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<div class="ExternalClass0F963C51695E4CED8F27990381ED770D"><div><p>The Delta Nature Reserve is part of the Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area and has long been identified as a key component of the bog lands to be OPEN to the public. Metro Vancouver has been responsible for day-to-day operations since 2020. The rest of the <a href="/services/regional-parks/burns-bog-ecological-conservancy-area">Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area</a> is <strong>closed</strong> to the public and managed for ecosytem protection and restoration.<br></p></div></div>



Delta Nature ReserveDelta Nature ReserveDelta Nature ReserveLOW<div class="ExternalClass1286303EE42B4E19ADBF974C9BD6BD8B"><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul><p>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass0AD40F9B9DFE4095888F01BF216F3008"><div><div><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350. </div></div></div><div class="ExternalClass64061A1DD9354F83A35C61259B3388FC"><div><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClass3774D74916AD4C82BCCF135B8E2F84C5"><div><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClassCA6EA455FED9478A9EEAF720A7D08911"><div>Continued dry weather has resulted in conditions that are tinder dry and extremely sensitive to sparks and fire.<br></div><div><ul><li>Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClass007D20A60BA940A6BE7A63E541C960C5"><div>​Continued dry weather has resulted in conditions that are tinder dry and extremely sensitive to sparks and fire.<br></div><div><ul><li>Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClassDA5A4B1D81ED46159FC3EB5BC11E3D0B"><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and​ regional parks staff.</li></ul><p>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></p><p><br></p></div>08/19/2024 7:00:00 AM<div class="ExternalClassB6C96542322746ED8B02FCE534568BE4"><ul><li>​​​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul><p>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></p></div>





Delta Nature Reserve (part of Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area)Delta Nature Reserve (part of Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area)Delta Nature Reserve<div class="ExternalClass3A3717D32D2141AF8049B573384AAA7D"><div><div><p>As the only pub​licly accessible part of Burns Bog, the Delta Nature Reserve allows visitors to experience bog ecosystems. Stroll along rustic boardwalks meandering through forests and hardhack meadows, and over wet, soggy soils. Look for bog plants such as Labrador tea and bog laurel. Watch for songbirds, woodpeckers, hawks and eagles.<br></p></div></div></div>, Delta Nature Reserve



Delta Nature ReserveGP0|#e917ae52-1f8b-456e-9b7b-7ebe44d2ddd3;L0|#0e917ae52-1f8b-456e-9b7b-7ebe44d2ddd3|No Camping;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766;L0|#0fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766|Dog Leash Required Trails;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#074e9b20-8623-4996-9eff-66ee300be8ee;L0|#0074e9b20-8623-4996-9eff-66ee300be8ee|Interpretive Exhibit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e42.500<div class="ExternalClassF7764B88BF3E4DB18AD84C635FFE3CDA"><p><strong></strong><strong>September 3 to 23</strong><strong>:</strong> 7:00 am –<strong>​</strong> 8:00 pm​<br><strong>September 24 to November 2:</strong> 7:00 am – 7:00 pm​​​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassC248C063AB4A496C908BC69B01134558"><div><p>​There is no​​ cycling in the park; please walk bikes on boardwalks. Cycling is permitted on the adjacent trail, which is proposed to become part of the <a href="/services/regional-parks/park/delta-south-surrey-regional-greenway">Delta South Surrey Regional Greenway</a>.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass7EB16E1E3ACD4A68935BFF6C3722ACC2"><div><p>​Dogs must be leashed and under control at all times. Because sharp edges on the b​​oardwalk’s non-slip metal mesh may cause paw injuries, using other routes for dog-walking is currently recommended. Please scoop your dog's poop and dispose of it properly. <a href="/services/regional-parks/dogs-in-regional-parks">More on dogs in Metro Vancouver regional parks...</a></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass240BE0A9BC4545B58C24BC2B4BF73008"><div><p>​Camping and campfires are prohibited.</p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass52DEA2E7FB9D4D449F65C3373B357D89"><p>​Rustic bo​ardwalks have uneven surfaces and can be very slippery when wet; use extra care.<br></p><p>A railway runs along the access trail to the nature reserve. High-speed trains frequently use the tracks.  Do not cross railway tracks, except at designated public crossings at Nordel Way and 72nd Avenue. Access from 72nd Avenue is a rough trail - Metro Vancouver and the City of Delta are exploring how to improve it.<br></p><p>​Prepare for your ​​visit to a regional park before you leave home. <a href="/services/regional-parks/public-safety">more...</a></p></div><div class="ExternalClassF71E7046C24C4072A5F1DC992CC78C82"><p>​Plan ahead as​​ drinking water and toilets are not available.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass088B31FE9E714663853E94050B4C333B"><div><p>​Trails consist o​f boardwalks that are not wheelchair accessible.</p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass26FA297589B64DB3BF8B9FC03BF54CD9"><p>​To learn about w​ays to <a href="/services/regional-parks/get-involved">get involved in reg​ional parks</a>, contact the <a href="">Community Development Coordinator</a> at 604-520-6442.</p><p> <strong>Burns Bog Conservation Society</strong> helped protect Burns Bog, and for years has offered guided tours at the Delta Nature Reserve. Metro Vancouver is working ​with the society on providing programs to encourage the public to learn about and experience the bog.</p></div>



