Annacis Water Main North |, Annacis Water Main North | Annacis Water Main North | <div class="ExternalClass3C2BC9D415C34FDE8662C4D65B981FE0"><p>This new water main will be approximately three kilometers long and will be constructed in Burnaby and New Westminster.<br></p></div> | |
Annacis Water Main South |, Annacis Water Main South | Annacis Water Main South | <div class="ExternalClass379DFCDB37224337B7E814264AF1B956"><p>The new water main will be constructed between the cities of Surrey and Delta, from 90 Avenue to River Road.</p></div> | |
Annacis Water Supply Tunnel |, Annacis Water Supply Tunnel | Annacis Water Supply Tunnel | <div class="ExternalClass08EAD738305042CDAAB329EAAD79E872"><p>A new water supply tunnel is under construction between New Westminster and Surrey, deep under the Fraser River.</p></div> | |
Cambie-Richmond Water Supply Tunnel |, Cambie-Richmond Water Supply Tunnel | Cambie-Richmond Water Supply Tunnel | <div class="ExternalClassB6EBB8E6808F4329BD8DCCB5F4658B3C"><p>Metro Vancouver is planning to construct the Cambie-Richmond Water Supply Tunnel to increase the reliable delivery of high-quality drinking water in the event of a major earthquake. <br></p></div> | |
Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades |, Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades | Capilano Water Supply Area Infrastructure Upgrades | <div class="ExternalClass0F0FE504C82A4D80965FA6E635D11496"><p>Upgrades are taking place to the existing drinking water infrastructure in the water supply area near Capilano River Regional Park.<br></p></div> | |
Central Park Water Main |, Central Park Water Main | Central Park Water Main | <div class="ExternalClass8EE49FBCBE59476D84BB59949422466C">This 12-kilometre-long water main is being constructed in Burnaby and New Westminster to replace an existing water main that is reaching the end of its service life.<br></div> | |
Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project |, Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project | Coquitlam Lake Water Supply Project | <div class="ExternalClass3558BA9E0A2C45DBBBBBBCA8C72DE7C0">This project includes the construction of a new intake from Coquitlam Lake, a water supply tunnel and water treatment facilities.<br></div> | |
Coquitlam Water Main |, Coquitlam Water Main | Coquitlam Water Main | <div class="ExternalClass22927AC4DEB544C48E3124EF826A8696"><p>This 12-kilometre-long water main will be constructed in Coquitlam between the north end of Pipeline Road and Riverview Crescent.<br></p></div> | |
Dam Safety Enhancements Program |, Dam Safety Enhancements Program | Dam Safety Enhancements Program | <div class="ExternalClassC8D7D24145D64EECA9683F251F6F6047">Metro Vancouver’s current and upcoming projects and programs to enhance dam safety and maintain compliance with BC dam safety regulations.<br></div> | |
Douglas Road Water Main |, Douglas Road Water Main | Douglas Road Water Main | <div class="ExternalClassF0B65FF4A07D44ACB2AFBD1956FE6ABC">This 15-kilometre-long water main is being constructed to replace a section of the existing main between North Burnaby and New Westminster.<br></div> | |
Fleetwood Reservoir and Water Main |, Fleetwood Reservoir | Fleetwood Reservoir and Water Main | <div class="ExternalClass00C34D80A71E4F8EBDE5B1E22CA37A56"><p>
A new water reservoir is being constructed at the Meagan Anne MacDougall Park in Surrey.<br></p></div> | |
Kennedy Newton Water Main |, Kennedy Newton Water Main | Kennedy Newton Water Main | <div class="ExternalClassCB07D598A9ED47509FDAD3B896E20502"><p>New water main is being constructed between the cities of Surrey and Delta running from 63 Avenue to 90 Avenue.<br></p></div> | |
Kersland Reservoir Upgrade |, Kersland Reservoir Upgrade | Kersland Reservoir Upgrade | <div class="ExternalClassBB4484751F8F4A6CA2FB7EE0C939F11A"><p>Upgrades are taking place at the existing water reservoir at Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver.<br></p></div> | |
Newton Pump Station Replacement |, Newton Pump Station Replacement | Newton Pump Station Replacement | <div class="ExternalClass918F1F87A1CA499E965B77676B8FEB11"><p>A new water pump station is being constructed along 128 Street at 62A Avenue in Surrey.<br></p></div> | |
Pebble Hill Reservoir Seismic Upgrade |, Pebble Hill Reservoir Seismic Upgrade | Pebble Hill Reservoir Seismic Upgrade | <div class="ExternalClass1BF5F10527884A76B2825D8DA2E1CCBD"><p>Upgrades are taking place at Pebble Hill Reservoir located at Pebble Hill Park in Delta.<br></p></div> | |
Regional Water Instrumentation Upgrades |, Regional Water Instrumentation Upgrades | Regional Water Instrumentation Upgrades | <div class="ExternalClass1CB860ABD99C4B7E84768441D6BEECC6"><p>Metro Vancouver will install new instruments at various locations across the region to help monitor water.<br></p></div> | |
Regional Water Meter Upgrades |, Regional Water Meter Upgrades | Regional Water Meter Upgrades | <div class="ExternalClass10A05B2360724FA3B0F7FFCD902771AC">Upgrades are taking place to improve accuracy in measuring water use and manage increasing water demand in our growing region.</div> | |
Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel |, Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel | Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel | <div class="ExternalClassF46D8CEE270E4921AB9C1572B931188E"><p>The new water supply tunnel is being constructed deep under Burrard Inlet, east of the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge.</p></div> | |
Stanley Park Water Supply Tunnel |, Stanley Park Water Supply Tunnel | Stanley Park Water Supply Tunnel | <div class="ExternalClass6E9F45EAB03647E58216C96602E4B898"><p>The new water supply tunnel will be constructed deep under Stanley Park, in Vancouver, to replace an aging water main.<br></p></div> | |