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Continuous Environmental Monitoring


​​​​A combination of continuous emissions monitoring and manual stack testing is used to ensure the Waste-to-Energy Facility is operating effectively and maintaining high environmental standards, while complying with all regulatory requirements for facility emissions. The range of contaminants monitored is broad, including common air contaminants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), as well as acid gases, trace metals, trace organics, and dioxins / furans.

Continuous emissions monitoring

The Continuous Emissions Monitoring System uses analytical equipment to continuously monitor emissions from the Waste-to-Energy Facility. Opacity, total particulate matter, and gaseous compounds can be monitored continuously. The most recent data measured at the Waste-to-Energy Facility is displayed. The data is preliminary in nature and has not yet been checked or verified.

Waste-to-Energy Facility Emissions Data Terms and Conditions

The table below shows the most recent 24-hour average discharge data for each parameter. This data is updated once per day. Discharge limits shown are the maximum discharge rates allowed for each parameter.

24-hour Emissions Data -
Parameter Discharge Limits Discharge Values
Boiler #1 Boiler #2 Boiler #3
Opacity (%) No current limit
Carbon Monoxide (mg/dscm) 50
Hydrogen Chloride (mg/dscm) **
Sulphur Dioxide (mg/dscm) 200
Nitrogen Oxides (mg/dscm) 190
Total Hydrocarbons (mg/dscm) 10

The table below shows ½ hour average values for each parameter, which are updated once every ½ hour. Response limits indicate when action is required to bring down discharge levels to an appropriate level below the discharge limit. If the value reaches the response limit, action is taken.

½ Hour Emissions Data -
Parameter Response Limits Response Values
Boiler #1 Boiler #2 Boiler #3
Opacity (%) 5
Carbon Monoxide (mg/dscm) 100
Hydrogen Chloride (mg/dscm) No current limit
Sulphur Dioxide (mg/dscm) No current limit
Nitrogen Oxides (mg/dscm) 350
Total Hydrocarbons (mg/dscm) 20

Below is the most recent 24-hour average and ½ hour average data for each parameter. The 24-hour data is updated once per day, and the ½ hour data is updated once every ½ hour. Discharge limits shown are the maximum discharge rates allowed for each parameter. Response limits indicate when action is required to bring down discharge levels to an appropriate level below the discharge limit. If the value reaches the response limit, action is taken.

Continuous Emissions Monitoring Data

  • Opacity

    24-Hour Emissions Data (%)

    Discharge Limit: No current limit
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

    ½ Hour Emissions Data (%)

    Response Limit: 5
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)

    24-Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Discharge Limit: 50
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

    ½ Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Response Limit: 100
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)

    24-Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Discharge Limit: **
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

    ½ Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Response Limit: No current limit
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

    24-Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Discharge Limit: 200
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

    ½ Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Response Limit: No current limit
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

    24-Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Discharge Limit: 190
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

    ½ Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Response Limit: 350
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Total Hydrocarbons (THC)

    24-Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Discharge Limit: 10
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

    ½ Hour Emissions Data (mg/dscm)

    Response Limit: 20
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

Note: The most recent data measured at the Waste-to-Energy Facility is shown. The data is preliminary in nature and has not yet b​een checked or verified.

** Continuous monitoring of SO2 will be used as a surrogate for emissions monitoring of acid gases, such as HCl and HF.​​

Manual stack testing

Compounds that cannot be accurately and effectively monitored on a continuous basis using the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System are monitored via periodic manual stack testing, performed by independent certified stack test technicians. Technicians follow strict test methodologies approved by the BC Ministry of Environment, to obtain a representative sample from the flue gas. Test parameters and frequency of testing are approved through the Operational Certificate.

The data below shows the most recent manual stack test result for each parameter, along with the regulated discharge limit for that parameter.​

Manual Stack Test Data – Tested 4 times per year on all boilers -
Boiler #1 Boiler #2 Boiler #3
Total Particulate Matter (mg/dscm)
Hydrogen Fluoride (mg/dscm)
Cadmium (µg/dscm)
Mercury (µg/dscm)
Sum of Lead, Arsenic, Chromium (µg/dscm)

Effective January 2019 Total Hydrocarbons are monitored continuously and are no longer a manual stack testing parameter.

Manual Stack Test Data – Tested once per year on one boiler -
Parameter Discharge Values
Boiler #3
Total Dioxins and Furans (ng/dscm)
Chlorophenols (µg/dscm)
Chlorobenzenes (µg/dscm)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (µg/dscm)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (µg/dscm)

Manual Stack Test Data

  • Total Particulate Matter

    Testing Frequency: Four times per year (on all boilers)
    Units: mg/dcsm
    Discharge limit: 9
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Cadmium (Cd)

    Testing Frequency: Four times per year (on all boilers)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 7
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Mercury (Hg)

    Testing Frequency: Four times per year (on all boilers)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 20
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Sum of Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As), Chromium (Cr)

    Testing Frequency: Four times per year (on all boilers)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 64
    Boiler #1:
    Boiler #2:
    Boiler #3:

  • Total Dioxins and Furans (as PCDD/F TEQ)

    Testing Frequency: Annually (once per year on one boiler)
    Units: ng/dscm
    Discharge limit: 0.08
    Boiler #2:

  • Chlorophenols

    Testing Frequency: Annually (once per year on one boiler)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 1
    Boiler #2:

  • Chlorobenzenes

    Testing Frequency: Annually (once per year on one boiler)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 1
    Boiler #2:

  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

    Testing Frequency: Annually (once per year on one boiler)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 5
    Boiler #2:

  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

    Testing Frequency: Annually (once per year on one boiler)
    Units: µg/dscm
    Discharge limit: 1
    Boiler #2:

Effective January 2019 Total Hydrocarbons are monitored continuously and are no longer a manual stack testing parameter.

 Terms and con​​ditions of data use

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