Projects activities | Projects activities | <div class="ExternalClass88CDDAE8295C49728CAFD0B309543341"><p>Construction of the Robson to Guildford Section will begin near Guildford Way and progress northwards along Pipeline Road to Robson Drive. Activities will include:</p><h2>Site preparation</h2><p>Ahead of the major construction activities, our contractor will:</p><ul><li>Set up a primary storage area approximately three kilometres north of the construction zone</li><li>Deliver construction trailers, materials, and equipment to the primary storage area </li><li>Relocate existing underground utilities located along the project area</li><li>Build a temporary multi-use pathway and driveways in Town Centre Park</li><li>Remove approximately 300 trees along the construction zone under arborist supervision </li><li>Set up the project’s secondary storage area in Town Centre Park, south of the tennis courts</li></ul><p>Trees will be removed to accommodate Metro Vancouver’s Coquitlam Water Main project and City of Coquitlam’s Pipeline Road Upgrade project. Both organizations analyzed the possibility of relocating large trees; however, this is not possible due to transportation and storage restrictions, as well as costs. The City of Coquitlam will implement a replanting program along the project site and in Town Centre Park.</p><h2>Construction</h2><p>When the site is ready for construction, crews will:</p><ul><li>Install the new water main in segments along Pipeline Road. This activity will involve establishing a work zone that will move as the contractor excavates the ground with heavy equipment, installs a steel water main, and temporarily restores the impacted roadway </li><li>Construct two large valve chambers near Robson Drive. This will include excavating a 10-metre deep trench below ground, installing shoring to secure the excavated area, building the valve chambers, and installing pipe connections, valves and other electrical equipment used to regulate water flow<br></li></ul></div> |
Restoration plan and City of Coquitlam’s Pipeline Road Upgrade project | Restoration plan and City of Coquitlam’s Pipeline Road Upgrade project | <div class="ExternalClassA9565E22CF7748DE9FB2F4CA73D85A9A"><p>Once construction reaches the intersection of David Avenue and Pipeline Road, the City of Coquitlam will:</p><ul><li>Widen the road to accommodate four lanes with dedicated left-turn lanes</li><li>Build a new multi-use pathway along the west side of the road</li><li>Install additional lighting </li><li>Build new landscaped centre medians</li><li>Replant trees along the project area and in Town Centre Park</li></ul>
<img src="/services/water/ConstructionImages/coquitlam-water-main-robson-to-guilford-restoration-pipeline-project-illustration-nov-2021.png" alt="" /> </p>
<p>Our contractor will pave the roadways between David Avenue and Robson Drive with permanent asphalt at the end of construction.</p><p>For more information about the City of Coquitlam’s Pipeline Road Upgrade project, please visit
<a href="" target="_blank" title="City of Coquitlam - Pipeline Road Upgrade Project"></a> or contact:</p><p>
<strong>Jeannie Wilson</strong><br> Project Administration Coordinator<br> 604-927-3550<br><a href=""></a><br></p></div> |
Work hours | Work hours | <div class="ExternalClass3ADB55A8824140FB958DB1ADD88103B8"><p><span style="font-size:14.6667px;"><b><u>Typical Hours of Work</u></b></span></p><ul><li>
<strong>Monday to Friday</strong>: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm </li><li>
<strong>Saturday</strong>: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm</li><li><strong>Sunday and holiday</strong>: No work planned</li></ul><p>This schedule may change if crews need more time to complete critical activities. Metro Vancouver will notify the community about these activities ahead of time. </p><p>All activities will comply with the City of Coquitlam’s noise bylaws and granted bylaw variances.<br></p><p><strong style="text-decoration:underline;font-size:14.6667px;">Granted Bylaw Variances</strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;font-size:14.6667px;"></span><br style="text-decoration:underline;font-size:14.6667px;"><strong>Intersection of Pipeline Road and David Avenue </strong><br></p><div>Activity: Underground utility locates<br></div><div>Date: The week of June 17, 2024</div><div>Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 pm - 5:00 am<br><br></div><div><strong>Excavation near Pipeline Road and Redonda Drive</strong><br></div><div>Activity: Welding<br></div><div>Date: Starting mid-June until mid-July 2024<br></div><div>Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 pm to 3:00 am<br><br></div></div> |
Impacts and mitigation | Impacts and mitigation | <div class="ExternalClass458F2441FD134F4183E8777AEF6CD6ED"><p>Metro Vancouver recognizes construction will impact the surrounding community and Town Centre Park visitors. We developed a public impact mitigation plan that includes information received from the community in 2021 through a virtual open house and survey, and outlines several measures that will prevent or reduce impacts during construction. Wherever possible, our contractor will:</p><h2>Keep people moving safely and efficiently</h2><ul><li>Place fencing, traffic control personnel, and signage around the construction areas to ensure people can safely move around them</li><li>Hire additional traffic control personnel to help redirect traffic around École Nestor Elementary School during peak times and special event days</li><li>Maintain two-way traffic on Pipeline Road between south of David Avenue and Guildford Way</li><li>Build a new multi-use pathway in Town Centre Park