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Douglas Road Water Main – Still Creek South Section




Douglas Road Water Main - Still Creek South SectionDouglas Road Water Main - Still Creek South Section<div class="ExternalClassD7CC56006BA4418EB682BE120C7AC080"><p>Metro Vancouver is replacing the existing Douglas Road Water Main which spans 15 kilometres between North Burnaby and the City of New Westminster. This water main was built in the 1940s and has reached the end of its service life. This replacement project has been phased over several years due to the length of the water main and the Still Creek Section is the final phase of the project.<br></p><p>The Still Creek Section is approximately 2.2 kilometres long and is located primarily along Douglas Road in the Still Creek neighbourhood of Burnaby.</p><p>The Still Creek South Section is scheduled for late 2023 until fall 2025. Please see the map below for the project alignment.​​​<br></p><ul class="fa-ul"><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/fact-sheet-douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-november2023.pdf" target="_blank" title="Fact Sheet – Douglas Road Water Main – Still Creek South Section">Fact Sheet – Douglas Road Water Main – Still Creek South Section</a></li></ul></div>City of BurnabyProject



Current Project ActivitiesCurrent Project Activities<div class="ExternalClass4D657E103C2544EAB9FEA3F347558D55"><p>Remaining activities for this project are the construction of two valve chambers on Douglas Road, one at Manor Street and the other on Kincaid Street. Restoration will follow, and work is expected to be complete in fall 2025.​ There is currently one road closure on Kincaid  Street between Teal Avenue and Canada Way, this will remain in place until the completion of the valve chamber.​<br></p></div>1/28/2025 8:00:00 AM



Douglas Road Water Main - Still Creek Section Road Water Main - Still Creek Section



