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Viewing structure at end of jetty closed due to damageViewing structure at end of jetty closed due to damage<div class="ExternalClass3B7DC6A09A6B41F0A67F1820F1AC2B97"><p>​The viewing structure at the end of Iona Jetty is currently closed due to damage from winter storms. Please stay off the structure for your safety.<br></p></div>Iona Beach Regional Park



Iona Beach Regional ParkIona Beach Regional ParkIona Beach Regional Park<div class="ExternalClass47C2477BA33D409F9689CC9FFA7F610B"><p>Located where the Fraser River meets the sea, this regional park is known for its lon​g beach. It is home to a rare community of sand dune plants, and sits in the midst of the Pacific Flyway – making it a mecca for thousands of migrating birds.<br></p></div>230073459, Iona Beach Regional Park has 360 degree views.



Iona Beach Regional ParkGP0|#732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73;L0|#0732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73|Picnic Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766;L0|#0fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766|Dog Leash Required Trails;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#3dda55fb-4267-456a-948e-8db4721969b4;L0|#03dda55fb-4267-456a-948e-8db4721969b4|Leash Optional Trail;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#edff50ab-7203-4730-bf87-d4a3d6b74e9a;L0|#0edff50ab-7203-4730-bf87-d4a3d6b74e9a|Beach;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#c8c91bf5-43d3-404d-b662-1b9096272150;L0|#0c8c91bf5-43d3-404d-b662-1b9096272150|Dock, Pier or Spit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6;L0|#0dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6|Accessible;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#64d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee;L0|#064d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee|View Point;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#74c003f7-48df-4669-b49a-68ae0eb29e0f;L0|#074c003f7-48df-4669-b49a-68ae0eb29e0f|Drinking Water;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#25080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38;L0|#025080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38|Washroom;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#8806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342;L0|#08806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342|No Drones;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#d677eaff-32ed-4b18-af05-2a6093c728bb;L0|#0d677eaff-32ed-4b18-af05-2a6093c728bb|No Campfires;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e412.80.85.6<div class="ExternalClassB2A4093155F540BDA3DE5FBC23C375D3"><strong></strong><strong>February 4 to March 6:</strong> 7:00 am – 6:00 pm​​<br><strong>March 7 to April 7</strong>: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm​​<br></div><div class="ExternalClass44F54A402A154848B4BF641A0B239089"><p>​Iona Beach Re​​gional Park has a number of places to go walking -- both for short strolls or long walks, including:</p><ul><li>Iona Jetty stretches for 4 km and features a trail on top that is open to walkers and leashed dogs as well as a lower trail that is open to walkers, cyclists and dogs on- or off-leash. Wind shelters can be found at the 1.3 km and 2.5 km marks.<br></li><li>Pathways circle the north and south ponds, and can be great places to do some birdwatching.<br></li><li>The beach stretches from the Iona Jetty to the North Jetty. Walk as much or as little of the 3.4 km to take in big views of the ocean, distant islands and mountains.<br></li></ul><p> <br> </p></div><div class="ExternalClassB5404F727A68497FB216FF50D673EE81"><p>​Bike racks are available at the Iona Jetty and near the washroom building.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass3CBEC7CDC9BD4F90AC162D52D1AD4253"><p>There are two areas where dogs are not allowed: the ponds and areas surroundi​​ng th​​em on the park's east side. And the foreshore between Iona Jetty and North Jetty. These are both areas with high value as wildlife habitat. <br><br>A ​leash-optional ​​​​trail has been designated along the lower roadway on the Iona Jetty. Your dog must still be under your control.  <br><br>All other area​s in this regional park are designated as leash-required. Check signs for details or see the park map.</p><p>Please sc​​oo​​p your dog's poop and dispose of it properly.<br></p><p><a href="/services/regional-parks/dogs-in-regional-parks" target="_blank">More on d​ogs in Metro Vancouver regional parks ...</a></p><p></p></div><div class="ExternalClass07DE107CE23A4E4DAF97DB21FF04EA20"><p>The free shuttle bus pilot project between Templeton Station and Iona Beach Regional Park has ended for 2024. It will be back in 2025; details to come.<br></p>* No public transit is available to/from the park.<br><p></p></div><div class="ExternalClass39E0A055C67E47BFA7ADC62D4683C99E"><p>​Iona Beach Regional Park is part of a <a href="/services/regional-parks/real-time-parking-availability-tool" target="_blank">parking availability pilot project​</a>. Before heading to the park, visitors can check the park webpage to see an estimate of how much parking space is available (at the top of the page, near the park hours). <br>If parking is at capacity, please consider other ways to get to the park or other destinations.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassD62129B751CE46C29F7197D1433CF245"> <p>Kiteboarding is n​​ot allowed in the park.</p><p>Removal of any vegetation or driftwood is not allowed from the park. Thank y​ou for helping protect wildlife habitat in the park<br></p> </div><div class="ExternalClass449D39EC38E74705BB9BC31938FE9145"><div><p>​Flush toilets are available at the washroom building at the main beach ​area. Pit toilets are also available at the 2 km mark and at the ​​end of the 4-km Iona Jetty.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass0C07CAD4245F46AB916A2F3884C06C12"><p>​​The park is habitat for a variety of wildlife including coyotes. For the safety of yourself, others and wildlife, do not try to get close to or feed wildlife, and do not leave any garbage. For more information, please see <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/regional-parks-coyote-brochure.pdf" target="_blank">Keep Coyotes Wild and People Safe​</a>.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass9C9AF55C8D41449C950D862F2CC85FC8"><p> The washroom building beside the parking area, the table beside South Marsh, the b​oardwalk and observation platform at the west side of South Marsh, and the cycle path on Iona Jetty are all wheelchair accessible. The gravel surfacing on the trail is fairly loose, however, and may be difficult with narrow tires. The trail is almost flat.</p></div><div class="ExternalClassBB64ECE160AB46A69E54324C4DD48896"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Community Group Field Trips Information</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass675BFBC0324C4A79B29F6544DC20DA0B"><div><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fil​ls quickly so please plan to register two months in advance of your preferred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Book online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information. </p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass6838DC7168AA404684A9EA20139DC867"><p>To learn about ways to get involved in regional parks, go to the <a href="/services/regional-parks/volunteer-opportunities">volunteer opportunities webpage</a>.</p><br></div>



