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Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project




Coquitlam Lake Water Supply ProjectCoquitlam Lake Water Supply Project<div class="ExternalClass49D13EAD11B2441891BDDD005B3465A9"><p>Metro Vancouver is proposing to double its capacity to withdraw water from Coquitlam Lake, the largest of our three drinking water sources, through the Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project. Planning is currently underway to determine the scope of work and design of a new water intake, a water supply tunnel, and water treatment facilities. Construction is expected to begin in the late 2020s, with completion targeted for the late 2030s.</p><p>Coquitlam Lake has served as a water source since the late 1890s. Today, it supplies about 370 million litres of water per day, or about one-third of the total drinking water demand of the region’s 2.7 million residents.</p><p>Metro Vancouver recently completed a <a href="/services/water/planning-for-future-water-supply">long-term water supply</a> study that assessed the water system’s resiliency to potential hazards and identified actions necessary for the continued supply and delivery of water over the next 100 years. The results showed that Metro Vancouver can meet the needs of a growing population and respond to impacts of climate change by expanding the use of existing water supply sources.</p><p>By building new infrastructure, Metro Vancouver doubles its capacity to access, treat, and distribute the clean, safe, drinking water of Coquitlam Lake for the benefit of current and future generations.<br></p></div>CoquitlamProject







Working with our partners and the communityWorking with our partners and the community<div class="ExternalClass67F161CB97D14D31A7734C64B28C4BF5"><p>Metro Vancouver will work closely with First Nations, stakeholders, and the public to ensure the project considers their values, concerns, and priorities.</p><ul><li>Seek input on the design of the intake with respect to ongoing restoration efforts and protection of fish populations</li><li>Seek input on the management of downstream environmental flows to support conservation of aquatic habitat in the lower Coquitlam River</li><li>Support opportunities to improve preservation of archaeological sites and enhancing Indigenous cultural heritage in the Project area</li><li>Take feedback to the project team and share with the public on how it has been addressed</li></ul>​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClass32EE5AA34992419A964A92F060D3B949"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/Fact-Sheet-CoquitlamLakeWaterSupplyProject.pdf">Fact Sheet - Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/WaterSupplyOutlookSummary.pdf">Summary - Water Supply Outlook 2120 </a>​​<br></li></ul></div>



Coquitlam Lake Water Supply ProjectCoquitlam Lake Water Supply Project421327913



2017 – 20212017 – 2021<div class="ExternalClassC31757B5042D43A4BF6098B38F43B507">Project Definition​</div>0
2022 - 20242022 - 2024<div class="ExternalClassB84800332B4640E5BF181BDF99798C72">​Permitting & Regulatory Processes​</div>1
2024 - early 2030s2024 - early 2030s<div class="ExternalClass3554668D43F04D039E667872E160C995">Design​</div>0
Late 2020s - Late 2030sLate 2020s - Late 2030s<div class="ExternalClassA935B471438B445BA523D605DAE598CE">Construction</div>0

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