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Emergency Planning and Response



Metro Vancouver is responsible under provincial legislation for emergency planning and response in all of Electoral Area A. Specific emergency services provided by Metro Vancouver are:

  • Incident command and coordination at the emergency site, as needed
  • Central coordination through our Emergency Operations Centre
  • ​Liaison with provincial and local authorities, as well as the University of British Columbia
  • Coordinating disaster financial assistance applications
  • Wildland fire suppression in coordination with BC forest services
  • Local assistance to the fire commissioner
  • Emergency social services to ensure the welfare of residents who may be displaced

Emergency planning and response in Metro Vancouver’s Electoral Area A

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Sign up for free emergency alerts from Metro Vancouver through Alertable. Alertable is a mass public alert system to help you and your family stay informed and safe during an emergency.​

Subscribe to Alertable

All Electoral Area A residents are encouraged to subscribe to Alertable. Click on your community below for more information.



University of British Columbia (incl. Neighbourhood Housing) University of British Columbia (incl. Neighbourhood Housing) <div class="ExternalClass4F41C834E3D84A67A1976CD6E89E9C12"><p> The hazards most likely to be encountered on University of British Columbia lands (including Neighbourhood Housing areas) are earthquakes and wildland-urban interface fires.</p><p>Metro Vancouver has the legislated mandate to protect the safety and well-being of all Electoral Area A residents through preparation and planning for various types of emergencies. Under the authority of <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/electoral-area-a-emergency-response-plan.pdf" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver’s Electoral Area A Emergency Response Plan​</a>​, the University of British Columbia has developed its own Emergency Plan for the campus, which serves as the primary response guidance.​<br></p><p>R​​efer to <a href="" target="_blank">UBC's emergency preparedness website</a> for specific emergency contacts and information.</p><p>Residents of the UBC Neighbourhood Housing Areas, please refer also to the <a href="" target="_blank">UNA's public safety page</a>.​</p><p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="uk-button mv-button">Register for UBC Alert</a>​ </p><p>The UBC Alert online registration is only for University of British Columbia students, faculty, and staff. Residents of the UBC Neighbourhood Housing areas will be automatically enrolled to receive emergency notification messages via the UBC Alert system by signing up for the UNA Access Card and/or UNA Membership.</p><p>​In addition to registering for UBC Alert, UBC students, faculty, and staff, and UNA residents are encouraged to also subscribe to <a href="/services/emergency-management/emergency-notification-system">Alertable</a>.</p></div>
University Endowment LandsUniversity Endowment Lands<div class="ExternalClassE165AA29EC1F4FC2A317219FEC553428"><p>​The hazards most likely to be encountered in inhabited parts of the University Endowment Lands are earthquakes and wildland-urban interface fires.</p><p>Metro Vancouver has the legislated mandate to protect the safety and well-being of all Electoral Area A residents through preparation and planning for various types of emergencies. Inhabited parts of the University Endowment Lands (UEL) are covered by <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/electoral-area-a-emergency-response-plan.pdf" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver’s Electoral Area A Emergency Response Plan</a>.​<br></p><p>The endowment lands also have a Water Provision Emergency Plan and are responsible for maintaining and repairing critical infrastructure (distinct from Metro Vancouver's water infrastructure and other utilities) in the event of an emergency.​​</p><p>UEL residents are encouraged to subscribe to <a href="/services/emergency-management/emergency-notification-system">Alertable</a>.​</p></div>
Howe Sound (including Passage and Bowyer Islands) Howe Sound (including Passage and Bowyer Islands) <div class="ExternalClassEF6EB195124641E3A2A1B062A5338C81"><p>​The hazards most likely to be encountered in Howe Sound include wildfires, debris flows, rockslides, earthquakes, and spills.</p><h3>Specific emergency contacts</h3><p> <strong>Wildfire</strong><br>To report a wildfire or irresponsible behaviour call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from a cellphone. <br> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> View <a href="" target="_blank">list of information to have ready</a>.</p><p> <strong>Rail emergencies​</strong><br>CN Rail Police 1-800-465-9239, Option 3</p><p> <strong>Emergencies on the water</strong><br>Coast Guard Channel 16 or 1-800-567-5111 (Cellular #727)</p><p> <strong>Environmental emergencies</strong> (e.g. oil & chemical spills)<br> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> ​​<a href="" target="_blank">​​Report a spill</a><br>1-800-663-3456</p><p> <strong>Poison Control Centre</strong><br>604-682-5050 or 1-800-567-8911​<br></p></div>
Barnston IslandBarnston Island<div class="ExternalClassC1A46EC928D642818D25121B381027F3"><p>​The hazards most likely to be encountered on Barnston Island include floods and earthquakes.​<br></p><p>​​<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/barnston-island-flood-response-plan.pdf" target="_blank">Barnston Island Flood Response Plan​</a>​​<br></p><h3>Specific emergency contacts</h3><p> <strong>Wildfire</strong><br>To report a wildfire or irresponsible behaviour call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from a cellphone. <br> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> View <a href="" target="_blank">list of information to have ready</a>.</p><p> <strong>Rail emergencies</strong><br>CN Rail Police 1-800-465-9239, Option 3</p><p> <strong>Emergencies on the water</strong><br>Coast Guard Channel 16 or 1-800-567-5111 (Cellular #727)</p><p> <strong>Environmental emergencies</strong> (e.g. oil & chemical spills)<br> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> ​​<a href="" target="_blank">​​Report a spill</a><br>1-800-663-3456</p><p> <strong>Poison Control Centre</strong><br>604-682-5050 or 1-800-567-8911​<br></p></div>
Indian Arm and Pitt LakeIndian Arm and Pitt Lake<div class="ExternalClassB2D974AFE70448788F57C2F32742BB58"><p>The hazards most likely to be encountered in Indian Arm and Pitt Lake include wildfires, debris flows, rockslides, and earthquakes.​​</p><h3>Natural hazard risk in Moonshine Bay, Pitt Lake </h3><p>​​In late September 2020, a landslide occurred in the Electoral Area A water-access community of Moonshine Bay, on the west side of Pitt Lake. Following the event, which destroyed one cabin and damaged two others, the province commissioned a landslide assessment report. </p><p>Based on the ongoing risk identified in the report and in the interest of public safety, the province and Metro Vancouver strongly recommend that cabin owners do not at any time visit, stay, or allow others to visit or stay, in their cabins or on adjacent lands located in or near Moonshine Bay. The general public is also strongly advised to not visit or stay in this area. Please be advised that any activity that does not follow this recommendation is carried out at your own risk. ​​</p><p>​​<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/moonshine-bay-pitt-lake-landslide-risk-assessment-december-2020.pdf" target="_blank">Landslide Risk Assessment Report</a>​​<br></p><h3>Specific emergency contacts</h3><p> <strong>Wildfire</strong><br>To report a wildfire or irresponsible behaviour call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from a cellphone. <br><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> View <a href="" target="_blank">list of information to have ready</a>.​<br></p><p> <strong>Environmental emergencies</strong> (e.g. oil & chemical spills)<br> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> ​​<a href="" target="_blank">​​Report a spill</a><br>1-800-663-3456</p><p> <strong>Poison Control Centre</strong><br>604-682-5050 or 1-800-567-8911​<br></p></div>

 Related links



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In an emergency, call

24-hour Emergency Response Officer

  • Email
  • 604-451-6610​​​

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