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Planning for Future Water Supply


Drinking water is a valuable and essential resource. In Metro Vancouver, we are fortunate to have access to a high-quality​ supply of water that can reliably meet the needs of a growing region.

Metro Vancouver uses the most current information available to plan for changes in population and climate, as well as other challenges impacting the supply and delivery of water. Along with planning for water supply infrastructure, water conservation is a major part of Metro Vancouver’s planning to ensure the sustainable use of water resources. Helping residents and businesses use only what they need contributes to an efficient and cost-effective water system.​


Metro Vancouver's next water source - Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project

Metro Vancouver's water supply strategy includes building new infrastructure to double its capacity to access, treat, and distribute water from Coquitlam Lake. Planning is currently underway for the design and construction of a second water intake, a water supply tunnel, and water treatment facilities.

Construction is expected to begin by the late 2020s, with completion targeted for the late 2030s. Once complete, the Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project will help meet the region’s needs well into the next half century.​​​

Metro Vancouver continuously evaluates additional options to ensure a future supply of high-quality drinking water. A recently completed long-term water supply planning study, Water Supply Outlook 2120, presents key findings and actions to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality drinking water​ to the region over the next 100 years. The study assesses the water system’s resiliency to various challenges, such as population growth and impacts of climate change, and confirms that the region is on the right track by planning for the Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project to be in place by the late 2030s.

  Water Supply Outlook 2120

Beyond the Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project, Metro Vancouver is well positioned to access additional water supply from within its existing three watersheds. Greater implementation of water conservation and efficiency programs can also reduce demands on Metro Vancouver’s water system, deferring the need for additional supply projects.​​​​​

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