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Annacis Water Supply Tunnel




Annacis Water Supply TunnelAnnacis Water Supply Tunnel<div class="ExternalClassC7A40DF1AB30454E9576025BBA9B2507"><p>Metro Vancouver is constructing a new water supply tunnel deep under the Fraser River, between the City of New Westminster ​and the City of Surrey.</p><p>The Annacis Water Suppl​y Tunnel will be one of the five new marine crossings in the region built to withstand​ a major earthquake. When complete, it will help ensure the continued delivery of high-quality​ drinking water to the communities south of the Fraser River well into the future.</p><p>Construction will take appro​​ximately six years, from 2022 to 2028. It will involve building an entry shaft in Surrey and an exit shaft in New Westminster, and using a tunnel boring machine to excavate the 2.3-kilometre-long tunnel.</p><p>Once construction is complete, M​etro Vancouver will connect the newly constructed water supply tunnel to the regional water distribution system, and restore both shaft sites. Restoration will include creating a new green space for the community in New Westminster and replanting trees in Surrey.<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file">​</i> ​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/fact-sheet-annacis-water-supply-tunnel-north-shaft-site.pdf" target="_blank">Annacis Water Supply Tunnel North Shaft Sit​e fact sheet</a>​​<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file">​</i> ​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/fact-sheet-annacis-water-supply-tunnel-south-shaft-site.pdf" target="_blank">Annacis Water Supply Tunnel​ South Shaft Site fact s​heet</a>​<br></p></div>City of New Westminster and City of SurreyProject



Construction Work Is Progressing Construction Work Is Progressing <div class="ExternalClass1B3BFFC7BBE64ACAB71FD0F834F78571"><p>​<strong>South Shaft Site in Surrey</strong></p><p>The tunnel boring machine was launched at the entry shaft site in Surrey in early 2024, and has progressed approximately one kilometer to date. It is expected to arrive at the north shaft site in early 2025. Upcoming project activities include:</p><ul><li>Installing the water main once tunnel excavation is complete. Work will involve building a 2.6 m diameter steel water main inside the new tunnel and shafts</li><li>Building an underground valve chamber at the site when tunnelling is complete. It will be used to regulate water flow, and isolate sections of the water transmission system to conduct maintenance and repair work in the future<br></li></ul><p><strong>North Shaft Site in New Westminster </strong></p><p>In September 2024, our contractor successfully completed excavation of the north shaft, which is approximately 60 meters deep. Construction of the new valve chamber is anticipated to start in late 2024 or early 2025 and will take approximately two years to complete. Valve chamber construction will require a vibratory hammer to insert sheet piles into the ground. <br></p><p>Read the full update in the <a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/annacis-water-supply-tunnel-project-update-south-and-north-shaft-sites-2024-11-4.pdf">Annacis Water Supply Tunnel – South and North Shaft Site Project Update Newsletter​</a><br><br></p></div>11/8/2024 8:00:00 AM



Annacis Water Supply Tunnel project alignment map Water Supply Tunnel project alignment map
Annacis Water Supply Tunnel infographic cross section Water Supply Tunnel infographic cross section
Annacis Water Supply Tunnel north shaft site map Water Supply Tunnel north shaft site map
Annacis Water Supply Tunnel south shaft site map Water Supply Tunnel south shaft site map



