: smoke alarms, carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, combination smoke/CO alarms</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: alarm keypads, physically damaged smoke alarms, building-wide smoke/CO detector units, smoke detectors without an alarm function (typically installed in commercial buildings)</li><li>Large quantities (over 40) are not accepted<br><br></li></ul></div>Free
    ClothingClothing<div class="ExternalClassEC084E32A13D41C5AA5F649879751610"><p><ul><li>​Accepted: clean and dry clothing for donation ​</li></ul></p></div>Free
    Cooking oilCooking oil<div class="ExternalClassC21832291713412CB5CBB90731A75A74"><p><ul><li>​​Accepted: used cooking oil (stored in a container)​</li></ul></p></div>Free
    Electronics (e-waste)Electronics (e-waste)<div class="ExternalClassB8D5022C3FDC484684EF5C580622DE3B"><ul><li>​Accepted: items with a plug or built-in battery, like televisions, non-cellular and cellular telephones, chargers, home audio/visual systems, computers, printers, portable audio/visual systems, IT and telecom equipment, medical and monitoring devices, e-bikes, and e-scooters </li></ul></div>Free
    Flammable liquids, solvents, and gasolineFlammable liquids, solvents, and gasoline<div class="ExternalClass4EF8AAD608F548F09F8A4F862BA71BF5"><p><ul><li>​Accepted: kerosene, acetone, barbeque lighter fluid, varnish remover, paint stripper, paint thinner, and furniture stripper</li><li>Must be in the original container with original labels, including flammable symbol or text indicating material is flammable. Limit 10 L per container.</li><li>Gasoline must be in approved ULC container. Limit 25 L per container. Container cannot be returned to the customer.</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: diesel<br></li></ul></p></div>Free
    Light bulbs and light fixturesLight bulbs and light fixtures<div class="ExternalClass20AA4BB6AC404E8EA1812910C8620132"><p></p><ul><li>​Accepted: fluorescent tubes, light emitting diodes, incandescent and halogen bulbs, compact fluorescent lights, bike lights, flashlights, lamps, ceiling fixtures, chandeliers, string lights, and outdoor fixtures</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: aquarium equipment, horticulture lighting fixtures, lava lamps, neon signs, tanning beds, PCB-containing ballasts, and strobe lights</li></ul></div>Free
    MetalsMetals<div class="ExternalClass8421F3109E40407FAFACC983C5449166"><ul><li>​Accepted: scrap metal and large metal appliance​s<br></li></ul></div>Free
    Oil filters, oil, and antifreezeOil filters, oil, and antifreeze<div class="ExternalClass4F7525FC981B45F8B3A5CC8933CDAEB0"><ul><li>​Accepted: used oil, used antifreeze, used filters, and used oil and antifreeze containers</li><li>Oil includes any petroleum or synthetic crankcase oil, engine oil, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, gear oil, heat transfer fluid or other fluid used for lubricating purposes in machinery or equipment</li><li>Bring used oil in its original container so the container can be recycled</li><li><strong>Not </strong>accepted: fuel cans, oil barrels, grease, transformer oil, brake fluid, and rags </li></ul></div>Free
    Paint productsPaint products<div class="ExternalClassC68EB4BF79094FABB9D3DAC9E4759001"><ul><li>​Accepted: residential-use varnish and paint</li><li>Paint must be in its original container with labels intact and not mixed with different types of paint products</li><li>Only household paint products in containers no more than 23 L (5 gallons) in size</li><li>Paint aerosols (spray paints) accepted up to 660 g (24 oz) in size</li><li>Maximum 10 cans of paint or 50 aerosol cans per customer per visit <br><br></li></ul></div>Free
    PesticidesPesticides<div class="ExternalClass45790647BE5045DF9B1BD7D1431CD2C6"><p></p><ul><li>​Accepted: domestic pesticides only including liquid, solid, and aerosol pesticides</li><li>Pesticides must be in original labelled container (limit 10 L per container)</li><li>Label must have two markings: a poison symbol (skull and crossbones) and a “Pest Control Product” registration number</li></ul><p>​<br></p></div>Free
    Plastics, bulky rigidPlastics, bulky rigid<div class="ExternalClassF1FB54898AD340FB8FD797C90EBD5DC7"><ul><li>​Accepted: plastic codes 1, 2, 4, and 5</li><li>Common items include storage containers, patio furniture, toys, laundry baskets, trash and recycling bins, reusable food storage containers, Coroplast signs, and reusable water bottles<br></li></ul></div>Free
    Propane tanksPropane tanks<div class="ExternalClass8943DC37F5704BC68F45C9DC944BB293"><p></p><div><ul><li>​Accepted: propane tanks used with household barbeques and small camping propane tanks</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: vehicle tanks</li><li>Maximum tank volume: 100 pounds​<br><br></li></ul></div></div>Free
    Refrigeration appliancesRefrigeration appliances<div class="ExternalClassF12D40553D754424BA81AFC1A06EEA28"><p></p><ul><li>​Maximum four refrigeration appliances per visit</li><li>Accepted: refrigerators, wine coolers, beverage centres, freezers, portable air conditioners, room/window air conditioners, and portable dehumidifiers</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: large commercial refrigerators <br></li></ul><p><br></p></div>Free
    ThermostatsThermostats<div class="ExternalClass26267674727E4E498A576ACCB198E0C2"><ul><li>​Accepted: electrical, mechanical, and mercury-containing thermostats​</li></ul></div>Free
    CardboardCardboard<div class="ExternalClass648D884E57C14D628DE36BD3D6AEAF49"> <ul><li>​Accepted: cardboard​​<br><br></li></ul> </div>Commercial onlyFree

