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Emergency Notification System Sign Up


​Sign up for emergency alerts from Metro Vancouver​​

​Sign up for free emergency alerts from Metro Vancouver through Alertable. Alertable is a mass public alert system to help you and your family stay informed and safe during an emergency at all Metro Vancouver facilities and critical infrastructure, ​Cleveland Dam, Seymour Falls Dam or in Electoral Area A.​​​​​

The Alertable app is free for the public. It is available to download for iOS and Android smart phones, tablets, and smart speakers (Amazon Alexa/Google Home). No smart phone? Subscribe for free email, SMS alerts, or phone calls. Users can personalize their alerts based on location, incident type, and severity.​

Alertable notifications share critical information that let you know:

  • ​What the emergency is
  • Where the emergency is occurring
  • How to stay safe
  • When the event is over or new information is available

Alertable has replaced Metro Vancouver's previous web-based voice, text, and email message system. ​​At this time, the​ alerts and instructions from Metro Vancouver are only offered in English.​

​​​How to subscribe​

View the dropdown menu below to select the subscription method that is right for you.​​



I'm new to Alertable - download for smart phone / tablet / desktop / smart speakerI'm new to Alertable - download for smart phone / tablet / desktop / smart speaker<div class="ExternalClassBE08EC1852944D0B9FBBCF79473970E0"><p>If you’re new to Alertable and want to download the Alertable app for your smart phone, tablet, desktop computer, or smart speaker:</p><ol><li>Visit ​ <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or search for "Alertable" in the app store</li><li>Select the icon for your iOS, Android, tablet, or smart speaker</li><li>Open the application and follow the directions provided<br></li><li>Select ‘Allow’ to give Alertable permission to send alerts</li><li>Search and select locations that apply to you. This can include municipalities, residential areas, Electoral Area A, regional parks, water supply areas, and dam areas</li><li>You will now receive alerts that are issued for that geographic area/landmark</li><li>Set your alert preferences: You can turn on/off alert categories based on type, severity, and sound level</li><li>You’re ready! You are signed up and will now receive alerts from Metro Vancouver<br></li></ol></div>
I’m new to Alertable – subscribe to email / SMS text / phone callsI’m new to Alertable – subscribe to email / SMS text / phone calls<div class="ExternalClassC13F3F89F717414E81F55805D74CE61E"><p>If you’re new to Alertable and want to receive alerts by email, SMS text, or phone call</p><ol><li>Sign up for <a href="" target="_blank">email and SMS text alerts</a></li><li>Enter your email address or phone number for SMS texts or calls</li><li>Search and select locations that apply to you. <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></li><li>Depending on your selection, you will receive an email, SMS text, or phone call with an access code to confirm your sign up</li><li>Input the access code once received</li><li>After inputting the code, you will receive a confirmation that you are signed up to receive email, SMS texts, or phone calls alert from Metro Vancouver<br></li></ol></div>
I’m already using AlertableI’m already using Alertable<div class="ExternalClassC5DD534FBDBB49C68C5382E047D0F610"><p>If you’re already signed up for Alertable, update your preferred location settings:</p><ol><li>Open the Alertable app on your smart phone, tablet, or computer and sign in</li><li>Locate the 'Settings' tab</li><li>Select the 'Locations' tab</li><li>Search and select locations that apply to you.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></li><li>You can select “Metro Vancouver” to receive emergency alerts for all areas that Metro Vancouver manages</li><li>You can add or remove any locations you are no longer interested in receiving alerts</li><li>Review your alert preferences: You can turn on/off alert categories based on type, severity, and sound level</li><li>You’re ready! You will now receive alerts for these locations from Metro Vancouver<br></li></ol>​<br></div>

