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Foreshore Trail between Trail 7 and Trail 6 closedForeshore Trail between Trail 7 and Trail 6 closed<div class="ExternalClass01186C64628144FEA0A82220A693B909"><p>​Due to a slide, Foreshore Trail between Trail 6 and Trail 7 is closed until further notice. Please stay out of the area for your safety, and ​that of park staff and first responders. <br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park
No horses on Southwest Marine Trail between Camosun St. and Clinton TrailNo horses on Southwest Marine Trail between Camosun St. and Clinton Trail<div class="ExternalClassDBF8F8B84588455FA1A59B95D73A93E6"><p>​Due to damage to a culvert, Southwest Marine Trail is temporarily closed to horses between the Camosun St. entrance and Clinton Trail. Equestrians can detour using the St. George's Trail entrance on Camosun St. <br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Bridge temporarily closed on East Canyon TrailBridge temporarily closed on East Canyon Trail<div class="ExternalClass2E12D63BF4F14BEDA5D40426C5F30635"><p>​A bridge on East Canyon Trail will be temporarily closed for redecking Dec. 9 to 13. Please use West Canyon Trail or Pioneer Trail to detour around the closure. Apologies for any inconvenience.<br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Trail 4 closedTrail 4 closed<div class="ExternalClassE3D66248A27341469FD0CA389D6D4978"><p>​Due to a slide, Trail 4 is closed until further notice. Please stay out of the area for your safety.<br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park



Pacific Spirit Regional ParkPacific Spirit Regional ParkPacific Spirit Regional Park<div class="ExternalClass8F823322CA9042A3AF5DEF494BB92814"><div><p>The forests, creeks, beaches, cliffs and bog of this regional park provide habitat to a wide variety of plants and animals in the heart of Canada’s third largest u​rban area. The park’s trails are also a great place for Metro Vancouver residents to get out and connect with that amazing nature.​<br></p></div></div>490043811, Salish Trail at Pacific Spirit Regional Park



