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Elections and Voting
| Metro Vancouver



Meeting Calendar, Meeting calendarMeeting Calendar<div class="ExternalClass379724EEBA4148C7BBA35BD74B03E5DE"><p>Current and upcoming board and committee meetings.​​​<br></p></div>
Agendas and Minutes, Agendas and minutesAgendas and Minutes<div class="ExternalClassC2C7E0A7D6824573AB148ABE3B4B33A7"><p>Board and committee agendas and minutes for the past four years.​​​​<br></p></div>
Boards and Committees, Boards and CommitteesBoards and Committees<div class="ExternalClassF4BC5EE07763469AA6A022374BE1D05C"><p>A list of Boards, Standing Committe​es and membership​<br></p></div>
Speaking to a Board or Committee, Speaking to a Board or CommitteeSpeaking to a Board or Committee<div class="ExternalClassFF93488483894633AB13583ED70934A8"><p>How to apply to speak to a board or committee.​<br></p></div>
Bylaws, BylawsBylaws<div class="ExternalClass756C6152B5B44C6C8AAF2185E58C6CE4"><p>Searchable list of the most common currently active bylaws.​​​<br></p></div>
Corporate Officer, Corporate officerCorporate Officer<div class="ExternalClass0F661EB622BF42DE999BFB9D2D5DE697"><p>Information on the Corporate Officer.​<br></p></div>
Elections and Voting, Elections and votingElections and Voting<div class="ExternalClassE62AF6CF7D1F4B47867084417DFE9246"><p>Information on Electoral Area A elections.​<br></p></div>
Board/Committee Live Stream, Board Committee Live StreamBoard/Committee Live Stream<div class="ExternalClass92E1C7CF3BBF43FFAC9D6830C9E8FD6A"><p>Video streams and archived recordings of Board meetings.​</p>​<br></div>




Elections,<div class="ExternalClassA2E25DAC295A4FFAAC3D7FF3506AD870"><p>Information for  ​​El​ectoral Area A general local election.​​​​<br></p></div>
Alternative Approval Process, Approval Process<div class="ExternalClassEB2AC1CAF9A54FC9A4ED3EC25DE38D29"><p>​Another method of voting that enables electors to state their opposition to a proposition put forward by the Board.​​​<br></p></div>

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