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Preventing Problems in Your Pipes
| Metro Vancouver



About Liquid Waste Services, About Liquid Waste ServicesAbout Liquid Waste Services<div class="ExternalClass66637D8A638D4E65930D243B6B94B2BA"><p>​Overview of the regional wastewater system, including maps, resources, reports, and the Liquid Waste Management Plan. ​​​​<br></p></div>
Wastewater Treatment and Facilities, Wastewater Treatment and FacilitiesWastewater Treatment and Facilities<div class="ExternalClassFDF363011235497AB3CC23C8E71C73F3"><p>Information on treatment plants and processes, trucked liquid waste, and the Annacis Research and Event Centre.​​​​<br></p></div>
Environmental Management and Testing, Environmental Management and TestingEnvironmental Management and Testing<div class="ExternalClass1A05B8E4225743F1AA0F2C03D7BB71DE"><p>Testing and monitoring of wastewater and the environment, including recreational areas, COVID-19, odours, and sewer overflows.​<br></p></div>
Sewers, Stormwater and Drainage, Sewers, Stormwater and DrainageSewers, Stormwater and Drainage<div class="ExternalClass9F3F079E08134C71BD5606D0DB6D8E33"><p>Information on urban stormwater management, sewer overflows, development cost charges, and the Liquid Waste Municipal Portal. ​​<br></p></div>
Using Wastewater as a Resource, Using Wastewater as a ResourceUsing Wastewater as a Resource<div class="ExternalClassE4B1BBB9EEEF429DAA099E2A1CD99A79"><p>Information on Nutrifor (biosolids) and projects to generate energy from wastewater.​<br></p></div>
Preventing Problems in Your Pipes, Preventing Problems in Your PipesPreventing Problems in Your Pipes<div class="ExternalClass9E0E037710E340DBA8AECF5DB21784F3"><p>Campaign materials, wastewater guides and information on what can be safely put down sinks and toilets.​​<br></p></div>
Projects and Initiatives, Projects and InitiativesProjects and Initiatives<div class="ExternalClassBC25A85F9F0146C197E7E1A0D759CA98"><p>Updates on current wastewater projects, construction, and opportunities for public engagement. ​​<br></p></div>




The Unflushables, The UnflushablesThe Unflushables<div class="ExternalClass23A68BF78A4641B5B6FB671435A1DCA0"><p>Items that can and can’t be safely flushed and how to dispose of them. ​<br></p></div>
Disposal of Fats, Oils and Grease at Home, Disposal of Fats, Oils and Grease at HomeDisposal of Fats, Oils and Grease at Home<div class="ExternalClass53894F8326F54CD0A84F2C8DA913B0BC"><p>Ways to properly dispose of foods that can clog your drain and the region's sewers.​<br></p></div>
Microfibres from Laundry, Microfibres from LaundryMicrofibres from Laundry<div class="ExternalClass3CAD36BB19064FA0A4FD4E3D977C5F92"><p>Environmental impacts of microfibres and ways to reduce them. ​​<br></p></div>
Managing Soaps and Detergents, Managing Soaps and DetergentsManaging Soaps and Detergents<div class="ExternalClassBE03D0DEFAE4453397CB15E27DC4F823"><p>Ways to reduce the impact of soaps and detergents on our environment.​<br></p></div>
Managing Stormwater in Your Yard, Managing Stormwater in Your YardManaging Stormwater in Your Yard<div class="ExternalClassCD3CA0C07B4E4D8D91F235915D370047"><p>At-home practices to protect local waters from the impacts of stormwater.​<br></p></div>
Campaign Materials, Campaign MaterialsCampaign Materials<div class="ExternalClass1535DE8B8E5D4F0C8742C6871AA0F8D9"><p>Social media images and videos, posters and other wastewater campaign materials. ​<br></p></div>
Wastewater Management Guides, Wastewater Management GuidesWastewater Management Guides<div class="ExternalClassD5734A5525D24A1A8FF9DBF8D7943ED0"><p>Resources for managing wastewater from commercial and industrial operations, large buildings, recreational facilities, and other sectors.​​​<br></p></div>


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