Pacific Spirit Regional ParkGP0|#2e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51;L0|#02e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51|Transit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73;L0|#0732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73|Picnic Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#e917ae52-1f8b-456e-9b7b-7ebe44d2ddd3;L0|#0e917ae52-1f8b-456e-9b7b-7ebe44d2ddd3|No Camping;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766;L0|#0fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766|Dog Leash Required Trails;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#3dda55fb-4267-456a-948e-8db4721969b4;L0|#03dda55fb-4267-456a-948e-8db4721969b4|Leash Optional Trail;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#edff50ab-7203-4730-bf87-d4a3d6b74e9a;L0|#0edff50ab-7203-4730-bf87-d4a3d6b74e9a|Beach;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#a6e808ff-8573-4b8f-abcf-414d14d7857f;L0|#0a6e808ff-8573-4b8f-abcf-414d14d7857f|Swimming (unsupervised);GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6;L0|#0dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6|Accessible;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#64d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee;L0|#064d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee|View Point;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#25080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38;L0|#025080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38|Washroom;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#70392679-dfee-4e9d-bf09-1d1130b55744;L0|#070392679-dfee-4e9d-bf09-1d1130b55744|Electric Vehicle Station;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#8806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342;L0|#08806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342|No Drones;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#d677eaff-32ed-4b18-af05-2a6093c728bb;L0|#0d677eaff-32ed-4b18-af05-2a6093c728bb|No Campfires;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e455.534.437.1<div class="ExternalClassFFA06231A5224B92B32EF56B0D1FDD89"><p>​<strong>November 3 to December 31:</strong> 7:00 am – 5:00 pm </p></div><div class="ExternalClass068EC562A109464BA7799ED04FEEAA0C"><div><p>​Pacific Spirit Regional Park has more than 55 km of walking/hiking trails. Use the <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/pacific-spirit-regional-park-trail-map.pdf" target="_blank">park map</a> to create your own route, taking in highlights ​​​such as Camosun Bog, the big trees along Sword Fern Trail or the ocean views available on Admiralty Trail in the northern part of the park.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass2865E950F6384307987E147D132EF524"><p>​The park features </p><p>​Bike racks are available at the following locations:<br></p><ul><li>​Acadia Beach<br></li><li>Trail 3</li><li>Trail 4</li><li>Trail 6</li><li>Trail 7<br></li><li>Spanish Trail entrance at NW Marine Drive<br></li><li>Canyon trails entrance at Chancellor Blvd <br></li><li>16th Avenue at Park Centre<br></li><li>16th Avenue at Sasamat (Reservoir)<br></li><li>16th Avenue at Huckleberry Trail entrance (Imperial Rd)<br></li><li>29th Avenue at Imperial Rd.</li><li>33rd Avenue and Camosun St.<br></li></ul><p></p></div><div class="ExternalClass228A75895C754BE7AAACD70C6BEDCCD8"> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB"><p>Dogs must be under control at all times. There are leash-required and leash-option​​al trails in this regional park. Check signs for details. Please scoop your dog’s poop and dispose of it properly. </p><p>Pacific Spirit Regional Park sees an average of 360,000 dog visits per year. Help ensu​​re a safe and enjoyable experience for all park visitors and protect sensitive park habitat and wildlife by working with your dog(s) on the following. </p></div> <p>Canine C​​ode of Conduct: </p> <ul> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Stay on marked trails </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Leash up 10 metres from stream crossings </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Respect leash-required and no-dog trail designations </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Keep dogs under control: maximum 10 metres from owner, come when called, don't bother others </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Leash up when horses approach </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Leash up the first 50 metres from park entrances and remember to pick up your dog's poop </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">Maximum 3 dogs per handler -- one leash and collar per dog </div></li> <li> <div class="ExternalClass28F101EA6AEA4E03B36A3BFD4F45EFBB">More than 3 dogs? Apply for a <a href="">permit​</a><br></div></li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass50AB6FB35F104E128B098B22FEBA5D0E"><div><p>​Pacific Spirit Regional Park​ is accessible by transit along Chancellor Blvd, University Blvd, 16th Ave. and SW Marine Dr. <a href="" target="_blank">More info</a><br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass21114AAA069C4A0289F08F8FF472D7AB"><div><p>​A picnic area​ is located at Acadia Beach on the north side of the park.