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Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre




<div class="ExternalClass3B153091E6F4417CBAF00ED1BC239CCC"><p>Metro Vancouver’s Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre receives garbage and recycling from residents and businesses. <br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass3E8F95BAB24349E6A313AA6CB9723CC0"><table class="uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider mv-border-top-slate mv-table-heading-slate mv-table-border uk-table-striped"><tbody><tr><th colspan="2">​​​​Winter hours (October 1 – March 31)</th></tr><tr><td>Monday – Saturday</td><td>8:00 am – 5:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Sundays and statutory holidays<br></td><td>9:00 am – 5:00 pm <p>Closed December 25 and January 1</p></td></tr><tr><th colspan="2">Summer hours ​(April 1 – September 30)</th></tr><tr><td>Monday – Saturday</td><td>8​:00 am – 6:00 pm</td></tr><tr><td>Sundays and statutory holidays<br></td><td>9:00 am – 5:00 pm</td></tr></tbody></table>​​<br></div><div class="ExternalClass920EAE1D9C83494A8E6148922A049115"><p><strong>Updated fees in effect starting January 1, 2025 at recycling and waste centres.</strong></p><p><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> ​<a href="/services/solid-waste/tipping-fee" target="_blank" title="Recycling and waste centres updated fees">View the recycling and waste centres updated fees.</a> ​</p></div><div class="ExternalClassBAFE783F80C0452CA45502EBECE88736"><p>Facilities are separated into two areas: free recycling, and paid recycling and garbage. Use the tabs below to see what is accepted where.</p><p>Complete tipping fee bylaw details are found in the <a href="/boards/Bylaws/GVSDD_Bylaw_379_Consolidated.pdf" target="_blank" title="Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw">Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw</a>.​​​<br></p></div>

  • ​​

    Many items can be recycled at the Ridge Meadows Recycling Depot next door. Please do not place recyclable materials in the garbage. View the list of recyclable materials banned from the garbage.​​​​

  • All loads must be off-loaded by hand. Self-tipping vehicles are not permitted.