Project activitiesProject activities<div class="ExternalClass8884ACDA712E4DC69AF2B0B309C5D23F"><p>The Annacis Wat​er Supply Tunnel has two project sites:</p><ol><li> <strong>New Westminster:</strong> Located at 11th Street, between Auckland Street and Royal Avenue. Construction in New Westminster will take place from early 2023 to 2028.<br></li><li> <strong>Surrey:</strong> Located at Grace Road, east of the Highway 17. Construction in Surrey will take place from mid-2022 to 2028.</li></ol><p>Main construction activities will include:</p><ul><li> <strong>Site Preparation:</strong> Our contractor will install temporary fencing around the site to ensure safety of crew, pedestrians, and cyclists throughout construction. This also includes the delivery of construction trailers, materials, and heavy equipment such as excavators and loaders to the site.<br>In New Westminster, the contractor will also install new utilities, and build a temporary four-metre-high elevated work platform on-site.</li><li> <strong>Shaft Construction</strong>: Once site preparation is complete, construction crews will install a retention wall around the tunnel shaft, and excavate the 60-metre-deep shaft. The contractor will then have divers seal the bottom of the shaft. During this phase, there will be high truck traffic to deliver and remove materials, and several pieces of heavy equipment such as cranes, loaders, and hydromill cutter will be on-site.</li><li> <strong>Tunnelling:</strong> After the shaft is built, crews will excavate a 2.3-kilometre-long tunnel beneath the Fraser River using a tunnel boring machine. This equipment will be launched from the entry shaft located in Surrey, and progress to the exit shaft in New Westminster.</li><li> <strong>Water Main Installation:</strong> Once the tunnel is excavated, the contractor will install a 2.6 m diameter steel water main inside the new tunnel.</li><li> <strong>Valve Chamber Construction: </strong>When water main installation is underway, the contractor will build a large underground valve chamber near the shaft. This activity will require specialized crews to install the pipe connections, valves, and other electrical equipment used to regulate water flow. The valve chamber will be large—approximately 15 square meters, and eight metres deep.</li><li> <strong>Water Main Connection: </strong>At the end of construction, Metro Vancouver will connect the new water supply tunnel through two local water mains to the existing drinking water distribution system. In Surrey, the connection will happen through the <a href="" target="_blank">Annacis Water Main South</a>, which is currently under construction. Metro Vancouver will also construct a new water main in New Westminster; we will share more details as the design progresses.</li></ul><p>Once the construction phase is complete, we will restore the projects sites to better or equal condition. Please read the section “Restor​​ation Plans” for more details.​​</p>​​ </div>
Restoration plansRestoration plans<div class="ExternalClassD2C0EC8AFE6040EAABA359F8AAF7AEB0"><p><strong>New Westminster (Nor​​th Shaft Site)</strong></p><p>Once the c​​onstruction is complete, Metro Vancouver will restore the roads to previous or ​better condition,​ and turn the project site into an open space for the community to enjoy.</p><p>We are integrating input fro​​m the local community, the City of New Westminster, as well as local First Nations into the design. It will include drought-resistant native plants and trees, and interpretive elements that help educate people about the drinking water infrastructure hidden deep underground.</p><p><strong>Surrey (South Shaft Site)</strong></p><p>Once construction is complete, Metro Vancouver will work with City of Surrey to ensure the site is restored in line with sustaina​ble practices to support the area’s biodiversity and ecological health.</p><p>We will replant a mix o​f different types of trees and shrubs, such as Sitka Spruce, Western Red Cedar, and Salmonberry. Any roadways impacted by this project will be restored to similar or better condition.​<br></p><br></div>
Work hoursWork hours<div class="ExternalClass7610A3790C3A44ABBB504C44223A0BB9"><p>All work will comply with bylaws or granted bylaw variances. There may be times when construction crews will need to work longer hours or outside of the planned days to complete certain tasks. Metro Vancouver will notify the community about these activities ahead of time.</p><p>Typical hours of work for this project will be:</p><p> <strong>New Westminster​​ (North Shaft Site)</strong></p><ul><li> <strong>Monday to Friday:​</strong> 7:00 am - 8:00 pm</li><li> <strong>Saturdays:</strong> 9:00 am - 6:00 pm</li><li> <strong>Sundays and holidays:</strong> ​No work planned</li></ul><p> <strong>Surrey (South Shaft Site)</strong><br> ​Our contractor will be working 24 hours a day in Surrey, from Monday to Sunday, to maintain the project schedule. ​All work will comply with City of Surrey bylaw variances.​<br></p> <br> </div>
Impacts and mitigationImpacts and mitigation<div class="ExternalClass53A91068EFB64FAC890B18E0B802389B"><p>Metro Vancouver is committed to minimizing project impacts to the local businesses and residents located near the area where​ver possible. As part of our process, we identified potential impacts such as noise, traffic and dust early in the design stage, and planned the following measures to mitigate them during construction:</p><p><strong>Reducing Noise and V​ibration</strong></p><p>Constructio​​n activities will generate noise and vibration during work hours. The contractor will monitor noise to ensure the work is compliant with both municipalities’ bylaws or granted bylaw variances.</p><p>To reduce noise and vibra​tion impacts, whenever possible, our contractor will:</p><ul><li>Schedule work with our noisiest and high-vibration equipment, such as hydro vacuum trucks and jack hammers, to take place between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm</li><li>Minimize “nuisance noise”, such as offloading equipment, operating back-up beepers, or warming up heavy equipment</li><li>Cover noisy equipment while in use</li></ul><p><strong>Keeping People Moving Safely and Effectively</strong></p><p>We estimate an average of 15 trucks in and out of the site daily, with the exception of some construction periods where the site will receiv​​e 35-40 trucks a day.