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Tynehead Regional ParkTynehead Regional ParkTynehead Regional Park<div class="ExternalClassE8544DAD2C0D42F6A5D0AF6986113E78"><p>Tynehead means 'head of the Serpentine'. This park helps to conserve part of the headwaters of the Serpentine River watershed that goes through much of Surrey. Here, you can experience the beauty of nature along trails through mixed forest, meadow, and river's edge. Enjoy vie​ws of the park and its significant salmon (spawning and rearing) habitat from the viewpoints on Hatchery and Trillium Trails. Cyclists can ride on the Tynehead Perimeter Trail and make connections to bike paths outside of the park.</p></div>291206792,



Tynehead Regional ParkGP0|#2e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51;L0|#02e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51|Transit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73;L0|#0732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73|Picnic Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#9168a339-38e5-4aa0-ab69-3ac40bd467ab;L0|#09168a339-38e5-4aa0-ab69-3ac40bd467ab|Picnic Shelter;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#d323bdd4-1780-4e1c-99a5-974c6a56d6f6;L0|#0d323bdd4-1780-4e1c-99a5-974c6a56d6f6|Camping - Group;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#49cdde70-26fc-4a04-9515-0e4912543f4c;L0|#049cdde70-26fc-4a04-9515-0e4912543f4c|Reservable;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766;L0|#0fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766|Dog Leash Required Trails;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#bc4abe17-6ec0-4066-a930-9e9dbd6e274a;L0|#0bc4abe17-6ec0-4066-a930-9e9dbd6e274a|Leash Optional Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#e900c976-880a-460f-a0c7-f20f7ef056f6;L0|#0e900c976-880a-460f-a0c7-f20f7ef056f6|No Fishing;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6;L0|#0dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6|Accessible;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#60abc746-2085-4117-a711-a20e1bb9b49f;L0|#060abc746-2085-4117-a711-a20e1bb9b49f|Fish Hatchery;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#64d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee;L0|#064d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee|View Point;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#814efeb2-a896-4e5d-81d9-c57337f0a14d;L0|#0814efeb2-a896-4e5d-81d9-c57337f0a14d|Heritage Site/Building;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#074e9b20-8623-4996-9eff-66ee300be8ee;L0|#0074e9b20-8623-4996-9eff-66ee300be8ee|Interpretive Exhibit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#9795b984-6dce-4b18-8526-006ec09641c8;L0|#09795b984-6dce-4b18-8526-006ec09641c8|Wildlife;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#25080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38;L0|#025080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38|Washroom;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#8806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342;L0|#08806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342|No Drones;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#f4ee7931-9950-4038-b596-e35db33f6632;L0|#0f4ee7931-9950-4038-b596-e35db33f6632|No Smoking;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#4685dfc7-ba7e-48e2-b554-582f9e4727f9;L0|#04685dfc7-ba7e-48e2-b554-582f9e4727f9|No Harvesting;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e415.106.3<div class="ExternalClassFFA06231A5224B92B32EF56B0D1FDD89"><p><strong>February 4 to March 6:</strong> 7:00 am – 6:00 pm​​<br><strong>March 7 to April 7</strong>: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm​​​<br><br></p><p> </p></div><div class="ExternalClass45BF6360A11D4B9B8CCEA92F8EBE91E3"><p>​​There are a number of trails in Tynehead Regional Park, including: <br></p><ul><li>Tynehead Perimeter Trail (east) is rolling with long uphill sections from the junction of 96 Ave and 168th St. Discover the stories behind the park's many ecosystems. Explore how nature and humans can impact each other and the landscape. The trip is 5 km return. Allow time to view interpretive exhibits.<br></li><li>Serpentine Loop Trail is 1.7 km return. Flat with some rolling sections. Look for massive stumps with "springboard" notches from turn-of-the-century logging.<br></li></ul><p>​To see all the trails in the park, <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/tynehead-regional-park-map.pdf" target="_blank">view park map</a>.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassEEE45A1A65D94B328173CEE6E4B495C4"><div><div><p>​Cycling is only allowed on the Tynehead Perimeter Trail. Tynehead Perimeter Trail (east) is approximately 5 km of paved trail. It is shared by ped​estrians, so please go slow especially around the corners and yield to pedestrians.  Tynehead Perimeter Trail (west) is gravel and is approximately 1 km. <br></p><p>For visitors arriving by bicycle, there are bike racks at the Serpentine Hills parking lot at 96 Ave and 172 Street, Serpentine Fields Entrance at 168 Street, and the Tynehead Hatchery parking lot at 96 Ave.​<br></p></div></div></div><div class="ExternalClassC492B6565F3F45D3803CCE94F4863E60"> <p>Dogs must be under control at all times in both on-leash and leash-optional areas i​n this park. The leash-optional area is not fenced. </p><p>​Dogs are not allowed in the Serpentine River and its tributaries – to protect habit​at for salmon and other aquatic life. Please scoop your dog's poop and dispose of it properly. </p> <p><a href="/services/regional-parks/dogs-in-regional-parks">More on dogs in Me​tro Vancouver regional parks...