  • ​Garbage and rec​​ycling fees listed below are not subject to GST.​​​

    Accepted p​ayment includes Visa, MasterCard, debit, Apple Pay, and cash.

    Vehicle restrictions (paid recycling and garbage area)

    • Maximum vehicle length: 9.1 m (30 ft)
    • Maximum vehicle and trailer length: 10.7 m (35 ft)

    Self-tipping vehicles and trailers are permitted for drop-off of paid recycling and non-putrescible garbage.​​



    Garbage: Under 1 tonneGarbage: Under 1 tonne<div class="ExternalClassBE1C3FD55AC444F9B55E26F5BECC89C7"><p></p><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $15 (applies to loads up to 55 kg)</li> <li>​​Maximum fee: $158</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum and maximum fees)</li></ul><p></p></div>$175 per tonnePaid
    Garbage: 1.0 to 7.99 tonnesGarbage: 1.0 to 7.99 tonnes<div class="ExternalClassABEFE105A2B141C0BA16E723AE9A7FD9"><ul><li>​Maximum fee: $1,021</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in maximum fee)<br></li></ul></div>$153 per tonnePaid
    Garbage: 8.0 tonnes or moreGarbage: 8.0 tonnes or more<div class="ExternalClass0E1CB531692B425AABCD83CD292CA210"><ul><li>​Not accepted at this facility</li></ul>​<br></div>Not acceptedPaid
    Mattresses/box springsMattresses/box springs$15 each (maximum 4)Paid
    New gypsumNew gypsum<div class="ExternalClassCF00A748876A4F7F9312A06337279ED1"><ul><li>​​​​​Minimum fee: $15</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum fee)</li><li>Only new gypsum that has not been installed (no tape, paint, or mud) will be accepted</li> <li>Each load must be accompanied by three copies of a signed Declaration and Acknowledgement Form,​ ​<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/northshore-united-boulevard-centralsurrey-and-northsurrey-recycling-and-waste-centre-form.pdf" target="_blank" title="Declaration and Acknowledgement Form">available online​</a> or at the Recycling and Waste Centre. Please ensure all three copies of the form are completed.​</li> </ul></div>$150 per tonne (maximum 500 kg)Paid
    Used gypsumUsed gypsum<div class="ExternalClassF41F639A19F54F7E86361C5321D8CCD9"><p></p><ul><li>Maximum 10 x 10 kg bags per visit, five visits per year</li><li>Restricted to residential customers only</li><li>Minimum fee: $15</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum fee)</li><li>Must be properly prepared as per instructions on the <a href="/services/solid-waste/used-gypsum-disposal-program" target="_blank" title="Learn more about gypsum disposal">gypsum disposal web page</a></li><li>Visit <a href="" target="_blank" title="Metro Vancouver Recycles"> ​</a>and search “Gypsum/Drywall” for a list of other facilities or private haulers that may accept used gypsum, or call the RCBC Recycling Hotline at 604-732-9253</li></ul>More information on risks of and proper handling of potentially asbestos-containing material: <p></p><ul><li> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Province of British Columbia - Managing Waste Asbestos">Province of British Columbia - Managing waste asbestos</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="WorkSafeBC on asbestos">WorkSafeBC on asbestos</a><br></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="WorkSafeBC information for homeowners">WorkSafeBC information for homeowners</a></li><li><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/gypsumdrywall-disposal.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro Vancouver handout on testing for asbestos">Metro Vancouver handout on testing for asbestos</a>​<br>​<br></li></ul></div>$200 per tonne (maximum 100 kg)Paid
    Yard trimmingsYard trimmings<div class="ExternalClass4469C40D93794DCABD85A3FB09869F8E"><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $10 (applies to loads up to 85 kg)</li><li>Accepted: grass, shrub and tree branches, flowers, weeds, leaves, vegetable stalks, brush, and tree stumps with a maximum diameter of 30 cm and maximum length of 120 cm​</li><li>Accepted: sod, including grass sod containing Euro​pean Chafer beetle (maximum 25% by volume per load​)</li><li><strong>Not</strong> accepted: agricultural waste<br></li></ul></div>$118 per tonnePaid
    Clean woodClean wood<div class="ExternalClass72721A9463904D40ACF60EB0D6DCBC34"><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $10 (applies to loads up to 85 kg)</li><li>Clean wood does not contain glues or resins, and is unpainted, unstained, an​d untreated</li><li>Nails or other metal fasteners are okay</li><li>Maximum length is 2.5 m​</li></ul></div>$118 per tonnePaid
    Mixed organicsMixed organics<div class="ExternalClass953B495044954EFC8C3D84BE93655D0C"><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $10 (applies to loads up to 70 kg)</li><li>Up to 100 kg per load</li><li>Mixed organics means food scraps, or any combination of food scraps, yard trimmings, clean wood, or food-soiled paper mixed together</li><li>Maximum length for any clean wood is 2.5 m</li><li>Maximum length for any yard trimmings is 120 cm and maximum diameter is 30 cm​<br></li></ul></div>$143 per tonnePaid
    Service: weigh vehicleService: weigh vehicle$15 per ticketPaid

