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Repairing and altering


Keep your clothes in tip-t​op shape and looking fresh with simple DIY repairs and alterations.

Here are some common clothing repairs that you can do at home:​​​



Stiching a hole.Stiching a hole.<div class="ExternalClassEAB8E7C5308C43308F77158C7909111E"><p>It’s best to stitch up holes in your clothes right away so they don’t get worse. Watch this how-to-video for complete directions.</p></div>788738175
Sewing a button on pants.Sewing a button on pants.<div class="ExternalClassDB15A466EE4D4546A7F0FD09CF2FE3C0"><p>If you don’t have the missing button or a spare, find one at a fabric store. Make sure it’s roughly as thick and wide as the former. You’ll also want to use thread that matches the colour of your garment. Check out our simple how-to-video and you’ll have your button re-attached in no time.<br></p></div>788738113
Replacing a drawstring.Replacing a drawstring.<div class="ExternalClass476215922F8441739CF7B3040021CC79"><p>When the drawstring pulls out of your hoodie or sweatpants, it can be frustrating. Check out this how-to-video for a simple technique to get it back in place.​​<br></p></div>788738086
Sewing a button on a shirt.Sewing a button on a shirt.<div class="ExternalClass0C6BCD4FC12249A5AD8B878698960C66">If you don’t have the missing button or a spare, find one at a fabric store. Make sure it’s roughly as thick and wide as the former. You’ll also want to use thread that matches the colour of your garment. Check out our simple how-to-video and you’ll have your button re-attached in no time.​<br>​<br></div>788738141
Patching a small hole.Patching a small hole.<div class="ExternalClassCEA6FCE5D4C14EF0AEAB9B16A3643D7A"><p>It’s best to patch up holes in your clothes right away so they don’t get worse. Watch this how-to-video for complete directions.​<br></p></div>788737978
Darning a sock.Darning a sock.<div class="ExternalClass180765644AD54F708C9EEDFE2EE56ACE"><p>There are few things more certain in life than the fact that socks develop holes overtime. Before you move on to the next pair, give your otherwise perfectly good socks a second life with our simple instructional video.​<br></p></div>788737794
Repairing a torn seam.Repairing a torn seam.<div class="ExternalClass0BD9E09753E24706A531012D757AD219"><p>No need to toss your favourite shirt or pair of pants due to a split seam. Watch this how-to-video for a simple repair.​<br></p></div>788738066

Do the words “sewing” or “needle and thread” completely freak you out? Some clothing repairs can be done with no-sew options that will bind fabrics, such as fusible tape or adhesive. These can be found at most fabric, craft or major department stores.​​


Making alterations to your existing wardrobe is a great alternative to simply donating a garment because it doesn’t fit or you no longer think it’s fashionable.

Here’s a list of alterations that can be done at home, or for a fee from your tailor.



Shirts.Shirts.<div class="ExternalClass8AB9AC6A322F465E96A3B6AE5410835E"><p>Have a shirt that’s too long? Try shortening it a half inch or adding a shirttail hem to give it a more interesting shape. Shirts that are too large can also be taken in at the sides if they have a straight seam. Tired of the crew neck on your t-shirt? Try turning it into a V-neck.​<br></p></div>, Sewing Shirt
Pants.Pants.<div class="ExternalClassF6100A292FA94D529E144B67A90C25E5"><p>Many of us struggle to find pants that fit properly that are also the right length. Learn to hem your pants by watching this how-to-video. Jeans or pants too small or too big? A minor alteration can take the waist out or bring it in a few sizes. Turn a boot cut jean into skinny jeans, or taper the pant legs to make them more stylin’. Or turn your jeans into some sweet jean shorts.​<br></p></div>788737944
Dresses and skirts.Dresses and skirts.<div class="ExternalClass58A6C150F4254596BEE8690C68C09069"><p>Just like shirts, a skirt or a dress can easily be shortened or lengthened with some minor alterations. Watch this video to learn how to hem a skirt. They can also be taken in or let out. To add a little style, try making a slit in a dress to give it some flow.<br></p></div>788737870


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