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Drinking Water Management Plan Update


​Project overview

Metro Vancouver is updating its Drinking Water Management Plan. The Drinking Water Management Plan is the overarching plan for Metro Vancouver and its member jurisdictions, which sets the direction and priority for regional drinking water initiatives. This plan has three goals:

  • Provide high-quality drinking water.
  • Ensure the sustainable use of water resources.
  • Ensure the efficient supply of water.

It lays out the priority for drinking water initiatives such as new infrastructure, identifying additional water supplies, and managing watersheds as natural assets.

Metro Vancouver is responsible for providing a reliable supply of high-quality drinking water to our member jurisdictions, who in turn distribute it to their residents and businesses. Metro Vancouver and its members work collaboratively to ensure an effective, resilient, and sustainable water system.


Since the last plan update in 2011, the Metro Vancouver region is experiencing changes that will require us to adapt how we manage the supply of and demand for drinking water, like population growth and climate change. We need to be prepared by developing plans that take into account the uncertainty that these changes bring. By updating this plan, Metro Vancouver and its members can realign priorities to address these challenges.

The updated Drinking Water Management Plan will:

  • Establish goals, strategies, and actions to ensure Metro Vancouver can continue to supply high-quality drinking water in the face of changes such as climate change, population growth, and seismic events.
  • Outline how Metro Vancouver and its members plan to work together to align priorities and implement actions.
  • Incorporate First Nations’ interests and values.
  • Provide a strong rationale to support decision making.

Planning priorities​

Rapid population growth
Will we have enough water to serve the 4 million people who will live in our region by 2042?
Climate change
How do we keep our reservoirs at a safe level with longer, hotter summers and more frequent drought conditions?
The "big one"
Are we ready for an earthquake? What will happen when the "big one" hits?


Metro Vancouver is committed to engaging individuals and organizations who may be impacted by or have an interest in the plan update.

This engagement will allow Metro Vancouver and member jurisdictions to better understand impacts and opportunities for water system upgrades, climate change impacts, seismic resiliency, and growth projections; recognize the interests of First Nations; align with other regional management plans; and develop goals, strategies, and actions that allow for measurable outcomes and benefits.​​


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