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Regional Food System Strategy Update


​​Project overview

Metro Vancouver is updating the Regional Food System Strategy first released in 2011.

The Regional Food System Strategy supports a collaborative approach to creating a sustainable, resilient, and healthy food system that contributes to the well-being of all residents, the economic prosperity of the region, and the conservation of our ecological legacy. To implement the strategy, Metro Vancouver, in collaboration with its member jurisdictions, created the Regional Food System Action Plan (2016).

The purpose of an updated strategy

An updated strategy is intended to reflect the many economic, environmental, and regulatory changes that have influenced the regional food system since 2011. It will also:

  • Provide direction and actions to address key issues in the short and long-term
  • Provide clarity on Metro Vancouver’s role in the regional food system
  • Establish prioritized, realistic, and measurable actions for food system sectors​​

Food system challen​ges

Since 2011, the regional food system has been challenged by many local and external factors that have affected food security in the region. For example:

  • Climate change and its increasing impacts on local crop quality and yield
  • Changing retail structures, packaging requirements, and consumer behaviours creating a significant amount of waste, both from food and packaging
  • National and international events and decisions affecting food production, processing, and transportation costs
  • Land use decisions and tax structures in agricultural areas challenging generational farmer retention

The strategy will highlight collective challenges in all parts of a food system, as well as helping identify sector-specific actions that can be taken to strengthen food production and create efficiencies in all areas. Regional food systems build capacity and assets that can shape the future of how a region obtains, distributes, and consumes food.

Regional food system sectors

In this update, the project team is currently considering these sectors and activities within the regional food system.​

Growing crops, raising livestock, and harvesting​​ seafood
Preparing food for market and manufacturing food products
Warehousing, storage, and distribution logistics of food
Promoting food groups (e.g. dairy) and advertising
Logistics and transportation of food to and from and within the food system
Food service
Providing food through catering, corporate programs, or cafeterias
Eating food at the direct consumer level, corporate, business, and institutional level
Wasted food
Wasted food that can still be consumed by humans
Package waste
Packaging waste from all sectors of the food system​

Examples of regional food system roles​

Food industry



Food producers Food producers <div class="ExternalClass90CE4ACAE1AA44DE8C5B4F375C51F7C1"><ul><li>​​​Open field and greenhouse farmers</li> <li>​​​​Fish and seafood harvesters</li></ul></div>
Food processors and distributorsFood processors and distributors<div class="ExternalClassE27D89D8C6D64871814A454C985DD3B7"><ul><li>​Move fresh farm and seafood products from the farm or dock to food retailers, restaurants, hotels, and cafeterias</li><li>​Includes food processors, packers, wholesalers, and food service distributors<br></li></ul></div>




Government of CanadaGovernment of Canada<div class="ExternalClass6869DC20B69D4595A10EBDF093199FC6"><ul><li>Establishes standards for agricultural operations and agricultural equipment </li><li>International trade, inter-provincial trade, and commerce of agricultural products </li><li>Farm income stabilization, agricultural research, and development </li><li>​ Regulation of animals and plants</li></ul></div>
Province of British ColumbiaProvince of British Columbia<div class="ExternalClassC89B5F58509946CABE4D4F62898C7922"><ul><li>​Involves multiple ministries (e.g. Agriculture, Transportation and Infrastructure, Environment)</li><li>Strategies for economic growth, job creation, social welfare, transportation systems, and the environment​​</li></ul></div>
First NationsFirst Nations<div class="ExternalClassC787FA34135D4DC98861B703DF6C7E38"><ul><li>​Many First Nations in the Metro Vancouver region are involved in economic development planning for their communities and people which may involve fisheries, plant, berry, and wild resource harvesting, and agriculture​</li></ul></div>
Municipal governmentsMunicipal governments<div class="ExternalClass8AE6A904CCB34F3792D655D4C78C0711"><p></p><ul><li>Govern land use through policy, zoning, and regulations</li><li>Establish taxation levels</li><li>Develop plans for municipal infrastructure, economic development, and community engagement​​<br></li></ul></div>
Metro VancouverMetro Vancouver<div class="ExternalClassFF7C488B951B4D82BE4486C4797663E4"><p>Metro Vancouver stewards the development of the regional food system strategy through a collaborative process among the many sectors that contribute and have a role. </p><p>Metro Vancouver delivers regional services that contribute to a regional food system, including:</p><ul><li>Implementing <a href="/services/regional-planning/metro-2050-the-regional-growth-strategy" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy">Metro 2050, the Regional Growth Strategy</a></li><li>Convening member jurisdictions on agriculture issues, including a standing committee and an advisory committee</li><li>Developing policies and research that affect agriculture land use and more<br></li></ul></div>

Health authorities​​​



Health authoritiesHealth authorities<div class="ExternalClassA3FF64906F37495AAA96E8BE4EA297EC"><ul><li>​Link health and food objectives</li><li>Support and provide services to municipalities throughout the region​<br></li></ul></div>