    Accepted payment includes Visa, ​​MasterCard, debit, Apple Pay, and cash.​



    Garbage: Under 1 tonneGarbage: Under 1 tonne<div class="ExternalClassC593BABBF5C44C4A99997B75EE66CBF9"><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $15 (applies to loads up to 55 kg)</li> <li>​​Maximum fee: $158</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum and maximum fees)</li></ul></div>$175 per tonnePaid
    Garbage: 1.0 to 7.99 tonnesGarbage: 1.0 to 7.99 tonnes<div class="ExternalClassABEFE105A2B141C0BA16E723AE9A7FD9"><ul><li>​Maximum fee: $1,021</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in maximum fee)<br></li></ul></div>$153 per tonnePaid
    Garbage: 8.0 tonnes or moreGarbage: 8.0 tonnes or more<div class="ExternalClassBD4365F4042F48BC8F23DD946900B277"><ul><li>Not accepted at this facility​<br></li></ul></div>Paid
    Mattresses/box springsMattresses/box springs$15 each (maximum 4)Paid
    New gypsumNew gypsum<div class="ExternalClass7BE0007A1F2540D6BFAA5130CC84DB9C"><p></p><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $15</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum fee)</li><li>Only new gypsum that has not been installed (no tape, paint, or mud) will be accepted</li><li>Each load must be accompanied by three copies of a signed Declaration and Acknowledgement Form,​ ​<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/northshore-united-boulevard-centralsurrey-and-northsurrey-recycling-and-waste-centre-form.pdf" target="_blank" title="Declaration and Acknowledgement Form">available online​</a> or at the Recycling and Waste Centre. Please ensure all three copies of the form are completed.​</li></ul></div>$150 per tonne (maximum 500 kg)Paid
    Used gypsumUsed gypsum<div class="ExternalClassF41F639A19F54F7E86361C5321D8CCD9"><p></p><ul><li>Maximum 10 x 10 kg bags per visit, five visits per year</li><li>Restricted to residential customers only</li><li>Minimum fee: $15</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum fee)</li><li>Must be properly prepared as per instructions on the <a href="/services/solid-waste/used-gypsum-disposal-program" target="_blank" title="Learn more about gypsum disposal">gypsum disposal web page</a></li><li>Visit <a href="" target="_blank" title="Metro Vancouver Recycles"> ​</a>and search “Gypsum/Drywall” for a list of other facilities or private haulers that may accept used gypsum, or call the RCBC Recycling Hotline at 604-732-9253</li></ul>More information on risks of and proper handling of potentially asbestos-containing material: <br><p></p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Province of British Columbia - Managing Waste Asbestos">Province of British Columbia - Managing waste asbestos</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="WorkSafeBC on asbestos">WorkSafeBC on asbestos</a><br></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="WorkSafeBC information for homeowners">WorkSafeBC information for homeowners</a></li><li><a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/gypsumdrywall-disposal.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro Vancouver handout on testing for asbestos">Metro Vancouver handout on testing for asbestos</a>​<br>​<br></li></ul></div>$200 per tonne (maximum 100 kg)Paid
    Yard trimmingsYard trimmings<div class="ExternalClass88FCCD0A8BA846B39A8A8CA77E967582"><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $10 (applies to loads up to 85 kg)</li><li>Accepted: grass, shrub and tree branches, flowers, weeds, leaves, vegetable stalks, brush, and tree stumps with a maximum diameter of 30 cm and maximum length of 120 cm</li><li>Accepted: sod, including grass sod containing Euro​pean Chafer beetle (maximum 25% by volume per load)</li><li><strong>Not </strong>accepted: agricultural waste</li></ul></div>$118 per tonnePaid
    Clean woodClean wood<div class="ExternalClass0DBF1A320E4C4D17BC157DA1C256E0D1"><ul><li>Minimum fee: $10 (applies to loads up to 85 kg)</li><li>Clean wood does not contain glues or resins, and is unpainted, unstained, and untreated</li><li>Nails or other metal fasteners are okay</li><li>Maximum length is 2.5 m</li></ul></div>$118 per tonnePaid
    Mixed organicsMixed organics<div class="ExternalClass6ECB43E4F1384E84926806868B60067E"><ul><li>​Minimum fee: $10 (applies to loads up to 70 kg)</li><li>Up to 100 kg per load</li><li>Mixed organics means food scraps, or any combination of food scraps, yard trimmings, clean wood, or food-soiled paper mixed together</li><li>Maximum length for any clean wood is 2.5 m</li><li>Maximum length for any yard trimmings is 120 cm and maximum diameter is 30 cm</li></ul></div>$143 per tonnePaid
    Service: weigh vehicleService: weigh vehicle$15 per ticketPaid

  • Reuse options are not available at this facility. To find a way to donate or reuse unwanted items near you, visit​​​

Lineup cameras

Cameras refresh approximately every two minutes.



<div class="ExternalClassBFF27DE44C4F4BF0A831C0B9030B5F51"><h2>Surcharges for banned materials and unsecured loads</h2> <ul><li>​A $76 minimum surcharge will be applied to loads containing banned hazardous and operational impact materials or product stewardship materials.</li><li>A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing banned recyclable materials.</li><li>A surcharge of 100% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing over 20% <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/eps-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Expanded polystyrene packaging brochure">expanded polystyrene packaging</a>.</li><li>For details on banned materials, please visit the <a href="/services/solid-waste/disposal-ban-program">Disposal Ban Program web page</a>.</li><li>A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee, up to $50, will be applied to unsecured loads. For details, please see the <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/secure-your-load-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Secure Your Load brochure">Secure Your Load brochure</a>.​</li></ul><h2>Account information </h2><ul><li> <a href="/services/solid-waste/commercial-accounts" target="_blank" title="Commercial Accounts">Account customer information, including applications and vehicle information</a><br></li><li> <a href="/services/solid-waste/recycling-waste-facilities#ticket-errors" target="_blank" title="Solid Waste Facilities - Ticket Errors">Ticketing errors and disputes​</a><br>​<br>​<br></li></ul></div>, Map, Site Map<div class="ExternalClass27893A11B77448A6900F077991C57D39"><p>10092 236 S​​​treet<br>Maple Ridge, BC ​<br>​V2W 1B7​<br></p></div>604-681-5600

 Related links



Site Map – Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre, Site Map – Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste CentreSite Map – Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre
Visitor Guide – Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre, Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre – Visitor GuideVisitor Guide – Maple Ridge Recycling and Waste Centre
Recycling and Disposal Cost Estimator, Recycling and Disposal Cost EstimatorRecycling and Disposal Cost Estimator
Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw, Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation BylawTipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw

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