Views at Iona Beach Regional Park include the North Arm of the Fraser River. at Iona Beach Regional Park include the North Arm of the Fraser River.
A platform allows great views of the south pond at Iona Beach Regional Park platform allows great views of the south pond at Iona Beach Regional Park
Sand dune plants are part of a unique ecosystem at Iona Beach Regional Park dune plants are part of a unique ecosystem at Iona Beach Regional Park
Iona Beach Regional Park offers 360 degree views, including mountains to the north Beach Regional Park offers 360 degree views, including mountains to the north
Sunrise over the south pond at Iona Beach Regional Park over the south pond at Iona Beach Regional Park





Viewing structure at end of jetty closed due to damageViewing structure at end of jetty closed due to damage<div class="ExternalClass3B7DC6A09A6B41F0A67F1820F1AC2B97"><p>​The viewing structure at the end of Iona Jetty is currently closed due to damage from winter storms. Please stay off the structure for your safety.<br></p></div>Iona Beach Regional Park



Iona Beach Regional Park, Iona Beach, Google map, Beach Regional Park map Dec 22.pdf, Area Office





Birding for Beginners for Beginners4/26/2025 3:30:00 PM4/26/2025 6:00:00 PM



<div class="ExternalClassBB64ECE160AB46A69E54324C4DD48896"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Community Group Field Trips Information</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass675BFBC0324C4A79B29F6544DC20DA0B"><div><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fil​ls quickly so please plan to register two months in advance of your preferred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Book online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information. </p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass6838DC7168AA404684A9EA20139DC867"><p>To learn about ways to get involved in regional parks, go to the <a href="/services/regional-parks/volunteer-opportunities">volunteer opportunities webpage</a>.</p><br></div>

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