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About Metro 2050: Regional Growth Strategy


​We want t​​​o hear from you!​​​

Learn more and have your say on proposed amendments to Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy. Metro Vancouver is interested in receiving your comments about amendment(s) currently under consideration. Your input is important to us and will be used to help the Metro Vancouver Board make a decision.

Find out more and​​ give f​eedback​​

​The Metro Vancouver region’s Regional Growth Strategy, Metro 2050​, was adopted on February 24, 2023. Metro 2050 is the result of t​hree years​ of extensive re​view, collaboration, and engagement. It is the regional federation’s collective vision for how growth will be managed to support the creation of complete, connected, and resilient communities, while protecting important lands and supporting the efficient provision of urban infrastructure like transit and utilities.

Metro 2050 is the region’s shared vision of how projected population, housing, and job growth will be managed over the next 30 years. The strategy considers significant drivers of change in the region and integrates closely with Transport 2050, the Regional Transportation Strategy.​​​​​​​



Metro 2050, Metro 2050 (PDF Version)Metro 2050
Metro 2050 ​(Interactive Version), Metro 2050 ​(Interactive Version)Metro 2050 ​(Interactive Version)
Metro 2050 Executive Summary, Metro 2050 Executive Summary ​(PDF Version)Metro 2050 Executive Summary
Metro 2050 Maps, Metro 2050 Maps ​(PDF Version)​​Metro 2050 Maps
Metro 2050 Maps ​(Interactive Version), Metro 2050 Maps ​(Interactive Version)​Metro 2050 Maps ​(Interactive Version)

The​ p​rocess for adopting our shared regional vision​

​​The update to Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy began in 2019 with a robust engagement plan and a series of themed policy reviews. The draft Metro 2050 was released for public comment in 2021. Input was incorporated into the final draft of Metro 2050. A public hearing was held on April 20, 2022. The plan was then accepted by all members, and adopted by the Metro Vanco​uver Board in February 2023.

​​Learn more about the process to update Metro 2050.

Key improvements in ​Metro 2050​

Metro 2050 includes:

  • New policies that support resilience to climate and natural hazards.
  • Expanded policies on housing choice and affordability.
  • Regional targets including protecting 50 percent of the land base for nature, expanding tree canopy cover in the urban area from 32 percent to 40 percent, and ensuring that at least 15 percent of new and redeveloped housing units in urban centres and frequent transit development areas (FTDAs) are affordable, rental housing.
  • Tools to help the region direct more growth to transit-oriented locations and to protect the supply of trade-oriented industrial lands.

Metro 20​50 vision​

Metro Vancouver is a region of diverse and complete communities connected by sustainable transportation choices where residents take pride in vibrant neighbourhoods that offer a range of opportunities to live, work, play, and learn, and where natural, agricultural, and employment lands are protected and enhanced.

Shaping long-term growth and development in the region is essential to meeting this vision in a way that protects the natural environment, fosters community well-being, fuels economic prosperity, provides local food security, improves social equity, provides diverse and affordable housing choices, ensures the efficient provision of utilities and transit, reduces greenhouse gasses, and contributes to resiliency to climate change impacts and natural hazards.

Metro 2050 g​​oals

Strategies and actions are structured around five goals:​​​​​​



Create a Compact Urban AreaCreate a Compact Urban Area<div class="ExternalClassCBD3F46705DF4897ABD980A35964FFF8"><p>​Containing growth within an urban containment boundary and focusing it in transit-oriented urban centres and corridors is essential to building complete, walkable, and resilient communities while protecting the region’s natural and agricultural lands.<br></p></div>
Support a Sustainable EconomySupport a Sustainable Economy<div class="ExternalClassE6394678DF634A589EC1DAEDFC2F7F67"><p>​Supporting employment and economic growth in the region’s industrial, employment and agricultural areas.​<br></p></div>
Protecting the Environment, Address Climate Change, and Respond to Natural HazardsProtecting the Environment, Address Climate Change, and Respond to Natural Hazards<div class="ExternalClassDF5DD0CF060F44DABC8DBC120DB2EDE4"><p>​Choosing how and where we grow will reduce greenhouse gases, improve resilience, and protect the region’s sensitive and diverse green spaces for future generations.​<br></p></div>
Provide Diverse and Affordable Housing ChoicesProvide Diverse and Affordable Housing Choices<div class="ExternalClass7605482A32BC468380F15F16F285DD59"><p>​Including a range of types, tenures, sizes, and affordability for a diverse population.​<br></p></div>
Support Sustainable Transportation ChoicesSupport Sustainable Transportation Choices<div class="ExternalClass37D61C4880F7415FA544564A5184279F"><p>​Support highly connected walkable, bikeable, and transit-supportive mobility networks for people and goods.​<br></p></div>