​Frequently asked questions​



Is Alertable free to downloadIs Alertable free to download<div class="ExternalClass5C2D7B5ED6A24EA1AED86FAD22723180"><p>​Yes,  The Alertable app is free to download. <br></p><br></div>
Am I charged for notifications received from Alertable?Am I charged for notifications received from Alertable?<div class="ExternalClassB565931B04AE4D1B88628F6EEA23E723"><div class="uk-flex uk-child-width-1-2@s"><div><p> No. Regardless of the method you choose to receive alerts (app, text, phone notifications, etc) this alert notification service is free to all users.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p> <br> </div></div></div>
When setting up the app, which location should I chose?When setting up the app, which location should I chose?<div class="ExternalClassACAC4961E6E64E74ABBA738E2384759C">You can search and select multiple locations including more than one municipality or residential area, as well as specific locations within areas that Metro Vancouver manages including:<br></div><div class="ExternalClassACAC4961E6E64E74ABBA738E2384759C"> <br> </div><p> <strong>Metro Vancouver Dam Locations</strong></p><ul><li>​Cleveland Dam</li><li>Seymour Falls Dam<br></li></ul><div class="ExternalClassACAC4961E6E64E74ABBA738E2384759C"> <strong>​</strong><strong>Municipality​​</strong></div><div class="ExternalClassACAC4961E6E64E74ABBA738E2384759C"><ul><li>North Vancouver City<br></li><li>North Vancouver District<br></li><li>West Vancouver</li><li>Electoral Area A</li></ul> <strong>Metro Vancouver Parks</strong></div><div class="ExternalClassACAC4961E6E64E74ABBA738E2384759C"><ul><li>Capilano River Regional Park​<br></li><li>Barnston Island Regional Park<br></li></ul></div>
I’m already using Alertable and subscribed to a municipality located within ‘Metro Vancouver’. What do I need to do differently to subscribe to Metro Vancouver?I’m already using Alertable and subscribed to a municipality located within ‘Metro Vancouver’. What do I need to do differently to subscribe to Metro Vancouver?<div class="ExternalClass7D7ED4B661B449C3841B48391F56784C"><p></p><p>To receive alerts from Metro Vancouver, go into the Alertable app settings and select 'Metro Vancouver' if you wish to receive emergency alerts for <strong>all areas</strong> that Metro Vancouver manages.</p><p>You also have the option to keep the areas you have already subscribed to and/or select only certain locations that Metro Vancouver manages. ​</p><p><br></p></div>
I already receive Metro Vancouver Emergency notifications (emails, SMS texts, or calls). Do I have to switch to Alertable?I already receive Metro Vancouver Emergency notifications (emails, SMS texts, or calls). Do I have to switch to Alertable?<div class="ExternalClass66950FA880F34D5C8C51256FFFD6812E"><div><p></p><p>If you were signed up for Metro Vancouver’s previous emergency alert notification system, you will continue to receive notifications from Metro Vancouver and no action is required on your pa​rt.</p><div><p>However, we encourage previous subscribers to download the Alertable app and consider subscribing to other notifications. You can still receive your notices in the way you prefer, whether by email, text (SMS), phone call, email, or through the app itself. </p></div></div></div>
When setting up the app, should I turn on ‘Follow Me’?When setting up the app, should I turn on ‘Follow Me’?<div class="ExternalClass1BE4EC2F65FC4CFBA47D90A85324A86B"><p>Wh<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span>en you turn on ‘Follow Me’ on the Alertable app, you will receive alerts that are issued for your phone’s current location, even if it is a location you have not self-selected in your preferred settings. You will then receive notifications from other agencies that issue alerts in case there is an emergency in areas where you are travelling.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>
In what language are the alerts? Are there different language options available?In what language are the alerts? Are there different language options available?<div class="ExternalClass41FD1CF7357745089149131AFBE90638"><p><span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span>At this time, the alerts and instructions from Metro Vancouver are only offered in English. <span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span></p>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></div>
Where can I go if I have more questions about Alertable?Where can I go if I have more questions about Alertable?<div class="ExternalClass5A87A70252B9460B9B7B9054010C77F8"><p>You can visit the <a href="" target="_blank">Alertable FAQ page</a></p></div>
Why Alertable?Why Alertable?<div class="ExternalClass59A6CA97292E464BAAD384DDB6545D5B"><p>Metro Vancouver works with external partners to maintain an emergency management process that has a focus on public safety in the event of an emergency in the region.</p><p>Following engagement with member jurisdictions and the North Shore Emergency Management group, we learned that there are advantages and efficiencies in aligning with our partners to use one mass notification system for cross-jurisdictional incidents.</p><p>Alertable is used by North Shore Emergency Management and other member jurisdictions in Metro Vancouver such as Vancouver and Burnaby.​<br></p></div>

Sign up for free alerts

  • ​Call 9-1-​​​​​1 to report an emergency anywhere in Metro Vancouver.​

 Related Links



Alertables FAQs, Alertable FAQsAlertables FAQs

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