Project activitiesProject activities<div class="ExternalClassE36DE781BE3444DBB10CBDDB6FC5305D"><p>Construction activities for this project will include excavating a trench, installing an approximately 1.5-metre​-diameter pipe, installing two valve chambers, and connecting the water main to the existing water distribution system.<br></p>​<br></div>
Traffic and accessTraffic and access<div class="ExternalClassD5F819EE86E64241BD2E5AFDEE728BC6"><p>While construction progresses through the area, some residents and businesses might have temporary driveway access restrictions. The contractor will provide access to properties whenever possible.</p><p>A community liaison has been appointed to this project and is available to listen to concerns and answer questions you may have. If anyone in your home or business has mobility restrictions or medical requirements affecting access, please contact our community liaison at 604-432-6200.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span></p><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span></div>
Work hoursWork hours<div class="ExternalClassC1455DFB48BA4EEE80CD859EB93A6477"><p>Hours of work may change depending on construction needs. If work outside of the typical construction hours is required, Metro Vancouver will apply for a bylaw variance with the City of Burnaby.</p><p>Typical hours of work are:</p><ul><li>Monday to Friday: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm</li><li>Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (as needed)<br></li><li>No work on Sundays and holidays</li> </ul></div>
EngagementEngagement<div class="ExternalClassE97FFCE0D7424816A89C8D2097FB705E"><p>Metro Vancouver is committed to working closely with the community and the City of Burnaby to ensure concerns and interests are considered as the project continues. Engaging and communicating with the community has included door-to-door visits from the Community Liaison, a community open house, stakeholder meetings, signage along the project route – and regular updates via email, mail (newsletters, factsheets) and on our project webpage. We also release traffic advisories through media outlets and social media to warn commuters of traffic detours and impacts. These initiatives will continue​ throughout the project.</p><p>During the engagement phase, Metro Vancouver organized the following opportunities to provide input:</p><ul><li>An in-person community open house for residents and businesses on February 7</li><li>A feedback survey (online and hard copy) with project and traffic information for public input<br></li></ul><p><strong>Engagement highlights</strong></p> <ul><li>30+ attendees at our community open house</li><li>Received 30+ feedback survey submissions</li><li>Received 30+ feedback survey submissions</li><li>Responded to 80+ project inquiries</li><li>5+ stakeholder ​meetings held</li></ul></div>
What we heardWhat we heard<div class="ExternalClassDACE02B620004DB18B89225D2A49246F"><p>Throughout this phase of engagement, Metro Vancouver received public input through a community open house, conversations, email communications, and feedback survey responses. The table on the next page provides an overview of the common themes we heard and the work we are undertaking to address this feedback.</p><p>The general themes we heard concerns on are traffic pattern changes and impacts, noise and vibration, safety of the children walking to school, and safety of the cyclists who use Douglas Road to access Still Creek Trail.</p><p>We will continue to respond to new input as the project progresses. Thank you to everyone who has engaged with us on this project.<br></p><div class="uk-overflow-auto">​​ <table class="uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider uk-table-hover mv-border-cyan mv-table-heading-cyan mv-table-border uk-table-striped"><thead><tr><th>​What we heard</th><th>How we are responding​​​​<br></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Requests to keep the parents and teachers at Douglas Road Elementary School informed about the project</td><td>Installed two project information signs on Kincaid Street and sent a newsletter to Douglas Road Elementary School parents and teachers and will continue to keep the school community informed</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns there were large trucks still entering Douglas Road and other safety concerns for children crossing</td><td>Worked with the school crossing guard on adding signage and messaging to the electric boards</td></tr><tr><td>Requests to reopen the overpass on Douglas Road between Manor and Regent Street</td><td>Prioritized construction activities to expedite the reopening of the overpass for local traffic</td></tr><tr><td>Requests that businesses on Regent Street receive more communication about the project and traffic impacts</td><td>The project's community liaison went out door knocking on March 13; we added additional signage north of the overpass and will send out a newsletter for each new rolling closure</td></tr><tr><td>​Concerns from businesses north of the overpass on Regent Street area, that they are worried about the public thinking they were closed because of the overpass/road closed</td><td>Installed "Business Still Open on Regent Street" signs at several locations notifying the public that local businesses are open as normal</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns there was not enough signage and detour information at the deactivated bus stops on Douglas Street</td><td>Installed extra signage in addition to what Coast Mountain Bus Company installed on each deactivated bus stop to make sure the bus detour and the stops were clearly marked and who the public can contact for transit inquiries</td></tr><tr><td>Interests that signage on Sprott Street protruding onto the road was causing congestion during rush hour</td><td>Relocated​​ signage to allow traffic to flow smoothly throughout the day</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns during the snowstorm in January, the Still Creek bus stop was difficult to reach due to the ice</td><td>Coordinated with Coast Mountain Bus Company to add an additional temporary bus stop at the intersection of Norfolk Street and Douglas Street</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns the generator noise has created a disturbance in the neighborhood</td><td>Turned off the generator until echo sound barriers could be installed to reduce the noise impacts and installed echo sound barriers around the generator</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns vehicles are dangerously driving through the crosswalk and taking a short left at Norland Street ahead of the road closure on Regent Street</td><td>Installed large orange barrels and additional signage to draw attention to the crosswalk at Regent Street</td></tr><tr><td>Interests the electronic signboard messaging did not have enough information about detours, restrictions and road closures</td><td>Added additional messaging to the electronic signboard and frequently updating the message</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns there was not any detour signage for bicycles</td><td>Installed bicycle-specific signage along the route</td></tr><tr><td>Requests for more communication about the road closures and the project</td><td>The project's community liaison will visit affected homes before each new road closure, and we will also send a newsletter for the corresponding new road closure</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns that vehicles are speeding on the side streets along the detour</td><td>Installed "Children at Play" signage along Douglas Road and Godwin Avenue</td></tr><tr><td>Concerns that there is not enough signage of the detours along Douglas Road and Sprott Street</td><td>Relocating the project information signs and installed additional signage along the route to make it clearer for traffic and pedestrians. Undertaking weekly inspections on traffic signage and area to confirm effectiveness</td></tr></tbody></table>​ </div>​ </div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClass2DD0BC90C5524996AC554C762CF88D95"><ul class="fa-ul"><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/fact-sheet-douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-november2023.pdf">Fact Sheet – Douglas Road Water Main – Still Creek South Section</a>​​<br></li></ul><h4>Engagement</h4><ul class="fa-ul"><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-postcard-invitation-2024-01-15.pdf">2024 – Community Open House Invite</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-display-panels.pdf">2024 – Community Open House Display Panels</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/infographic-what-we-heard-douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south.pdf">2024 – What We Heard and How We Are Responding</a>​​</li></ul><h4>Newsletters<br></h4><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-2024-12-20.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – December 20 - Project Update and Holiday Shutdown​</a>​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-2024-09-09.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – September 9 - Construction Progresses Ahead of Schedule</a>​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-sprott-street-and-canada-way-closures-2024-07-19.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – July 19 – Sprott Street and Canada Way Closures</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-project-update-2024-06-26.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – June 26 – Work Begins on Chambers ​</a></li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-may-2024.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – May 10 – Project Update and Engagement Summary</a></li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-2024-03.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – March 12 – Upcom​​ing Closures on Douglas Road</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-jan2024.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – January 10 – Road Closure between Regent Street and Dominion Street</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-jan102024.pdf" target="_blank">2024 – January 10 – Traffic Impacts at Kincaid Street and Canada Way (Distributed by Douglas Road Elementary School)</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-Nov2023.pdf" target="_blank">2023 – November 22 – Start of Construction</a>​​</li><li>​​​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i>​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/douglas-road-water-main-still-creek-south-section-newsletter-sept2023.pdf" target="_blank">2023 – September 7 – Project Update (Distributed by Douglas Road Elementary School)</a>​​</li></ul>​​​<br></div>



Douglas Road Water MainDouglas Road Water Main744751336



Winter 2023 – Fall 2025Winter 2023 – Fall 2025<div class="ExternalClass94775955F504451BB89994B66153A206"><p>​Construction<br></p></div>1
20262026<div class="ExternalClass330504FC30C94A80A91E6378DD3A89D9"><p>​Water main connection<br></p></div>0

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Co​mmunity liaison
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

  • Email
  • 604-432-6200​​​

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  • 604-451-6610​​​​​​​

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