</p><p>To minimize traf​fic impacts in the area, our contractor will:</p><ul><li>Place traffic control personnel and signage around the construction area to ensure pedestrians, motorists and cyclists can safely move around the project site</li><li>Maintain emergency access to the area at all times</li><li>Provide temporary bridges or pathways during work that impacts public spaces</li><li>Maintain access to at least one sidewalk at all times</li><li>Remove equipment and obstructions to maximize public access to roadways and sidewalks after work hours</li></ul><p>Metro Van​couver h​​as also planned additional measures to minimize impacts specific to each of the shaft sites.</p><p><strong>In New Westminster:</strong></p><ul><li>​Contain the wo​rk within our site as much as possible in order to minimize disruptions to surrounding businesses</li><li>Restrict parking near the site only during major construction activities, except tunnelling</li></ul><p><strong>In Surrey:</strong></p><ul><li>Access and leave the project site via Grace Road and River Road. Residential streets will be avoided wherever possible</li></ul><p><strong>Managing Air Quality and Dust</strong></p><p>To minimize greenhouse gas emissions an​d dust, crews will:​<br></p><ul><li>Reduce vehicles idling time</li><li>Shut down equipment that is not in use</li><li>Sweep around the construction site to minimize dust​</li></ul><br></div>
EngagementEngagement<div class="ExternalClass58A9A020D5F245C2AD5DD51045D77A1F"><p>At Metro Vancouver we make decisions that impact the 2.8​ million residents that live in our region. Metro Vancouver engages​​ municipalities, businesses and the general public whenever we are working on a new program, policy, or project across our service areas. Learn more about our <a href="" target="_blank">engagement principles</a>.</p><p>In 2019 and 2020, Metro Vanc​​ouver engaged with the local community to understand any concerns related to the construction of this necessary water infrastructure project.</p><p> <strong>Open H​ouse</strong></p><p>In January 20​​19, M​​etro Vancouver held an open house about the Annacis Water Supply Tunnel for the community of New Westminster.</p><p>Supporting ​materials:</p><ul><li> <a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/awst-openhouse-display-panels.pdf" target="_blank">Display Panels</a></li><li>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/feedback-highlights-engagement-summary-awst.pdf" target="_blank">Feedback Highlights</a><br></li></ul><p> <strong>Public Com​​ment Period</strong></p><p>Metro Vanco​​uver conducted an online public comment period for the Annacis Water Supply Tunnel from May 15 to May 29, 2020.</p><p> <strong>What W​​e Heard</strong></p><p>Thank you f​​or taking the time to participate in our public comment period. Your input is important to us and will be used to reduce projects impacts to the local community.</p><p>Below is a high​​-level summary of what we heard:</p><ul><li>Questions about hours of work, noise and vibration</li><li>Interest in traffic and street parking</li><li>Questions about air quality and dust control</li><li>Interest in maintaining safe access for cyclists and pedestrians</li></ul><p>Supporting mat​erial:</p><ul><li> <a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/annacis-water-supply-tunnel-public-comment-period-display-panels.pdf" target="_blank">Display Panels</a><span style="font-size:1rem;color:#323232;font-family:"nunito sans", verdana, arial, sans-serif;">​</span></li></ul><p> <strong>Working with the Community</strong></p><p>Metro Vancouver is committed to working closely with the community to ensure concerns and interests are considered as the proj​​ect progresses. A community liaison is available to address questions and concerns throughout the project.</p><p>If your business or family has special considerations that we should be aware of, such as parking, mobility issues or delivery schedule​​s, please contact our community liaison at 604-432-6200 to discuss your concerns and explore possible solutions to reduce impacts.</p><p>Local residents and businesses will receive ongoing updates through print notifications, email, web updates, and on-site signage. You can <a href="/services/water/water-engagement-mailing-list">su​​bscribe to our mailing list</a>​​ to receive regular updates via email.​</p> <br> </div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClass4C4DF23CBD99490285C6B7D23E5107A5"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> ​</span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/fact-sheet-annacis-water-supply-tunnel-north-shaft-site.pdf" target="_blank">Fact Sheet – Annacis Water Supply Tunnel – New Westminster</a>​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> </span>​<a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/fact-sheet-annacis-water-supply-tunnel-south-shaft-site.pdf" target="_blank">Fact Sheet –​ Annacis W​ater Supply Tunnel – Surrey</a></li></ul>​​ <p> <strong>​​Newsletters</strong></p><ul><li><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/annacis-water-supply-tunnel-project-update-south-and-north-shaft-sites-2024-11-4.pdf">2024 – November 8 – ​South and North Shaft Sites Project Update Newsletter ​​</a></li><li><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/2023-december-south-shaft-site-project-update.pdf" target="_blank">2023 – December – South Shaft Site Project Update</a></li><li><a href="/services/water/ConstructionDocuments/2023-december-north-shaft-site-project-update.pdf" target="_blank">2023 – December – North ​Shaft Site Project Update</a></li></ul>​ </div>
Related linksRelated links<div class="ExternalClass27E901F2AF7C4825912885EF74511C0D"><ul class="fa-ul"><li>​ <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> </span>​<a href="/services/water/the-regional-system">Learn more about Metro Vancouver’s dr​inking water system</a></li><li>​ <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> </span>​<a href="/welovewater">We Love Water</a></li></ul></div>



2017 - 20212017 - 2021<div class="ExternalClassF76EF04799AC4731B10EDED28CEEDA54"><p>Des​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>ign<br></p></div>0
2022 - 20272022 - 2027<div class="ExternalClassEDD4582AE7D14EBFA6229486BC7008EA"><p>Con​​​​​​​​struc​​tion​<br></p></div>1
2027 - 20282027 - 2028<div class="ExternalClass200F3EAD52994C20B2156303F924089C"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">Lands​​caping and R​​​estoration​​</span>​<br></div>0

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  • 604-451-6610​​​

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