Delta Nature Reserve lands are part of the Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area. Nature Reserve lands are part of the Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area.
Delta Nature Reserve is the only publicly accessible part of Burns Bog. Nature Reserve is the only publicly accessible part of Burns Bog.
Meandering boardwalks allow visitors to experience many bog ecosystems. boardwalks allow visitors to experience many bog ecosystems.
Plants growing in bogs, such as Labrador tea, thrive in wet soil conditions. growing in bogs, such as Labrador tea, thrive in wet soil conditions.
Protecting sensitive bog soils, boardwalks are pedestrian-only; cyclists, please walk bikes. sensitive bog soils, boardwalks are pedestrian-only; cyclists, please walk bikes.
Re-alignment of 160 metres of boardwalk is underway. of 160 metres of boardwalk is underway.



Delta Nature ReserveDelta Nature ReserveDelta Nature ReserveLOW<div class="ExternalClass1286303EE42B4E19ADBF974C9BD6BD8B"><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul><p>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass0AD40F9B9DFE4095888F01BF216F3008"><div><div><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350. </div></div></div><div class="ExternalClass64061A1DD9354F83A35C61259B3388FC"><div><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClass3774D74916AD4C82BCCF135B8E2F84C5"><div><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClassCA6EA455FED9478A9EEAF720A7D08911"><div>Continued dry weather has resulted in conditions that are tinder dry and extremely sensitive to sparks and fire.<br></div><div><ul><li>Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClass007D20A60BA940A6BE7A63E541C960C5"><div>​Continued dry weather has resulted in conditions that are tinder dry and extremely sensitive to sparks and fire.<br></div><div><ul><li>Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul></div><div>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></div></div><div class="ExternalClassDA5A4B1D81ED46159FC3EB5BC11E3D0B"><ul><li>​Report wildfires to 911 and​ regional parks staff.</li></ul><p>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></p><p><br></p></div>08/19/2024 7:00:00 AM<div class="ExternalClassB6C96542322746ED8B02FCE534568BE4"><ul><li>​​​Report wildfires to 911 and regional parks staff.<br></li></ul><p>For more info, call 604-432-6350.<br></p></div>





Delta Nature Reserve, Burns Bog ECA, Google Area Office



<div class="ExternalClass2D3C2D05AB584CF2AE40929ECEE19BCF"><p>​<br><br></p></div>





<div class="ExternalClass26FA297589B64DB3BF8B9FC03BF54CD9"><p>​To learn about w​ays to <a href="/services/regional-parks/get-involved">get involved in reg​ional parks</a>, contact the <a href="">Community Development Coordinator</a> at 604-520-6442.</p><p> <strong>Burns Bog Conservation Society</strong> helped protect Burns Bog, and for years has offered guided tours at the Delta Nature Reserve. Metro Vancouver is working ​with the society on providing programs to encourage the public to learn about and experience the bog.</p></div>

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