Final engagement open until February 21, 2025
Share your feedback on the draft Liquid Waste Management Plan and learn about ways you can support the health of our rivers and ocean.
Complete the survey
Project overview
Metro Vancouver and its member jurisdictions are reviewing and updating the Liquid Waste Management Plan.
The current Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Management Plan, approved by the provincial government in 2011, established the coordinated approach for wastewater management in the Metro Vancouver region. It sets out goals, strategies, and actions for Metro Vancouver and member jurisdictions that help ensure the protection of public health and the environment, while using wastewater as a resource and minimizing treatment costs.
We are updating the plan to:
- Continue protecting human health and the environment
- Reflect current and emerging societal priorities
- Maintain alignment with legislation
- Align with a broad range of other critical wastewater management initiatives underway across the region
- Incorporate improved technologies and new scientific developments
The review and update process started in 2021 and is expected to take four years. It will be supported by robust community engagement.
Community engagement
Your opinion counts
Metro Vancouver is committed to engaging individuals and organizations who may be impacted by or have an interest in the plan update. Metro Vancouver will invite the following people and organizations to provide feedback during all phases of engagement:
- First Nations
- Metro Vancouver residents
- Government and regulatory agencies, provincial and federal governments, member jurisdictions, adjacent regional districts, and health authorities
- Commercial, institutional, and industrial wastewater generators, and owners/operators of private liquid waste collection, processing and treatment businesses
- Industry and business associations, professional associations, and academic institutions
- Community, environmental, and non-profit groups, NGOs, youth and students