Educational institutions and non-governmental organizations​



Educational institutionsEducational institutions<div class="ExternalClass8020F8A676F64336971A70A1E9BD0655"><ul><li>​​Research, education, and training</li><li>Advocate and inform about ways to transition to a low-carbon and resilient future​<br></li></ul></div>
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community groupsNon-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community groups<div class="ExternalClassE2AEAFB8036B413597DAA8AC5330E81E"><ul><li>​Influence agriculture and other sectors of the food system</li><li>Increase interest in food</li><li>Expand understanding of the social and environmental implications of the food system</li><li>Advocate for policy change and monitor the effect of practices and policies​<br></li></ul></div>




PublicPublic<div class="ExternalClass7ED9DECFE2574DE8A5513D605DD322FB"><ul><li>​Make purchasing choices that can directly influence many sectors of a food system​</li><li>Buying local</li><li>Choosing sustainable packaging</li><li>Preventing avoidable food waste​<br></li></ul></div>


Metro Vancouver collected input in 2024 to develop an understanding of the issues, perspectives, challenges, and successes that food sectors have experienced over the past 10 – 15 years.

Please return for updates and opportunities to provide feedback on the draft strategy in 2025.

Your comments are welcome anytime and can be sent to the project team at​​​​​​​​​

Pathway to a revised strategy​​



ResearchResearch<div class="ExternalClass46F3E0DF438B4A5A87E64E02DEFD16E4"><p>Completed in 2023, the project team ​focused on the following:</p><ul><li>Understanding how the food system has evolved since 2011 </li><li>Identifying items within the strategy that are still relevant</li><li>Identifying regional stakeholders and partners<br></li></ul></div>
Current engagementCurrent engagement<div class="ExternalClass565F28831C05405592875BE980376044"><p>Ongoing through 2024, the project team​ will focus on:</p><ul><li>Engaging with key partners and stakeholders</li><li>Gathering input from member jurisdictions, First Nations communities, and representatives from various sectors of the region’s food system<br></li></ul></div>
Next stepsNext steps<div class="ExternalClassC6F1613D24184A76AA7D461C5B367EAE"><p>Scheduled for 2025, the project team​ will focus on the following:</p><ul><li>Convening all food system​ sectors together to identify new actions for an updated strategy</li><li>Compiling all feedback and input received during engagement</li><li>Creating a draft updated strategy for review </li><li>Completing the updated Regional Food System Strategy<br></li></ul></div>




Related linksRelated links<div class="ExternalClassB52EB910FAAE4DF6AD8D7BCBA0F694B3"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i></span><a href="" target="_blank" title="Regional Food System Strategy Update Survey">Regional Food System Strategy Update Survey</a><br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-planning/regional-growth-strategy" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050: Regional Growth Strategy">Metro 2050: Regional Growth Strategy</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-planning/agriculture" target="_blank" title="Agriculture">Agriculture</a></li></ul></div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClassCC93297B3909463A9F92FB49A0DFE6E6"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/regional-food-system-strategy.pdf" target="_blank" title="Regional Food System Strategy (2011)">Regional Food System Strategy (2011)</a>​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/regional-food-system-action-plan.pdf" target="_blank" title="Regional Food System Action Plan (2016)">Regional Food System Action Plan (2016)</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/metro-2050.pdf" target="_blank" title="Metro 2050 (2023)">Metro 2050 (2023)</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/air-quality-climate-action/Documents/agriculture-roadmap.pdf" target="_blank" title="Climate 2050 Agriculture Roadmap (2023)">Climate 2050 Agriculture Roadmap (2023)</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-planning/Documents/regional-food-system-strategy-update-backgrounder.pdf" target="_blank" title="Regional Food System Strategy Update Backgrounder">Regional Food System Strategy Update Backgrounder​</a></li></ul></div>
Project reportsProject reports<div class="ExternalClassEFB3058AFEB549E88F73D3619F2EC110"><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/boards/RegionalPlanning/RPL_2023-Sep-7_AGE.pdf#page=67" target="_blank" title="Regional Food System Strategy Update – Scope of Work (2023)">Regional Food System Strategy Update – Scope of Work (2023)</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/boards/RegionalPlanning/RPL-2024-03-08-AGE.pdf#page=171" target="_blank" title="Regional Food System Strategy – Scope of Work and Engagement (Phase 2) (2024)">Regional Food System Strategy – Scope of Work and Engagement (Phase 2) (2024)</a><br></li></ul></div>



First Nations EngagementFirst Nations Engagement<div class="ExternalClass18B0D876A81B49CBA3FED368DA0EC38E"><p>January 2024 ongoing​<br></p></div>1
Engagement – Food System SectorsEngagement – Food System Sectors<div class="ExternalClassC14CA5D85BFB4EBEBC36E66E9991BE8A"><p>​September 2024 – December 2024​<br></p></div>0
Idea GenerationIdea Generation<div class="ExternalClass132B349D07CF403AA66C41B16EC34935"><p>​February – May 2025​<br></p></div>1
Feedback on Draft StrategyFeedback on Draft Strategy<div class="ExternalClass45BFFFCB0DE441CFA5380F0DAAE2AB20"><p>​​​July – September 2025<br></p></div>0
Plan FinalPlan Final<div class="ExternalClass5064EBBC3AE14855B7F1384089434852"><p>​October 2025​<br></p></div>0
ImplementationImplementation<div class="ExternalClass45999FECA9124963971FFB01E0C5B56C"><p>October 2025 onwards​​<br></p></div>0

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