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Waste-to-Energy and Disposal
| Metro Vancouver



About Solid Waste Services, About Solid Waste ServicesAbout Solid Waste Services<div class="ExternalClassE83D05C03FEB4421B68FCF0C92FF0F33"><p>Overview of waste management in the region including the solid waste management plan, bylaws and regulations, reports and campaign materials.​​<br></p></div>
Solid Waste Facilities, Solid Waste FacilitiesSolid Waste Facilities<div class="ExternalClassC7867BD459B64D6AAFC0506C38E0AE32"><p>Includes recycling and waste disposal locations, recycling search tool, cost estimator, and commercial account information. ​​<br></p></div>
Reduction and Reuse Programs, Reduction and Reuse ProgramsReduction and Reuse Programs<div class="ExternalClassB05F47534F9D4698A731C560C86D1AEF"><p>Information on priority materials for reduction and reuse in our region for residents and businesses.​<br></p></div>
Recycling Programs, Recycling ProgramsRecycling Programs <div class="ExternalClass11EDF4E47D444D688F4832B9D785AB02"><p>Includes information on both recyclable and non-recyclable material, as well as recycling resources for residents and businesses. ​<br></p></div>
Waste-to-Energy and Disposal, Waste-to-Energy and Disposal Waste-to-Energy and Disposal <div class="ExternalClass726422039664454C97718858FE5CDF98"><p>Waste disposal information including guidance for construction/demolition waste and pet waste.​<br></p></div>
Projects and Initiatives, Projects and InitiativesProjects and Initiatives<div class="ExternalClass1481119473414E48B3726128E64146BC"><p>Community engagement opportunities for municipalities, businesses and the general public.​<br></p></div>




Waste-to-Energy Facility, Waste-to-Energy Facility Waste-to-Energy Facility <div class="ExternalClass9C9ADBDADACC4A8788CF64F1C2866481"><p>Metro Vancouver’s Waste-to-Energy Facility recovers energy and metals from garbage that cannot be recycled.</p></div>
Vancouver Landfill, Vancouver LandfillVancouver Landfill<div class="ExternalClass3000F403987D46B7B3D11462DB0A3E9B"><p>The Vancouver Landfill serves residential and commercial customers from Metro Vancouver for final disposal of their garbage.<br></p></div>
Disposal Ban Program, Disposal Ban ProgramDisposal Ban Program<div class="ExternalClass2C012C566F0C44E4A99DE0E0DE37661B"><p>A summary of materials that are not accepted at Metro Vancouver disposal facilities.</p></div>
Gypsum, GypsumGypsum<div class="ExternalClass14A582B54C7A4D1D996D60CC8733236E"><p>Information on what kind of gypsum can be recycled at Metro Vancouver recycling and waste centres.</p></div>
Pet Waste, Pet WastePet Waste<div class="ExternalClass2B83F2B8FA7945E7AF73E9488DEE2C9C"><p>A summary of how to dispose of pet waste for dogs and other animals.<br></p></div>

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