| <div class="ExternalClassBFF27DE44C4F4BF0A831C0B9030B5F51"><p>Accepted payment includes Visa, Mastercard, debit, Apple Pay, and cash.</p><p>Complete tipping fee bylaw details are found in the <a href="/boards/Bylaws/GVSDD_Bylaw_379.pdf" target="_blank">Tipping Fee and Solid Waste Disposal Regulation Bylaw</a>.<br></p><h4>Surcharges for banned materials and unsecured loads</h4><ul><li>A $73 minimum surcharge will be applied to loads containing banned hazardous and operational impact materials or product stewardship materials. </li><li>A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing banned recyclable materials. </li><li>A surcharge of 100% of the tipping fee will be applied to loads containing over 20%
<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/eps-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Expanded Polystyrene Packaging - Rack Card">expanded polystyrene packaging</a>.</li><li>For details on banned materials, please
<a href="/services/solid-waste/disposal-ban-program" target="_blank" title="Disposal Ban Program"> click here</a>.<br></li><li>A surcharge of 50% of the tipping fee, up to $50, will be applied to unsecured loads. For details
<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/secure-your-load-rack-card.pdf" target="_blank" title="Secure Your Load - Rack Card">click here. </a></li></ul><h3>Account information </h3><ul><li>
<a href="/services/solid-waste/commercial-accounts" target="_blank" title="Commercial Accounts">Account customer information, including applications and vehicle information</a><br></li><li>
<a href="/services/solid-waste/recycling-waste-facilities#ticket-errors" target="_blank" title="Solid Waste Facilities - Ticket Errors">Ticketing errors and disputes</a><br></li></ul> </div> | 1 | $168 per tonne | <div class="ExternalClassFBBA98CFAEDD4FBDB3DEBCB0416751F4"><ul><li>Minimum fee: $15. Applies to loads up to 60 kg.</li><li>Maximum fee: $151<br></li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum and maximum fees)<br></li></ul></div> | 1 | $146 per tonne | <div class="ExternalClassF11ED2C0520346CEAFE419ACCBDCD7E2"><ul><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load<br></li></ul></div> | 0 | | | 1 | $15 each (maximum 4) | | 1 | $150 per tonne (maximum 500kg) | <div class="ExternalClass1CA5A57EDC7A40F8906BD504458C9F75"><ul><li>Minimum fee: $15</li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum fee)</li><li>Only NEW gypsum that has not been installed (no tape, paint or mud) will be accepted</li><li>Each load must be accompanied by a signed Declaration and Acknowledgement Form, <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/maple-ridge-and-langley-recycling-and-waster-centre-form.pdf" target="_blank" title="Drywall Declaration and Acknowledgement Form">available here</a> in triplicate, or available at the Recycling and Waste Centre. Please ensure all 3 copies of the form are completed.</li></ul></div> | 1 | $200 per tonne (maximum 100kg) - expand for additional restrictions | <div class="ExternalClass49E4D366584749D6B99E8298746F9C92"><ul><li>Maximum 10 x 10 kg bags per visit, 5 visits per year. Restricted to residents only. </li><li>Minimum fee: $15 </li><li>Transaction fee: $5 per load (included in minimum fee) </li><li>
<strong>Must be properly prepared as per
<a href="/services/solid-waste/used-gypsum-disposal-program" title="Used Gypsum Disposal Program">instructions here</a></strong></li><li>Visit
<a href="http://www.metrovancouverrecycles.org/" target="_blank" title="Metro Vancouver Recycles">metrovancouverrecycles.org</a> and search ‘Gypsum / Drywall’ for a list of other facilities or private haulers that may accept used gypsum or call the RCBC Recycling Hotline at 604-732-9253.
<p>More information on risks of and proper handling of potentially asbestos-containing material: </p><ul><li>
<a href="https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/waste-management/hazardous-waste/registration-of-hazardous-waste-generators-and-facilities/managing-waste-asbestos?keyword=asbestos" target="_blank" title="Province of British Columbia - Managing Waste Asbestos">Province of British Columbia - Managing Waste Asbestos</a><br></li><li>
<a href="http://www.hiddenkiller.ca/" target="_blank" title="WorkSafeBC on asbestos"> WorkSafeBC on asbestos</a></li><li>
<a href="https://www.worksafebc.com/en/health-safety/hazards-exposures/asbestos/think-asbestos" target="_blank" title="WorkSafeBC on asbestos">WorkSafeBC information for homeowners</a></li><li>
<a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/gypsumdrywall-disposal.pdf" target="_blank" title="Asbestos and Gypsum Drywall">Metro Vancouver handout on testing for asbestos</a></li></ul></div> | 1 | $113 per tonne | <div class="ExternalClassF2E2FDB594D84587AAA458F5855723B0"><ul><li>Minimum fee: $10. The $10 minimum fee applies to loads up to 90 kg</li><li>Includes grass, shrub and tree branches, flowers, weeds, leaves, vegetable stalks, brush and tree stumps with a maximum diameter of 30 cm and maximum length of 120 cm and small quantities (up to 100 litres) of food waste</li><li>Excludes agricultural waste</li><li>Sod, including grass sod containing European Chafer beetle: maximum 25% by volume per load of green waste</li><li>Maximum length for clean wood waste is 2.5 m<br></li></ul></div> | 1 | $15 per ticket | | 1 | No charge | <div class="ExternalClass6033997067CB469487073BDDD447CA53"><p>Many items can be recycled at the <a href="https://rmrecycling.org/" target="_blank" title="Ridge Meadows Recycling Depot">Ridge Meadows Recycling Depot</a> next door. Please do not place recyclable materials in the garbage. <a href="/services/solid-waste/disposal-ban-program" target="_blank" title="Disposal Ban Program">Click here</a> for a list of recyclable materials banned from the garbage.</p></div> | 0 | | |