</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass30719532C9E94DAFBA9721946E98E138"><p> <a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/ravens-nest-group-camping">Raven’s Nest Group Campsite</a> </p><br></div><div class="ExternalClass03BCBC4658CC40558D6AC1ECA6E76E58"><div><p>​Tynehead Regi​​onal Park is accessible by transit. Bus stops are near the park on 96th Avenue. <a href="" target="_blank">More info</a>. </p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass39C9DDB364574F03B9FE28C46565332F"><div><p>​Tynehead Hatchery raises coho, chum and chinook salmon that return to the Serpe​ntine River to spawn. The hatchery is run by the <strong>Serpentine Enhancement Society</strong>, a non-profit volunteer group that welcomes new members.  For information or to arrange a tour, call 604-589-9127. <br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClassEB25A09CEBB34467A7589FF9D04AE267"><p>​<br><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassBC409E404DAC4C3BB0C804207A34B28B"><p><strong>Habitat Alert!</strong><br>Salmon live in the Serpentine River, in many life stages, for most of the year.  Some stages, such as eggs and spawners, are very sensitive to disturbances and must be left alone.  People and dogs should stay out of the water and away from the river banks.</p> <div class="ExternalClassC82826CB704745339DF9257BC2D4B344"> </div> <br></div><div class="ExternalClass235A1BB41E16477B9AFCC8A1A7DEB53C"><div><p>​The barn, at the eastern section of the park, is a designated heritage building. It is one of the la​st surviving regional examples of a building made with mortise and tenon joints.  This technique was used in the wooden ships of ancient Egypt, in the rock of England’s Stonehenge, and in sandstone temples in India.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass4365779C3B1C4F658A653B6D06EC7B75"><p>​Bears, cougars, and coyotes pass through this park from time to time. If you encoun​ter any of these animals, stay calm, keep children and pets close to you, and back away. Never feed, disturb or approach wildlife, or leave any garbage behind.<br></p><p><strong>Bears</strong>​<br>For more information about bears and bear safety, see <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/bears-in-metro-vancouver.pdf" target="_blank">Bears in ​Metro Vancouver</a> or visit <a href="" target="_blank">WildSafeBC</a>.</p><p><strong>Coyotes</strong><br>For more information about coyotes and coyote safety, check out the <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/regional-parks-coyote-brochure.pdf" target="_blank">Help Keep Coyotes Wild and People Safe​</a> brochure.​​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass82745406813744E5A0B159C1465CDB98"> <p>Serpentine Hills, and Serpentine Fields have wheelchair-accessible toilets, picnic tables and connections to the Tynehead Perimeter Trail.  The Tynehead Hatchery Entrance has a wheelchair-accessible toilet and connections to the Birch Grove, Hatchery and Salmon Habitat trails.  There is currently a ridge that exceeds 13mm between the trail and concrete pad for the wheelchair-accessible toilet.​<br></p> <p>Birch Grove Trail is whe​​​elchair accessible, flat and has a firm, gravel surface. </p> <p>Hatchery Trail has a firm, gravel surface.  It is mostly flat but does contain one hill with a gentle slope (less than 5%) where the cross slope exceeds 3%​​ (up to 11% for 7.8 m).  There are two ridges exceeding 13mm - one where the viewing platform meets the trail; and one at the south end of the bridge over the Serpentine River.</p> <p>​Salmon Habitat Loop Trail is flat and mostly gravel with two wooden boardwalks.  The surface is firm except for one 15 m section where the material is loose and not compacted.  There are two places where th​e cross slope exceeds 3% - one section for 14 m and the other for 50 m – both are on the west side of the loop.  Each boardwalk had one ridge that exceeds 13mm. </p> <p>Tynehead Perimeter Trail is wheelchair-accessible with gentle to moderat​e slopes (less than 8%) and a paved surface.  In a few places near the junction of 96 and 168, the slope is between 8.3 – 9.9 % for 15 m. Between 168 St and the Hatchery Entrance, there is a short section of gravel.</p></div><div class="ExternalClassBA0809EE96F74DFE8C733BFFF9124E7D"><p>​Fires are permitted ​​​only in the designated fire ring at <a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/ravens-nest-group-camping">Raven's Nest Group Campsite</a>. Booking required. ​Restrictions may apply e.g. wildfire season. </p><ul><li>Use only bundled firewood.</li><li>Stay with the fire at all times.</li><li>Extinguish the fire completely (30 minutes before park closes).</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass4BB8614E699F476DA7BAAAB83C937530"><div class="ExternalClass8D272EF6EEF64972AD6AFAB1075F5F67"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Community Group Field Trips Information</a>​<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass2F937A554FDD449CABD718F11E2F80D0"><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fills quickly so please plan to register two months in advance of your preferred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Book online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information. </p></div><div class="ExternalClassF97AE25DCF724B03BA0F742DE6B90A50"><div><p>To learn about ways to get involved in regional parks, go to the <a href="/services/regional-parks/volunteer-opportunities">volunteer opportunities webpage</a>.<br></p><p> <strong>CTS Youth Society</strong> offers free camps and volunteering opportunities. For information or to r​egister, visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website ​</a>or call 604-562-0583.​<br></p></div></div>