  • ​​Donation bins from local non-profit organizations are available in the recycling drop-off area. These bins accept mostly clothing and books. Please read and follow instructions on the bins.​

Lineup cameras

Cameras refresh approximately every two minutes.



<div class="ExternalClass68FB0EDDC5BB4869AE23B6B9EE24AE2A"><h2>Surcharges for banned materials and unsecured loads</h2><ul><li>​A $76 minimum surcharge will be applied to loads containing banned hazardous and operational impact materials or product stewardship materials.</li><li>A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing banned recyclable materials.</li><li>A surcharge of 100% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing over 20% <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/eps-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Expanded polystyrene packaging brochure">expanded polystyrene packaging</a>.</li><li>For details on banned materials, please visit the <a href="/services/solid-waste/disposal-ban-program">Disposal Ban Program web page</a>.</li><li>A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee, up to $50, will be applied to unsecured loads. For details, please see the <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/secure-your-load-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Secure Your Load brochure">Secure Your Load brochure</a>.​<br></li></ul><h2>Account information </h2><ul><li> <a href="/services/solid-waste/commercial-accounts" target="_blank" title="Commercial Accounts">Account customer information, including applications and vehicle information</a><br></li><li> <a href="/services/solid-waste/recycling-waste-facilities#ticket-errors" target="_blank" title="Solid Waste Facilities - Ticket Errors">Ticketing errors and disputes​</a>​<br></li></ul></div>, Map Link<div class="ExternalClass703BF6D632EE410D9E08231DD927C5E1"><p>6711 – 154 Street<br> Surrey, BC <br>V3S 7C6​​​<br></p></div>604-681-5600

 Related links



Recycling and Disposal Cost Estimator, Recycling and Disposal Cost EstimatorRecycling and Disposal Cost Estimator
Central Surrey Recycling and Waste Centre – Visitor Guide, Central Surrey Recycling and Waste Centre – Visitor GuideCentral Surrey Recycling and Waste Centre – Visitor Guide
Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw, Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation BylawTipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw

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