At Metro Vancouver disposal facilities, loads are inspected for banned materials that shouldn’t be in the garbage, such as recyclable materials, product stewardship materials, or hazardous materials that pose a risk to waste collection workers, the public, or the environment.
Surcharges apply if these materials are found in the garbage at Metro Vancouver disposal facilities. A $76 minimum surcharge, plus the potential cost of removal, clean-up or remediation will be applied to loads containing banned hazardous and operational impact materials or product stewardship materials. A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee on the entire load will be applied to loads containing banned recyclable materials, and a surcharge of 100% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing over 20% expanded polystyrene packaging. Instead of disposing of these items in the garbage, Banned Recyclable Materials and Product Stewardship Materials can be dropped off for recycling – click the button below for a list of locations.