<br>Picnic tables are also located at the Park Centre at 16th Avenue near Cleveland Trail, at Clinton Meadow near the 33rd Avenue entrance and at the Fraser Lot parking area.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass50B3CFFD5C334D8D94BF73D1B02CA6D1"><div><p>​Natural, undeveloped rock and cobble beaches extend along the foreshore. Beach access​ trails are steep and can be challenging (except for Acadia Beach). The beach is clothing-optional (except for Acadia Beach). <br>The beach opens at 7:00 am and closes at sunset.<br>The following regulations apply:<br></p><ul><li>No alcohol<br></li><li>No fires</li><li>No camping</li><li>No loud, amplified music<br></li></ul><div>Please carry all garbage and recycling to bins at the top of the beach stairs.<br></div></div></div><div class="ExternalClass48A3B0AE71A34BCA8C28A6D6D84C8472"> <p>Pacific Spirit Regional Park contains a wide variety of recreational and educational opportunities including ocean beaches, upland temperate rai​​n forest and the Fraser River estuary.</p> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">BC ​​Mobility Opportunities Society</a> provides trail access for people with disabilities. </p><p>For information​, call 604-688-6464.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassD1A5DEB5E25B469DA001A8385AA40774"><div><p>​Natural, undeveloped rock and cobble beaches extend along the foreshore. The beach, excep​t for Acadia Beach, is clothing optional. Swim at your own risk. No lifeguards are on duty.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass5D28FAB795EA47448A792FE42AFF2DB8"><div><p>​Drinking water is av​ailable at the Park Centre located on 16th Ave., 400 m west of Blanca St.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClassD911EF91B3974D40B58E93D1CDC3CFB5"><div><p>​Toilets are located at a number of locations in the park. Please <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/pacific-spirit-regional-park-trail-map.pdf" target="_blank"> see the park map for details</a>​.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass347BA680265D432698DB6C882DA91417"><p>​Pacific Spirit Regional Park provides habitat for a variety of wildlife, including hummingbirds, butterflies, bald​​ eagles, barred owls, salamanders, coyotes and much more. Please be respectful of habitat when in the park and comply with posted signs.</p><p>Some wildlife, such as coyotes, may be more active in spring and summer when denning a​nd raising young. Be aware of your surroundings and keep pets close.<br>More information to <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/regional-parks-coyote-brochure.pdf" target="_blank">Help Keep Coyotes Wild and People Safe​</a>.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassBC0F0B3A6D0B4A91A4BA67DC2EE66557"> <p>The washrooms and parking at the Park Centre on 16th Ave. are wheelchair-accessible. O​ther accessible facilities include the pit toilet at the Clinton Meadow picnic area (at 33rd and Camosun). Camosun Bog boardwalk trails are also accessible, however there is no designated accessible parking at 21st Ave. and Crown St.​<br></p> <p>Trail ​​Accessibility:</p><p>Heron Trail is 1.2 km l​​ong, 1.5 m wide at minimum with minimal slopes. The trail surface is semi-firm (packed gravel).</p> <p>Imperial Trail is 1.8 km long, minimum 3 m wide, with up to a 20% grade ch​​ange. The trail surface is semi-firm (packed gravel).</p> <p>Cleveland Trail is 1.2 km long, minimum 1 m wide, semi-firm gravel surface with minimal slopes north of W. 16th Street. There is up to a 25% slo​​​pe south of 16th Street. </p> <p>Other trails are ​accessible to users using specialized wheelchairs/equipment.<br></p> </div><div class="ExternalClassC1CE9A2B1B164E5B916BEDACC5A623E5"> <p>Two electric vehicle charging stations are available in the parking lot on 16th Avenue (about 40​0 m west of Blanca Street). Charging is free. There is a two-hour time limit.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass4BB8614E699F476DA7BAAAB83C937530"><div class="ExternalClass8D272EF6EEF64972AD6AFAB1075F5F67"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Co​mmunity Group Field​ Trips Information</a><br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass293166C8549841E3858D364B6A93DE6C"><div><div><div class="ExternalClass8D272EF6EEF64972AD6AFAB1075F5F67"><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fills quickly so please plan to register two months in advance of your p​referred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Boo​k online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information.​</p></div></div></div></div><div class="ExternalClass9270816F4ACC43CF9D7FCABE92534D3B"><p> <strong>Pacific Spirit Park Society </strong>is actively involved in this regional park. For information or to get involved visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website</a>. You can also visit Metro Vancouver Regional Parks <a href="/services/regional-parks/volunteer-opportunities">volunteer opportunities webpage</a>.​<br></p><p> <strong>CTS Youth Society</strong> offers free camps and volunteering opportunities. For information or to r​egister, visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website ​</a>or call 604-562-0583.​<br></p></div>



