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Apply For Housing


Metro Vancouver Housing provides affordable rental housing for low to moderate income households. We primarily serve families, seniors and people with disabilities who can live independently.

To ensure that affordable homes go to those who need them most, income and occupancy restrictions apply. Refer to the summary below and the Metro Vancouver Housing Tenant Selection Policy for details.

Metro Vancouver Housing Tenant Selection Policy​​

Types of housing

Metro Vancouver housing provides two types of housing​

Low-end-of-market housing

Low-end-of-market (affordable) housing is for households with low to moderate incomes who do not qualify for subsidized housing yet continue to face financial challenges in the rental market.

  • Rents: below typical market rental rates.
  • Income Limits: if your income falls within the following amounts (before tax) you may qualify for Low-End-of-Market housing.
Unit size*​​​
Minimum household incomeMaxi​mum household income
  • ​​​​ Asset limit: total household assets must be less than $100,000.
  • Apply: apply directly to Metro Vancouver Housing by completing an application form online, printing a paper application or visiting your local housing site. Online applications are encouraged but paper applications are also available. If you have any questions, please contact Metro Vancouver Housing at or 604-432-6300.​​​

Print app​​lication formApply o​nline​​​​​​

Please note that it takes up to thirty days to process your application form. We are unable to process incomplete applications.​

Rent-geared-to-income housing

Rent-Geared-to-Income (subsidized) housing is for households with lower incomes. Metro Vancouver Housing selects tenants from the BC Housing Registry. Applicants must apply directly through BC Housing.

  • Rents: set at 30% of a household’s gross annual income (before tax).
  • Income Limits: if your income is less than BC Housing’s Housing Income Limits for the Vancouver region you may qualify for subsidized housing.
Unit size*Maximum household income​
Maximum household income limits are update​d by BC Housing from time to time.​​
  • Asset limit: total household assets must be less than $100,000.
  • Apply: Visit BC Housing Assistance to join the waitlist for subsidized housing, or call 604-433-2218.

​​*Unit sizes: Metro Vancouver Housing follows the national occupancy standard for unit size: no more than two and no fewer than one person per bedroom, couples share a bedroom, parents don't share bedrooms with children, dependents of opposite sex over the age of five don't share bedrooms.

Related links


Metro Vancouver Housing
  • 4515 Central Boulevard​,​ Burnaby, BC V5H 0C6
  • 604-432-6300
  • Email

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