Project activities | Project activities | <div class="ExternalClassD8027B464D5043E58D96156AC7129307"><p>Activities for the Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1 will include:</p><ul><li><strong>Preparing the work area</strong>: Ahead of major construction activities, Metro Vancouver's contractor will be fencing trees, setting up a site trailer, delivering equipment, installing temporary signage, sampling soil, and identifying existing utility locations.<br><br></li><li><strong>Relocating existing or installing new underground utilities</strong>: In various locations, underground utilities will be relocated or added to accommodate the new water main and valve chambers.<br><br></li><li><strong>Installing the new water main: </strong>The new water main will be installed in segments. This work will involve establishing a work zone that is several blocks in length, two-to-three lanes wide, and fenced for safety; excavating a large trench; installing temporary shoring to secure the excavated area; and installing a steel water main with a diameter of 1.2 metres.<br><br></li><li><strong>Constructing underground valve chambers:</strong> Two valve chambers, one at Palm Avenue and one at Empress Avenue, will be built along the water main. This work will include excavating a deep pit, approximately 10 metres wide and 16 metres long. Each valve chamber will take approximately 6 months to construct.<br><br></li><li><strong>Cleaning and testing of the new water main: </strong>The new pipe will be pressure tested, disinfected, and flushed before coming into service.<br><br></li><li><strong>Connecting the new water main and valve chambers: </strong>Towards the end of the project, the new infrastructure will be connected to the existing water distribution system.<br><br></li><li><strong>Restoring the area: </strong>Once construction is complete, all impacted areas will be permanently paved and restored.<br></li></ul></div> |
Work hours | Work hours | <div class="ExternalClassBE040113446041EFBFE2306B455998FE"><p>Typical hours of work for this project will be:</p><ul><li>Monday to Friday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm<br></li><li>No work on weekends and holidays<br></li></ul><p>All work will comply with City of Burnaby bylaws or granted bylaw variances. There may be times when crews will need to work longer hours or on weekends to complete critical activities safely and efficiently. Metro Vancouver will notify the community about these activities in advance.<br><br></p><br></div> |
Impacts and mitigation | Impacts and mitigation | <div class="ExternalClassF24E52BB99E44446A322027976D56B87"><p style="margin-bottom:15px;"></p><p>Metro Vancouver recognizes the construction of Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1 will impact local residents and businesses. This essential water main project will result in noise and vibration, partial and full road closures, access, and traffic impacts.<br></p><p>As part of our commitment to minimize project impacts, we have been working with the City of Burnaby and local residents and businesses to identify impacts early in the process and undertake measures to mitigate them. We have developed a Public Impact Mitigation Strategy that includes information received from the community through an online survey and a virtual open house in 2022. <br></p><p>Wherever possible, the contractor will:<br></p><p><strong>Maintain access for local residents and businesses </strong></p><p>We will maintain access to homes and businesses whenever possible. However, construction may temporarily restrict access to residential and business driveways and parking areas. If anyone in your home has mobility restrictions or any other concerns, please contact the project's community liaison at 604-432-6200 to discuss alternate options for parking and access, and to explore possible solutions to mitigate impacts.<br></p><p><strong>Reduce noise and vibration</strong></p><ul><li>Implement the Noise and Vibration Strategy </li><li>Schedule work that requires noisy or high-vibration equipment, such as hydro vacuum trucks, saw cutters, vibratory compactors, and excavators, to take place after 8:00 am and before 6:00 pm</li><li>Minimize nuisance noise such as offloading equipment, operating back-up beepers, and idling or warming up heavy equipment unnecessarily and outside of allowable hours</li><li>Cover noisy equipment and use sound barriers </li><li>Monitor noise periodically to ensure the work is compliant with the City of Burnaby bylaws and granted bylaw variances<br></li></ul><p><strong>Keep people moving safely and efficiently</strong></p><ul><li>Implement a Traffic Management Plan</li><li>Place fencing, signage, and traffic control personnel around the construction areas to ensure people can safely move around them</li><li>Maintain at least one driveway for homes and businesses throughout construction; however, drivers may experience delays in accessing driveways when active construction is taking place outside a home or a business</li><li>Maintain access to school drop-off and pick-up zones</li><li>Ensure emergency services have access to properties at all times</li><li>Ensure sidewalks, pedestrian paths, and bike routes remain accessible or have detour options<br></li></ul><p><strong>Manage site cleanliness</strong></p><ul><li>Keep the work site in a tidy condition and ensure that impacted roads are cleaned and swept regularly</li><li>Have appropriate equipment readily available for dust, mud, and accidental material spillage control<br></li></ul></div> |
Engagement | Engagement | <div class="ExternalClass32ADE64A4C2C4AD5A48553B46971DB4D"><p>At Metro Vancouver we make decisions that impact nearly 3 million residents that live in our region. Metro Vancouver engages municipalities, businesses and the general public whenever we are working on a new program, policy, or project across our service areas. Learn more about our <a href="/about-us/community-engagement" target="_blank">engagement principles</a>.</p><p><strong>2022 public comment period</strong></p><p>Metro Vancouver conducted a public comment period for the Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section from July 21 to September 14, 2022. The purpose of the engagement was to hear from local residents and businesses how we can minimize impacts on the community during construction.