Sunrise at Acadia Beach in Pacific Spirit Regional Park at Acadia Beach in Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Water tumbles down a creek in Pacific Spirit Regional Park in winter tumbles down a creek in Pacific Spirit Regional Park in winter
Tower Beach in Pacific Spirit Regional Park on a windy fall day Beach in Pacific Spirit Regional Park on a windy fall day
Admiralty Trail in the northern part of Pacific Spirit Regional Park Trail in the northern part of Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Sword Fern Trail at Pacific Spirit Regional Park Fern Trail at Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Forest light next to Imperial Trail at Pacific Spirit Regional Park light next to Imperial Trail at Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Salish Trail in Pacific Spirit Regional Park Trail in Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Vine maple is a welcome sight along the trails of Pacific Spirit Regional Park maple is a welcome sight along the trails of Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Kilometres and kilometres of forested trails await hikers at Pacific Spirit Regional Park and kilometres of forested trails await hikers at Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Forest sentinel along Hemlock Trail in Pacific Spirit Regional Park sentinel along Hemlock Trail in Pacific Spirit Regional Park





Bridge temporarily closed on East Canyon TrailBridge temporarily closed on East Canyon Trail<div class="ExternalClass2E12D63BF4F14BEDA5D40426C5F30635"><p>​A bridge on East Canyon Trail will be temporarily closed for redecking Dec. 9 to 13. Please use West Canyon Trail or Pioneer Trail to detour around the closure. Apologies for any inconvenience.<br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Trail 4 closedTrail 4 closed<div class="ExternalClassE3D66248A27341469FD0CA389D6D4978"><p>​Due to a slide, Trail 4 is closed until further notice. Please stay out of the area for your safety.<br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park
No horses on Southwest Marine Trail between Camosun St. and Clinton TrailNo horses on Southwest Marine Trail between Camosun St. and Clinton Trail<div class="ExternalClassDBF8F8B84588455FA1A59B95D73A93E6"><p>​Due to damage to a culvert, Southwest Marine Trail is temporarily closed to horses between the Camosun St. entrance and Clinton Trail. Equestrians can detour using the St. George's Trail entrance on Camosun St. <br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Foreshore Trail between Trail 7 and Trail 6 closedForeshore Trail between Trail 7 and Trail 6 closed<div class="ExternalClass01186C64628144FEA0A82220A693B909"><p>​Due to a slide, Foreshore Trail between Trail 6 and Trail 7 is closed until further notice. Please stay out of the area for your safety, and ​that of park staff and first responders. <br></p></div>Pacific Spirit Regional Park



Pacific Spirit Regional Park, Pacific Spirit, Google map, Park map, Area Office



<div class="ExternalClass5B469D8E449848C2B353DB75B66AC936"><h4 class="uk-margin-remove-top">Silent Trail Pilot Project​<br></h4><p>A portion of Top Trail has been temporarily designated as a “silent trail” as part of a UBC research project.</p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> ​​​​​<a href="" target="_blank" title="Photography Guidelines at Aldergrove Regional Park" aria-label="Photography Guidelines at Aldergrove Regional Park">​Learn more about silent trails</a>​​<br></p></div>



Family Day Campfire Day Campfire2/17/2025 5:30:00 PM2/17/2025 10:15:00 PM
Family Day Campfire Day Campfire2/22/2025 5:30:00 PM2/22/2025 10:15:00 PM



<div class="ExternalClass4BB8614E699F476DA7BAAAB83C937530"><div class="ExternalClass8D272EF6EEF64972AD6AFAB1075F5F67"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Co​mmunity Group Field​ Trips Information</a><br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass293166C8549841E3858D364B6A93DE6C"><div><div><div class="ExternalClass8D272EF6EEF64972AD6AFAB1075F5F67"><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fills quickly so please plan to register two months in advance of your p​referred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Boo​k online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information.​</p></div></div></div></div><div class="ExternalClass9270816F4ACC43CF9D7FCABE92534D3B"><p> <strong>Pacific Spirit Park Society </strong>is actively involved in this regional park. For information or to get involved visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website</a>. You can also visit Metro Vancouver Regional Parks <a href="/services/regional-parks/volunteer-opportunities">volunteer opportunities webpage</a>.​<br></p><p> <strong>CTS Youth Society</strong> offers free camps and volunteering opportunities. For information or to r​egister, visit their <a href="" target="_blank">website ​</a>or call 604-562-0583.​<br></p></div>

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Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation

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