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Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area


Most of Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area is CLOSED to the public and managed for ecosystem protection and​ restoration. A small portion, the Delta Nature Reserve, is a key component of the bog lands and is OPEN to the public.

Burns Bog is a raised bog ecosystem covering about 3,000 ha of the Fraser River delta between the south arm of the Fraser River and Boundary Bay. It is the largest undeveloped urban landmass in North America and globally unique because of its chemistry, form, flora, and large size. For detailed information on its history, protection, ecosystems, restoration, and ongoing research visit

100-year time​frame

The City of Delta, Metro Vancouver, the Province of British Columbia and Canada are working together to carry out a 100-year vision for Burns Bog that will preserve and restore the bog ecosystem. The Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area Management Plan has been guided by both a conservation covenant and “the best science of the time” since it was established as an Ecological Conservancy Area in 2004.

 Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area Management Plan

A legally binding conservation covenant placed on the land titles requires that the bog be managed as a functional raised bog ecosystem, and be maintained as a natural area for the purposes of protecting the plants and animals that depend on it.

A Scientific Advisory Panel, established by​ the purchasing agencies, provided technical advice on hydrology and bog ecology in developing the management plan. The Scientific Advisory Panel continues to have a role in the management plan’s implementation by reviewing new information about the bog; identifying critical issues needing additional research; and making recommendation regarding work programs, action items and management strategies to protect and restore the bog. Meetings of the Scientific Advisory Panel are hosted by Metro Vancouver and the minutes are posted below.

Operational responsibilities

The Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area is co-managed by Metro Vancouver and the City of Delta and regular operations meetings are key to this collaboration. Metro Vancouver is responsible for day-to-day operations including site security, risk management and safety. Delta is responsible for wildland fire management, and monitoring and improving the bog’s hydrology.

Metro Vancouver focuses on:

  • Conducting patrols to address trespass, hunting, dumping, vegetation removal, and other illegal activities
  • Maintaining action plans to respond to public and resource-related incidents and emergencies

Delta focuses on:

  • Protecting hydrologic features and functions, and implementing a hydrological monitoring program
  • Emergency planning and preparation for the event of a wildfire, monitoring wildfire risks, and responding to wildfire occurrences​

Scientific advisory panel meeting notes​



Central Area Office



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