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Disposal Ban Program


At Metro Vancouver disposal facilities, loads are inspected for banned materials that shouldn’t be in the garbage, such as recy​clable materials, product stewardship materials, or hazardous materials that pose a risk to waste collection workers, the public, or the environment.

​​Surcharges apply if these materials are found in the garbage at Metro Vancouver disposal facilities. A $76 minimum surcharge, plus the potential cost of removal, clean-up or remediation will be applied to loads containing banned hazardous and operational impact materials or product stewardship materials. A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee on the entire load will be applied to loads containing banned recyclable materials, and a surcharge of 100% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing over 20% expanded polystyrene packaging. Instead of disposing of these items in the garbage, Banned Recyclable Materials and Product Stewardship Materials can be dropped off for recycling – click the button below ​for a list of locations.




Electronic Surcharges for Disposal Ban ProgramElectronic Surcharges for Disposal Ban Program430223721

For a complete list of Banned Materials, please see the Tipping Fee Bylaw below.

View the Tipping Fee Bylaw

Questions regarding a disposal ban surcharge can be emailed to the contact below.​




Disposal ban program changes and noticesDisposal ban program changes and notices<div class="ExternalClass0DFAF81BDE524C76B1DAA9D1E408F0D6"><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> ​<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/north-shore-recycling-waste-centre-organics-disposal-ban-surcharge-waiver-2022.pdf" target="_blank" title="Commercial Organics Receipt at North Shore Recycling and Waste Centre and Conclusion of Organics Disposal Ban Surcharge Waiver">Commercial Organics Receipt at North Shore Recycling and Waste Centre and Conclusion of Organics Disposal Ban Surcharge Waiver</a>​<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> ​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/temporary-organics-disposal-ban-surcharge-waiver.pdf" target="_blank" title="Temporary Organics Disposal Ban Surcharge Waiver at Metro Vancouver Facilities – Effective October 15, 2022 "><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Temporary Organics Disposal Ban Surcharge Waiver at Metro Vancouver Facilities – Effective October 15, 2022</a><br></p></div>
Banned recyclable materialsBanned recyclable materials<div class="ExternalClassAA6DFBC8957544A3AC1A6FBCE706E214"><p>These materials are banned from disposal in the region to drive up the regional recycling rate. There are reasonably accessible recycling options region-wide.</p><ul><li><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/auto-parts-bodies-disposal.pdf" target="_blank" title="Auto Parts and Bodies">Auto Parts and Bodies</a></li><li>Beverage containers</li><li><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/clean-wood-disposal-ban-info-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Clean wood">Clean wood</a></li><li>Containers made of glass, metal, recyclable plastic (1, 2, 4 & 5), and composite materials</li><li>Corrugated cardboard</li><li><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/eps-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Expanded polystyrene packaging">Expanded polystyrene packaging</a></li><li><span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/organics-disposal-ban-backgrounder.pdf" target="_blank" title="Food waste"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Food waste</a></li><li>Green waste</li><li>Recyclable paper</li></ul></div>
Banned hazardous and operational impact materialsBanned hazardous and operational impact materials<div class="ExternalClass45D311467E1A4CFDAF4B4A3DABE87C11"><p>These materials are hazardous to the environment or workers, or have high operational impacts. There are safe disposal options.</p><ul><li>Agricultural waste;</li><li>Asbestos;</li><li>Automobile bodies and parts; </li><li>Biomedical waste;</li><li>Containers bigger than 205 L; </li><li>Creosote-treated wood; </li><li>Dead animals; </li><li>Excrement, other than amounts of pet excrement that are double bagged and discarded with Municipal Solid Waste and that do not exceed either 5% of the total weight of the Load or 5% of the total volume of the Load;</li><li>Flammable materials; </li><li><a href="/services/solid-waste/used-gypsum-disposal-program" target="_blank" title="Used Gypsum Disposal Program">Gypsum</a>;</li><li>Hazardous waste as defined in the <em>Hazardous Waste Regulation</em>, B.C. Reg. 63/88; </li><li>Liquids and sludge;</li><li>Mattresses; </li><li>Propane tanks;</li><li>Railroad ties;</li><li>Refuse that is on fire, smouldering, flammable or explosive; </li><li>Refuse that would cause undue risk of injury or occupational disease to any person at the Disposal Site or that would otherwise contravene the <em>​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Occupational Health and Safety Regulations</em>;</li><li>Single objects over 100 kg, 2.5 m long or 1.2 m wide;</li><li>Inert fill material including soil, sod, gravel, concrete and asphalt exceeding 0.5 cubic metres per load;</li><li>Toxic plants (Giant hogweed, Daphne/Spurge laurel, and Devil's club) - Starting July 2018;</li><li>Wire, hosing, rope & cable over 1 m;</li><li>Materials that would cause undue risk of injury or occupational disease to staff or customers (e.g. dusty or odorous loads).</li></ul>​<br></div>
Banned product stewardship materialsBanned product stewardship materials<div class="ExternalClassD144143282B847A8ABF1B45B09729761"><p>These materials have <a href="" target="_blank" title="Recycling Regulation amendments and initiatives">provincially regulated</a> recycling programs and accessible recycling options province-wide.</p><ul><li>Antifreeze and Antifreeze containers;</li><li>Batteries;</li><li>Flammable liquids and solvents;</li><li>Fluorescent lights;</li><li>Gasoline;</li><li>Pesticide products;</li><li>Pharmaceutical products and medications;</li><li>Lead acid batteries;</li><li>Oil, oil filters and oil containers;</li><li>Paint and paint containers;</li><li>Electronic and electrical products including metal household or commercial appliances as identified in <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="" target="_blank" title="Recycling Regulation"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Schedule 3 – Electronic Products Category to <em>Recycling Regulation</em></a>;</li><li>Thermostats;</li><li>Tires.</li></ul></div>



2022 Disposal Ban Program Update (Report 5.6), 2022 Disposal Ban Program Update (Report 5.6)2022 Disposal Ban Program Update (Report 5.6)

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