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Community Engagement


At Metro Vancouver, we make decisions that impact over three million residents in our region. ​Metro Vancouver engages municipalities, businesses, and the general public whenever we are working on a new program, policy, or project across our service areas.

 Upcoming engagement opportunities



Liquid Waste Management Plan Survey Liquid Waste Management Plan Survey <div class="ExternalClass1BD3D0338E8B4FC0BD4D85FB97DD4EFD"><p>We all have a role in protecting our rivers and ocean. Share your feedback on the draft Liquid Waste Management Plan that sets the course for how Metro Vancouver and its members will manage wastewater and rainwater in our growing region.​​​</p>​<br></div> 8:00:00 AM2/21/2025 8:00:00 AM,
Community Open House: Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1Community Open House: Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1<div class="ExternalClass0CB772016AA74BF3B97668212154F6AF"><p>Construction of the Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1 has begun. Join us for a community open house to meet the project team and learn about the project.</p><p>You’re invited! Construction of the Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1 is underway, and we are hosting an open house to share project details with the community.</p><p>Construction of Phase 1 began in early 2025 and will continue over the next two years. When complete, the new water main will meet regional growth needs, ensure seismic resilience, and help ensure the continued delivery of high-quality drinking water. Drop by to learn more, ask questions, and connect with the team. ​<br></p></div> City Church (5855 Imperial Street, Burnaby)3/6/2025 2:00:00 AM3/6/2025 4:00:00 AM, Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1

About comm​unity engagement

Community engagement can take many forms, from online surveys to open houses to working groups. By participating in our engagement opportunities, you can help us make better decisions on projects or plans that affect you and your neighbours. Your input can maximize the benefits of a project, minimize the impacts, and provide new ideas or initiatives for your community.​​​​​​



Guiding principlesGuiding principles<div class="ExternalClassF3A309D4261847DD9C8F1D6C0F168D96"><ul><li>​​​​​Accountability – Metro Vancouver upholds the commitments it makes to the public and demonstrates that the results and outcomes of the engagement processes are consistent with the approved plans for engagement.</li><li>Inclusiveness – Metro Vancouver makes its best efforts to reach, involve and hear from those who are impacted. Plain language will be used in all engagement materials.</li><li>Transparency – Metro Vancouver provides clear and timely information, and endeavours to ensure decision processes, procedures, and constraints are understood.</li><li>Commitment – Metro Vancouver, within its ability and work plans, allocates sufficient resources for effective engagement.</li><li>Responsiveness – Metro Vancouver seeks to understand and be receptive to the public's input.​<br></li></ul></div>
Methods of engagementMethods of engagement<div class="ExternalClassBC9A1C9376964D639E4FE2A754304490"><p>​The format of our engagement depends on the nature of the project and the level of impact on residents and businesses. For example, a small project with minimal public impact (say, a temporary traffic detour) may only need a letter or notice to your home or an advertisement in the local newspaper. A larger project with significant impacts and longer duration in a community may call for ongoing public meetings and working groups (like designing and building a new wastewater treatment plant). Below, a spectrum of public participation* demonstrates how Metro Vancouver communicates and engages based on the needs and goals of a project.​</p></div>
Our spectrum of participationOur spectrum of participation<div class="ExternalClassBBC55A225E054088A80E0DC2CF18FE0D">​​ ​ <table class="uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider mv-table-border uk-table-striped"><thead><tr><th class="mv-bg-gray-mid mv-text-small" style="background-color:#b2b2b2;">​​​​<span class="mv-text-vertical mv-white uk-text-bold">IAP2 Spectrum</span> </th><th class="uk-text-center"> <img src="/about-us/PublishingImages/consult.jpg" title="Consult Infograph" alt="" />Consult</th><th class="uk-text-center"> <img src="/about-us/PublishingImages/involve.jpg" title="Involve Infograph" alt="" />Involve<br></th><th class="uk-text-center"> <img src="/about-us/PublishingImages/collaborate.jpg" title="Collaborate Infograph" alt="" />Collaborate​<br></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td class="mv-bg-gray-mid">​​ <span class="mv-text-vertical mv-white uk-text-bold mv-text-small">Public Participation Goal</span></td><td class="mv-bg-green-screen"><p>To obtain public feedback on analys​is, issues and alternatives and decisions.</p></td><td class="mv-bg-sepia-screen">​​To work with the public to make sure that the concerns and aspirations are considered and understood.</td><td class="mv-bg-cobalt-screen"><p>To partner with ​the p​ublic in each aspect of the decision-making.​<br></p></td></tr><tr><td class="mv-bg-gray-mid">​​ <span class="mv-text-vertical mv-white uk-text-bold mv-text-small">Promise​ to Public</span></td><td class="mv-bg-green-screen"><p>We will keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concern​s and aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.</p></td><td class="mv-bg-sepia-screen">​We will work with you to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public influenced the decision.</td><td class="mv-bg-cobalt-screen"><p>We will look to you for advice and innovation in formulating solutions and i​ncorporate your advice and recommendations into the decision to the maxim​um extent possible.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>​<br> <p class="mv-text-small">*This spectrum is adapted from the <a href="" target="_blank" title="International Association of Public Participation (IAP2)">International Association of Public Participation (IAP2)</a>, which seeks "to promote and improve the practice of public participation in relation to individuals, governments, institutions, and other entities that affect the public interest in nations throughout the world."<br></p></div>
Community engagement outcomesCommunity engagement outcomes<div class="ExternalClass4586D18B67BC4456AD91000DB17A5DB8"><p>Community engagement can help to minimize impacts and develop better projects.</p><p>Additional benefits of community engagement include strengthening relationships, informed dialogue, sharing information on the interconnectivity of our systems, the resiliency of our major utilities, educating on water conservation and source control to protect the environment, and providing education to ​K-12 students and teachers and beyond through our many public events, tours and programs.​</p></div>
Indigenous Peoples engagementIndigenous Peoples engagement<div class="ExternalClassE897EFAC8F124A40A0A721991A8FC0F6"><p>​Metro Vancouver recognizes the history of Indigenous Peoples and aims to build meaningful and enduring relationships with First Nations. We are committed to engaging First Nation communities through information sharing, engagement and ongoing communication.<br></p><p><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> ​Learn more about <a href="/about-us/indigenous-relations">Indigenous Relations at Metro Vancouver</a>​.<br>​<br></p></div>

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