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​The Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD), Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (MVHC), Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD), and Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD) are each governed by a separate Board of Directors composed of elected representatives appointed or elected from their respective member jurisdictions. The number of directors appointed to each of the Boards is determined by the population of the member jurisdiction. Under the Local Government Act, the Board Chair establishes Standing Committees and appoints members to these committees, including a member to preside as Chair. The purpose of the MV Committees is to advise the Board on policy and other matters.



Meeting Calendar, Meeting calendarMeeting Calendar<div class="ExternalClass379724EEBA4148C7BBA35BD74B03E5DE"><p>Current and upcoming board and committee meetings.​​​<br></p></div>
Agendas and Minutes, Agendas and minutesAgendas and Minutes<div class="ExternalClassC2C7E0A7D6824573AB148ABE3B4B33A7"><p>Board and committee agendas and minutes for the past four years.​​​​<br></p></div>
Boards and Committees, Boards and CommitteesBoards and Committees<div class="ExternalClassF4BC5EE07763469AA6A022374BE1D05C"><p>A list of Boards, Standing Committe​es and membership​<br></p></div>
Speaking to a Board or Committee, Speaking to a Board or CommitteeSpeaking to a Board or Committee<div class="ExternalClassFF93488483894633AB13583ED70934A8"><p>How to apply to speak to a board or committee.​<br></p></div>
Bylaws, BylawsBylaws<div class="ExternalClass756C6152B5B44C6C8AAF2185E58C6CE4"><p>Searchable list of the most common currently active bylaws.​​​<br></p></div>
Corporate Officer, Corporate officerCorporate Officer<div class="ExternalClass0F661EB622BF42DE999BFB9D2D5DE697"><p>Information on the Corporate Officer.​<br></p></div>
Elections and Voting, Elections and votingElections and Voting<div class="ExternalClassE62AF6CF7D1F4B47867084417DFE9246"><p>Information on Electoral Area A elections.​<br></p></div>
Board/Committee Live Stream, Board Committee Live StreamBoard/Committee Live Stream<div class="ExternalClass92E1C7CF3BBF43FFAC9D6830C9E8FD6A"><p>Video streams and archived recordings of Board meetings.​</p>​<br></div>

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