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Cleveland Dam Safety Enhancements Program






Cleveland Dam Safety Enhancements ProgramCleveland Dam Safety Enhancements Program<div class="ExternalClass8442998F567842FD99804BD177E9F908"><div class="ExternalClass60F032B300F94F65B1E3EED44E6FDE6B"><p>On Thursday, October 1, 2020, the spillway gate at the Cleveland Dam released a large volume of water into the Capilano River while it was undergoing maintenance. We recognize the impact that this has had on everyone involved and are committed to ensuring this never happens again. As part of our commitment to make improvements to our system, Metro Vancouver conducted a comprehensive review of the Cleveland Dam and implemented a number of new safety enhancements.</p><h3>Purpose</h3><p>The purpose of the Cleveland Dam Safety Enhancements Program is to improve public safety, protect the environment and maintain safe recreation in Capilano River Regional Park, and along Capilano River.</p><p>Activities that have included in the Cleveland Dam Safety Enhancements Program are:</p><ul><li>Enhancement of the public safety warning system</li><li>Additional public safety information signs</li><li>New public-facing alarm system</li><li>Implementation of an SMS text messaging system</li><li>Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation), North Shore partners and public engagement program to engage with the community on enhancements to the warning system</li><li>Comprehensive review of operations and internal protocol<br></li></ul></div></div>Capilano River Regional ParkProgram

Interim public warning system alarm locations map

There are six public-facing alarms along the Capilano River. These alarms are tested monthly. They are designed to allow Metro Vancouver to alert the public if an operational emergency happens with the dam. Hear the alarm blast? Get out fast.

Alarms do not sound for weather events

These alarms do not sound in the event of freshet flows or heavy rainfall events. Environment Canada provides warnings related to weather events. ​






What to expect during alarm system testingWhat to expect during alarm system testing<div class="ExternalClassC265DD382BE4439789C01D35AC745FF2"><p>To ensure the alarms function properly, the system requires testing. During testing you’ll hear verbal confirmation, followed by the alarm sounding for up to two minutes. The verbal instructions will be:</p><p> <em>“This is a TEST. This is a TEST of the Cleveland Dam emergency warning system. This is ONLY a TEST. To respond to an actual emergency, you should evacuate the Capilano River and Canyon immediately. This is ONLY a TEST. NO ACTION is required.​”</em></p></div>
What to expect from the alarmsWhat to expect from the alarms<div class="ExternalClass9451176745294A33812967AFBA24F836"><ul><li> <a target="_blank">Hear an example of the siren</a><br><audio controls="yes"><source src="/services/water/PublishingImages/SlowWhoopMP3.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /><source src="/services/water/PublishingImages/SlowWhoop.wav" type="audio/wav" /> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank">See a example of the strobe lights</a>​<br></li></ul>​​​<br></div>



Since 2020, Metro Vancouver has been actively engaging and fostering relationships with Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation), North Shore partners, and the public on dam and river safety initiatives, community engagement efforts, and emergency response planning.​​



Phase 1 Engagement (2021)Phase 1 Engagement (2021)<div class="ExternalClass8E46D78CA0324892BDFDCA533BB39311"><p>The first phase of public engagement took place between May and July 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the engagement was held online. Activities during this phase included 30 stakeholder meeting, 5,358 views of our engagement video, 195 responses to our online and hard copy survey and additional feedback received through email, phone and text.</p><ul class="fa-ul"><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-video"></i>​</span><a href="" target="_blank">Phase 1 Engagement Video</a></li>​​ <li>​​​​<span class="fa-li">​<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/water/Documents/cleveland-dam-discussion-guide.pdf" target="_blank" title="Phase 1 Discussion Guide">Phase 1 Discussion Guide</a></li><li>​<span class="fa-li">​<i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/water/Documents/cleveland-dam-enhancements-phase-1-engagement-summary-report.pdf" target="_blank" title="Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report">Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report</a></li><li>​<span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i></span>​<a href="/about-us/community-engagement" target="_blank" title="Learn more about our commitment to public engagement and our guiding principles">Learn more about our commitment to public engagement and our guiding principles</a></li></ul><p> <strong>What we heard:</strong></p><p>Feedback gathered through the public engagement process will be combined with the expertise of third-party engineer consulting firms working to help us design the long-term public warning system.</p><p> <strong>Public safety information signs</strong></p><ul><li>Suggestions to install more public safety signs along the river, between Capilano River Fish Hatchery and the south access to Pipeline Trail</li><li>Comments on the benefits of adding signs that communicate serious risk or loss of life in designated areas along the river</li><li>Concerns and comments on what to do or where to go in the event of emergency scenario</li></ul><p> <strong>Public alarm system</strong></p><ul><li>Suggestions to add more public-facing sirens and strobe lights along the Capilano River</li><li>Support for the content and messaging used during alarm testing scenarios</li><li>Suggestions to consider adding verbal instructions with the alarms to alert people of what to do during an emergency scenario</li></ul><p> <strong>SMS texting system</strong></p><ul><li>Interest in expanding the SMS system to include notice of river level changes</li><li>Suggestions to consider updating the SMS notification system from opt-in subscription to automatic push of public safety alerts</li></ul><p> <strong>Ongoing communication and education</strong></p><ul><li>Support to continue promoting program updates and engagement opportunities through signs located in Capilano River Regional Park and through social media</li></ul><p> <strong>Park and river user experience</strong></p><ul><li>Almost all engagement participants visit the Capilano River or Cleveland Dam at least once per year</li><li>​Activities most frequently enjoyed by engagement participants who visit Capilano River Regional Park and the Capilano River include hiking, running or walking</li></ul></div>
Phase 2 Engagement (2022-2023)Phase 2 Engagement (2022-2023)<div class="ExternalClass40F65A8B3DFA4826B8A85DD8C058DF34"><p>Throughout summer 2022 – summer 2023, the following engagement activities were completed:</p><ul><li>Engineering teams completing on-site studies and hydraulic modeling of the Capilano River</li><li>A third-party engineer consulting firm conducted onsite surveys to determine patterns of the public and river users along the Capilano River to inform the long-term public safety enhancements. The purpose of the survey is to collect a statistically valid sample to determine:</li><ul><li>Who the River Users are? Collect demographic data</li><li>Where the River Users are? Use maps to identify where people live, work, and recreation in the vicinity of the Capilano River</li><li>When the River users are in the River? Identify users during different time of day, time of week, varying throughout the seasons</li><li>What are the River Users doing? Identify activities that River Users are performing</li></ul><li>Transitioned to <a href="/services/water/cleveland-dam-safety-enhancements-program-notifications" target="_blank">Alertable</a>, a mass notification public alerting system that provides timely distribution of critical information during emergency events </li><li>A new Dam Safety Educational Program ​was developed</li></ul></div>
Phase 3 Engagement (2025)Phase 3 Engagement (2025)<div class="ExternalClass3BC445C476B344E18EA037C4C9B65A18"><p>​Phase 3 of engagement will include public engagement on the proposed long term safety enhancements final design, construction timelines and all safety initiatives completed to date.​<br></p></div>