</p><p>As part of our engagement phase, we:</p><ul><li>Conducted an online survey and received 217 responses</li><li>Held a virtual open house on September 8 and seven people attended the event</li></ul><p>Engagement supporting materials:</p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Open House Presentation</a></li><li><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/feedback-highlights-central-park-water-main-imperial-section.pdf" target="_blank">Feedback Highlights</a><br></li></ul><div><p><strong>Working with the community</strong><br></p><p>Metro Vancouver is committed to working closely with the community and the City of Burnaby to ensure concerns and interests are considered as the project progresses. <br></p><p>We will notify the community in advance of traffic impacts, temporary driveway or parking closures, and detour routes. Local residents and businesses can expect to receive ongoing notifications through signage and print materials. You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive regular updates via email by selecting the project name in <a href="/services/water/water-engagement-mailing-list" target="_blank">our water projects sign-up page</a>.<br></p><p>We also have a dedicated community liaison available throughout the project to address any questions or comments you may have. <br><br></p><br></div><br></div> |
What we heard | What we heard | <div class="ExternalClass859FF45174D9460991384E0C194E9D3C"><p>Thank you for taking the time to learn about and provide your feedback on Metro Vancouver’s Central Park Water Main – Imperial Section Phase 1. Please find below what we heard during our engagement phase and what we are doing to address the community’s feedback:<br></p>
<table class="uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider mv-border-cyan mv-table-heading-cyan mv-table-border uk-table-striped"><thead><tr><th>What we heard</th><th>What we’re doing</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><p>Concerns and questions about traffic impacts such as delays, transit and cycling routes, and pedestrian pathways</p></td><td><p>We are working with a traffic engineering firm to develop a Traffic Management Strategy. Feedback provided through our public engagement process will be incorporated into the strategy to ensure impacts are minimized wherever possible. </p><p>Once the Traffic Management Strategy is complete, Metro Vancouver will share information about how we will keep people moving safely and efficiently around our work zones. </p><p>We will also share any anticipated impacts and proposed detours to transit, cycling routes, and pedestrian pathways. This information will be shared via fact sheets and newsletters in advance of construction. </p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Requests to coordinate traffic plans with other projects in the area to ensure traffic flows as efficiently as possible</p></td><td><p>Metro Vancouver and the City of Burnaby have been and will continue to coordinate closely to ensure that traffic strategies and plans reflect current and future construction projects in the area. </p><p>During construction, our contractor will develop specific traffic control plans based on the Traffic Management Strategy. The plans will be reviewed and approved by Metro Vancouver and the City of Burnaby to ensure coordination with other projects in the area and compliance with the management strategy.</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Interest in how traffic plans will impact access to schools, businesses, and homes</p></td><td><p>At least one driveway for all homes and businesses will be maintained throughout construction; however, drivers may experience delays in accessing driveways when active construction is taking place outside a home or a business. </p><p>We’re working with schools along the alignment to ensure access will be maintained for school drop-off and pick-up zones. We’ll also work closely with schools in order to keep the administration and parents informed as construction progresses in these areas.</p><p>We will ensure emergency vehicles can access homes and businesses at all times. </p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Requests to ensure safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists around the construction area</p></td><td><p>We are working with a traffic engineering firm to develop a Traffic Management Strategy that ensures safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists near all construction areas. </p><p>Wherever possible, we will ensure sidewalks and pedestrian paths remain accessible to wheelchairs, strollers, and mobility devices. When accessibility cannot be maintained, we will provide accessible detour options at controlled intersections. </p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Requests to receive advance notice of project impacts, especially cycling and pedestrian detours</p></td><td><p>We will provide advance notice of construction activities and impacts via mail, email, web, and social media updates. Notifications will include the location and duration of work, work hours, and any anticipated impacts.</p><p>When unplanned, unforeseen, or short-term noise or vibration impacts occur, the contractor will coordinate with Metro Vancouver to ensure affected parties are notified as soon as possible. </p></td></tr><tr><td>
<p>Concerns over duration of noise impacts, especially at the valve chamber locations</p></td><td>
<p>We have developed a Noise and Vibration Management Strategy to mitigate noise and vibration impacts during construction. Mitigation measures include installing noise barriers at the Empress Avenue valve chamber; shrouding generators located near homes to minimize noise impacts; and scheduling our noisiest activities, such as hydro vacuum trucks, to begin later in the work day. </p><p>We’ll ensure our contractor is working within the City of Burnaby bylaw hours, or—when there are extenuating circumstances that require work outside those hours—they will be applying for bylaw variances. This may be necessary to ensure other impacts, such as traffic delays, are not prolonged.</p><p>Metro Vancouver will periodically be conducting noise audits near the work zones to ensure all work complies with the City of Burnaby noise bylaws. </p></td></tr></tbody></table><br></div> |
Project materials | Project materials | <div class="ExternalClassF9F2ED0AEB8548858DA69AD7C329CF9A"><p>
<strong>Project materials</strong></p><p></p><ul><li><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/Newsletter-Mobilization-Central-Park-Water-Main-Imperial-Section-January-2025.pdf">Newsletter - Mobilization - Central Park Water Main - Imperial Section - January 2025</a><br></li><li><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/central-park-water-main-imperial-section-september-2024.pdf">Fact Sheet - Central Park Water Main Imperial Section</a><br><br></li></ul>
<p></p></div> |