Perimeter Trail, a hiking and cycling path at Tynehead Regional Park Trail, a hiking and cycling path at Tynehead Regional Park
Bridge over Serpentine River at Tynehead Regional Park over Serpentine River at Tynehead Regional Park
Tynehead Regional Park Regional Park
The Serpentine River is salmonid habitat that is partially protected by Tynehead Regional Park Serpentine River is salmonid habitat that is partially protected by Tynehead Regional Park
Sunny Trail at Tynehead Regional Park Trail at Tynehead Regional Park
Hatchery area at Tynehead Regional Park area at Tynehead Regional Park
Trails and picnic area at Tynehead Regional Park and picnic area at Tynehead Regional Park
Wayfinding at Tynehead Regional Park at Tynehead Regional Park
Trails at Tynehead Regional Park at Tynehead Regional Park
Tynehead Native Douglas squirrel 10 Native Douglas squirrel 10
Raven's Nest Group Campsite at Tynehead Regional Park's Nest Group Campsite at Tynehead Regional Park
Tynehead Regional Park trails Regional Park trails
Universal access picnic tables at Tynehead Regional Park access picnic tables at Tynehead Regional Park
Perimeter Trail at Tynehead Regional Park Trail at Tynehead Regional Park
Park Ranger helping visitor at Tynehead Regional Park Ranger helping visitor at Tynehead Regional Park
Sign to interpret Tynehead Regional Park to interpret Tynehead Regional Park







Tynehead Regional Park, Tynehead,,+-122.76012232000&sll=49.177009,-122.760122&sspn=0.010577,0.027831&ie=UTF8&z=16,, Area Office



<div class="ExternalClass7EF3CBCD721E43A186FF4479F263AC7F">​ <div class="panel"><h4 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Find out about​<br></h4><p><a href="">Report an Issue Pilot Project </a><br></p> ​ <h4 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Campground<br></h4><p> <i class="fa-light fa-arrow-right"></i> <a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/ravens-nest-group-camping" target="_blank"> ​Raven's N​est Outdoor Group Campsite</a><br></p></div></div>



Salmon Send-Off Send-Off5/10/2025 6:00:00 PM5/10/2025 10:00:00 PM
Winged Woodworkers Woodworkers5/14/2025 5:00:00 PM5/14/2025 7:00:00 PM
Owls in the Park in the Park6/7/2025 6:00:00 PM6/7/2025 8:00:00 PM



<div class="ExternalClass4BB8614E699F476DA7BAAAB83C937530"><div class="ExternalClass8D272EF6EEF64972AD6AFAB1075F5F67"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Community Group Field Trips Information</a>​<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass2F937A554FDD449CABD718F11E2F80D0"><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fills quickly so please plan to register two months in advance of your preferred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Book online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information. </p></div><div class="ExternalClassF97AE25DCF724B03BA0F742DE6B90A50"><div><p>To learn about ways to get involved in regional parks, go to the <a href="/services/regional-parks/volunteer-opportunities">volunteer opportunities webpage</a>.<br></p><p> <strong>CTS Youth Society</strong> offers free camps and volunteering opportunities. For information or to r​egister, visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website ​</a>or call 604-562-0583.​<br></p></div></div>

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Tynehead Regional Park management plan, Management PlanTynehead Regional Park management plan<div class="ExternalClassD22385C829794FA982F694AB4418F181"><p>​​Guides resource management, park improvements, operations, and programming in the park.​<br></p></div>

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