Subscribe to Alertable Metro Vancouver’s emergency notification system

Sign up for free emergency alerts from Metro Vancouver through Alertable for Cleveland Dam and Seymour Falls Dam. Alertable is part of a suite of tools to support public communication about the Cleveland Dam enhanced public warning system. Notifications will contain information to confirm why the audible and visible alarm system has been activated, and will help subscribers know if the lights and sirens indicate an alarm-testing situation or an actual dam-related emergency.

Subscribe to Alertable

System Alarm Testing Alerts:

  • In the event of a system alarm test, sirens and lights will activate, followed by a verbal warning indicating a test is underway. 
  • Individuals who subscribe to Metro Vancouver’s Emergency Notification System will receive a message indicating that a test is underway and no action is required.

Emergency Alerts:

  • In the event of an emergency alert, sirens and lights will activate. 
  • Individuals who subscribe to Metro Vancouver’s Emergency Notification System will receive an emergency alert message indicating that anyone in the area or downstream of the Cleveland Dam should evacuate the river area immediately. An alert will also be sent when the event has ended.

Disclaimer: Please read and understand the risk​s

The river and shoreline present inherent dangers, hazards and risks to those who enter, including but not limited to changes in water levels, risk of hypothermia, unexpected surges and waves, fast flowing water, rocks, branches and the risk of personal injury, death or loss of property.

Persons using or entering the Capilano River(s) and shoreline at any time do so at their own risk. ​​​​

Stay connected

Sign up to be notified of public engagement opportunities and emergency alerts through Alertable.​

Sign Up​​​​

Upcoming test ​dates in 2025

  • ​​​12:00 pm - February 20
  • ​​12:00 pm - March 20
  • 12:00 pm - April 17
  • 12:00 pm - May 15
  • ​​12:00 pm - June 19
  • ​​12:00 pm - July 17
  • ​​12:00 pm - August 21
  • ​​12:00 pm - September 18
  • ​​12:00 pm - October 16
  • ​​12:00 pm - November 20
  • ​​12:00 pm - December 18​​



April – May 2021April – May 2021<div class="ExternalClass5D0B531C15574D558BB2B952A3944463">Installation of interim public-facing alarms</div>0
May – July 2021May – July 2021<div class="ExternalClassDB7F003449A44CBCB5DBBE1773E807CD">Phase 1 engagement</div>0
Fall 2021Fall 2021<div class="ExternalClass203FF0695E324E3082C1AD281854B7A1">Phase 1 engagement report out​​<br></div>0
Spring 2022Spring 2022<div class="ExternalClass312E5377249947A8B7D556DDE86AC0FD">Completed the installation of interim public-facing alarms</div>0
Summer 2022 – Summer 2023Summer 2022 – Summer 2023<div class="ExternalClassDBBF2BFC23224426A0C64F2AB57E1292">River user and public onsite surveying</div>0
Spring 2023Spring 2023<div class="ExternalClassCDE679EA5B704DBF9F904047920ECF0B">Emergency Mass Communication Notification System Upgrade Project</div>0
Spring 2023Spring 2023<div class="ExternalClassC10EA73463AF46968857212B70BA9510">Dam Safety Educational Campaign</div>0
Spring 2022 – Fall 2024Spring 2022 – Fall 2024<div class="ExternalClass6D89D29F22054847A6BABC0E345AC556">Phase 2 engagement on the long term safety enhancements</div>1
20252025<div class="ExternalClassB85FEA664DE843B6AC30B6B9264CB5DA">Long term safety enhancements final design</div>0

Contact us

Community liaison
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

  • Email
  • 604-432-6200​​​

After hours emergencies

  • 604-451-6610​

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