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Water Services


Metro Vancouver provides high-quality​ drinking water through its member jurisdictions for over​ three million​ residents in the Lower Mainland. This includes acquiring and maintaining supply, as well as treating, testing, and delivering water to the members. ​​​​​​

Metro Vancouver uses a system of watersheds, dams, treatment facilities, reservoirs, pump stations, and water mains. Upgrades are constantly bei​ng made to the water system to maintain the quality and reliability of high-quality​ drinking water to the region.​​

Our 100-year strong system benefits from economies of scale and expertise from across the region which is helping Metro Vancouver maintain the quality of drinking water our residents expect today, and for the next 100 years.​ ​



About Water Services, About Water ServicesAbout Water Services<div class="ExternalClassD5C3530CF29D443C9D930522F8CE498D">Metro Vancouver’s role in providing and delivering drinking water, reports and resources, campaign material, and Regional Water Development Cost Charges. ​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Water Sources and Supply, Water Sources and SupplyWater Sources and Supply<div class="ExternalClass675BEF02E8ED406BBF18E45C4ABE57DA">Metro Vancouver watersheds and reservoirs, including reservoir levels and water use, planning for future water supply, and the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Water Quality, Treatment and Testing, Water Quality, Treatment and TestingWater Quality, Treatment and Testing<div class="ExternalClass1798BA0394B540CF9ED4E69023469768">Metro Vancouver’s Water treatment and facilities, water quality and testing, and the Water Wagon and Tap Water Team.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Water Conservation, Water ConservationWater Conservation<div class="ExternalClass40D38B96EF29496E8B988075440BD625">Public outreach for conservation initiatives including lawn watering regulations, and lawn care and maintenance tips.​​<br></div>
Projects and Initiatives, Projects and InitiativesProjects and Initiatives<div class="ExternalClass40E4F88C2ECE49C384C5F1AD8ADE45C5">Construction projects, corrosion control program, dam safety enhancement projects and programs, and public engagement initiatives related to Water Services.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>



Water - Metro Vancouver Regional ServicesWater - Metro Vancouver Regional Services284267193



Drinking Water Management Plan, Drinking Water Management PlanDrinking Water Management Plan
Seymour and Capilano River Levels, Seymour and Capilano River LevelsSeymour and Capilano River Levels
Water Services Environmental Policy, Water Services Environmental PolicyWater Services Environmental Policy

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