as a temporary detour to maintain access for pedestrians and cyclists to the park</li><li>Create temporary driveways to maintain access to the park’s parking lot</li><li>Shuttle construction crews to the project area so they can park personal vehicles off-site and reduce impacts to street parking</li><li>Avoid blocking residential and commercial driveways. If not possible, coordinate access in advance to reduce impacts</li></ul><h2>Reduce noise and vibration</h2><ul><li>Monitor noise to ensure the work is compliant with City of Coquitlam bylaws and granted bylaw variances</li><li>Use sound barriers to reduce construction noise</li><li>Monitor vibration during drilling, excavation, water main installation, and restoration activities</li></ul><h2>Manage air quality and dust</h2><ul><li>Reduce vehicles idling time</li><li>Use low-emission machinery</li><li>Sweep around the construction site or use water trucks to remove dust</li></ul></div> |
Engagement | Engagement | <div class="ExternalClass1678081144D246ED9FE123624197DA4F"><p>At Metro Vancouver, we make decisions that impact the 2.8 million residents that live in our region. Metro Vancouver engages municipalities, businesses and the general public whenever we are working on a new program, policy, or project across our service areas. Learn more about our engagement principles.</p><h2>Public comment period</h2><p>Metro Vancouver conducted an online public comment period for the Coquitlam Water Main – Robson to Guildford Section from October 25 to November 12, 2021. The purpose of the engagement was to hear from local residents and businesses how we could minimize impacts on the community during construction.</p><p>As part of our engagement phase, we:</p><ul><li>Conducted an online survey</li><li>Held an open house on November 3, 2021</li></ul><p>Supporting materials:</p><ul class="fa-ul"><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-video"></i></span><a href="" target="_blank">Open House Presentation</a></li><li>
<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/feedback-highlights-coquitlam-water-main-project-robson-guildford.pdf" target="_blank">Feedback Highlights</a><br></li></ul><h3>What we heard</h3><p>Below is a high-level summary of what we heard during our engagement phase:</p><ul><li>Request to minimize traffic delays, particularly in the residential areas</li><li>Concern about pedestrian and cyclists safety around the construction site</li><li>Request to minimize construction noise, vibration and dust</li><li>Concern about air quality due to truck idling</li><li>Concern about driveway access and temporary loss of street parking along Pipeline Road</li><li>Interest in learning about construction methodology, tree replacement and utility placement</li></ul><p>You can also find this information on our
<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/feedback-highlights-coquitlam-water-main-project-robson-guildford.pdf">feedback highlights</a>.</p><p>Your input is important to us, and has been used to improve our project plans. You can learn about how we have incorporated your feedback to reduce impacts in the section “Impacts and mitigation”.</p>
<h2>Keeping the community updated</h2><p>Metro Vancouver will keep the community informed as the project progresses by sending updates through print notifications, email, the project website, and on-site signage. You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates via email by selecting the project name in our
<a href="/services/water/water-engagement-mailing-list">water projects sign-up page</a>. </p><p>Our community liaison is available throughout the project to address any questions or comments you may have about the Coquitlam Water Main – Robson to Guildford Section.<br></p></div> |
Project materials | Project materials | <div class="ExternalClassD2981CBC6E51498492406387C87D16F9"><ul class="fa-ul"><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/coquitlam-water-main-robson-to-guildford-section-fact-sheet.pdf">Fact Sheet - Coquitlam Water Main - Robson to Guildford Section</a></li></ul><p>
<strong>Engagement Documents</strong></p><ul class="fa-ul"><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span>
<a href="">Virtual Open House Presentation</a><br></li><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span>
<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/feedback-highlights-coquitlam-water-main-project-robson-guildford.pdf">Feedback Highlights</a></li></ul><p>
<strong>Newsletters</strong> </p><ul class="fa-ul"><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/coquitlam-water-main-robson-to-guildford-section-newsletter-jun2024.pdf">2024 – June 19 – Project Update</a></li><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/coquitlam-water-main-robson-to-guildford-section-newsletter-2023-12-15.pdf">2023 – December 15 – Project Update and Holiday Shutdown</a></li><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/coquitlam-water-main-robson-to-guildford-section-newsletter-tree-removal-2023-09-12.pdf">2023 – September 12 – Upcoming Tree Removal Along Pipeline Road</a><br></li><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/newsletter-project-update-coquitlam-water-main-project-2023-04-27.pdf">2023 – April 27 – Construction Starting Soon</a><br></li></ul></div> |
Related links | Related links | <div class="ExternalClassC19425F46DF04A5786EDFE4E64AEFC5B"><ul class="fa-ul"><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-link"></i></span><a href="/services/water/the-regional-system">Regional Drinking Water System</a></li><li>
<span class="fa-li">
<i class="fa-light fa-link"></i></span><a href="/welovewater">We Love Water</a></li></ul></div> |