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What We Do


​​A trusted non-profit housing provider since 1974, Metro Vancouver Housing is an experienced developer and operator. We build homes to last and deliver, maintain, and operate high-quality housing.

Metro Vancouver Housing is one of the largest non-profit housing providers in the region, with over 3,400 affordable rental homes on 49 sites a​cross the region​, serving close to 10,000 people. We provide affordable rental homes primarily for families, seniors, and people with disabilities with low to moderate incomes. All of our housing is for people who live independently, meaning we don’t provide full-time supportive or social services.

We are a family-oriented housing provider, with nearly 85% of our homes having two or more bedrooms. We support family-friendly housing with tenant programs such as children’s summer programs, and built-in childcare facilities. For example, Heron’s Nest, a development in Pitt Meadows, will have a non-profit childcare facility on the ground floor to provide affordable childcare spaces for residents and the broader community.

Metro Vancouver Housing supports seniors with accessible and adaptable homes to allow people to age in place as their needs change.

Affordable rental homes

All of Metro Vancouver’s rental homes are subsidized at some level to provide affordability. Approximately 30% are Rent-Geared-to-Income (where rents are set at a maximum of 30% of a household’s gross annual income), and roughly 70% are Low-End-of-Market (where rents are set 10-20% below market rents). There is an income limit for both types of housing to ensure our housing supports those who need it most. Visit the Apply for Housing page to learn more about the types of housing that Metro Vancouver Housing provides.

Apply for Housing

Our housing sites support overall affordability with easy access to transit, family amenities like affordable childcare, building upgrades to reduce energy bills, and tenant programs that help reduce living costs.


We want our tenants to love where they live. Metro Vancouver Housing is committed to building inclusive, healthy, and engaged communities for families and people of all ages. We offer tenant programs like community gardens, cooking classes, and social events.


Metro Vancouver Housing (Corporation) is wholly owned by the Metro Vancouver Regional District, and is governed by and receives political direction from the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation Board of Directors. Supported primarily by tenants’ rents, Metro Vancouver Housing operates its facilities at no cost to the tax payer and partners with tenants, governments, community organizations, and other non-profits to support inclusive and engaged communities.

As part of Metro Vancouver, Metro Vancouver Housing is guided by the Board Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is developed in collaboration with our members and takes a comprehensive approach to developing a livable and sustainable region. The affordable homes provided by Metro Vancouver Housing help to support a livable and sustainable region.

Building and renewing homes

The demand for affordable rental housing in our region continues to grow. To help meet this need, Metro Vancouver Housing’s 10-Year Plan committed $190 million to renew existing affordable housing and build new housing.​​​



Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan, Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year PlanMetro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan




Community event at a Metro Vancouver Housing site. event at a Metro Vancouver Housing site.
Metro Vancouver Housing employees plant a garden during Makeover Day at Knightsbridge. Vancouver Housing employees plant a garden during Makeover Day at Knightsbridge.
Seniors and people with disabilities attending a community event. and people with disabilities attending a community event.
Children playing outdoors at a Metro Vancouver Housing site. playing outdoors at a Metro Vancouver Housing site.
Volunteers help run the Free Food Program, which supports tenants with free healthy food. help run the Free Food Program, which supports tenants with free healthy food.

 Related links



Contact Information for Tenants, Contact Information for TenantsContact Information for Tenants
Our Sites, Our SitesOur Sites


Metro Vancouver Housing
  • Metrotower III – 10th Floor, 4515 Central Boulevard, Burnaby, BC V5H 0C6
  • 604-432-6300​​​
  • Email

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