Metro 2050 maps

View and download 12 individual maps:​​​​​​​



Metro 2050 MapsMetro 2050 Maps<div class="ExternalClass6FD4F405563F4F07A2ADF6670A823E97">​ <p>​​​ <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-1.pdf" target="_blank">Map 1 - Metro Vancouver Region</a>​<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-2.pdf" target="_blank">Map 2 - Regional Land Use Designations</a>​<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-3.pdf" target="_blank">Map 3 - Urban Containment Boundary and General Urban Lands</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-4.pdf" target="_blank">Map 4 - Urban Centres and Frequent Transit Development Areas</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-5.pdf" target="_blank">Map 5 - Major Transit Growth Corridors and Major Transit Network</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-6.pdf" target="_blank">Map 6 - Rural Lands</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-7.pdf" target="_blank">Map 7 - Industrial and Employment Lands</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-8.pdf" target="_blank">Map 8 - Agricultural Lands</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-9.pdf" target="_blank">Map 9 - Conservation and Recreation Lands</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-10.pdf" target="_blank">Map 10 - Regional Greenway Network and Major Bikeway Network</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-11.pdf" target="_blank">Map 11 - Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory</a><br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> ​​​​<a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-map-12.pdf" target="_blank">Map 12 - Special Study Areas and Sewerage Extension Areas</a><br></p></div>

GIS map​

There have been no boundary changes to the regi​onal lan​d use designations, Urban Containment Boundary, urban centres, or frequent transit development areas (FTDAs) between Metro 2040 and Metro 2050. You can view all the above-listed map boundaries at high resolution using the Metro 2040 map viewer.

The Se​nsitive Ecosystem Map (Map 11) is available at high resolution

Metro 205​0 Implementation G​uidelines​​​​



Metro 2050 Implementation GuidelinesMetro 2050 Implementation Guidelines<div class="ExternalClass74BCB4D1DE3B4FD5B4510144429A26D4"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-implementation-guideline-regional-affordable-rental-housing-target.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Regional Affordable Rental Housing Target">Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Regional Affordable Rental Housing Target​</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-implementation-guideline-regional-context-statements.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Regional Context Statements">Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Regional Context Statements</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-implementation-guideline-regional-growth-strategy-amendments.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Regional Growth Strategy Amendments">Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Regional Growth Strategy Amendments</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-implementation-guideline-industrial-and-employment-lands.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Industrial and Employment Lands">Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Industrial and Employment Lands</a></li>​​​​ <li>​​​ <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050-implementation-guideline-regional-growth-strategy-extension-of-regional-sewerage-services.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Extension of Regional Sewerage Services">Metro 2050 Implementation Guideline - Extension of Regional Sewerage Services</a>​​​​<br></li><li>​​​​​ <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/implementation-guideline-4–identifying-frequent-transit-development-areas-2013.pdf" target="_blank" title="Implementation Guideline #4 – Identifying Frequent Transit Development Areas 2013">Implementation Guideline #4 – Identifying Frequent Transit Development Areas 2013</a>​​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-vancouver-2040-shaping-our-future-performance-monitoring-guideline.pdf" target="_blank" title="Implementation Guideline #8: Metro Vancouver 2040 Performance Monitoring Guideline 2017">Implementation Guideline #8: Metro Vancouver 2040 Performance Monitoring Guideline 2017</a>​​​</li></ul></div>​<br>

Ben​efits of planning Metro 2050 video series​​

How does Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy affect you? Check out these short videos to find out! ​



Metro 2050 Planning for the FutureMetro 2050 Planning for the Future834171183
Metro 2050 Benefits of Planning - Industrial LandsMetro 2050 Benefits of Planning - Industrial Lands456745098
Metro 2050 Benefits of Planning - AgricultureMetro 2050 Benefits of Planning - Agriculture456744529
Metro 2050 Benefits of Planning - CommunitiesMetro 2050 Benefits of Planning - Communities463933496
Metro 2050 AdoptedMetro 2050 Adopted801030227

​​Metro 2050​​ Performance Monitoring Dashboard​​​

​View progress towards Metro 2050’s five key goals using the late​​st regional data.​

View the d​ashboard​​

 Related links



Metro 2050 Performance Monitoring Dashboard, Metro 2050 Performance Monitoring DashboardMetro 2050 Performance Monitoring Dashboard
Regional Growth Strategy Annual Reports, Regional Growth Strategy Annual ReportsRegional Growth Strategy Annual Reports
Board Report re: Updating Metro 2040, Board Report re: Updating Metro 2040Board Report re: Updating Metro 2040
Amendments and Updates, Amendments and UpdatesAmendments and Updates
Board Report re: Adopting Metro 2050 - February 2023, Board Report re: Adopting Metro 2050 - February 2023Board Report re: Adopting Metro 2050 - February 2023

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