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Trail closures and detours at Mud BayTrail closures and detours at Mud Bay<div class="ExternalClassDDC634CB958D4E4E84C3A48F926FF989"><div><div><p>Some trail sections at Mud Bay (at the eastern end of the Boundary Bay Dyke Tra​​il) are temporarily closed until September 2025. Detour routes are in place but visitors should expect to encounter large trucks in one area (see map)​. Construction work is underway for upgrading the dykes (<a href="">Colebrook Dyke Projects</a>) and improving flood protection (<a href="">Mud Bay Nature-based Foreshore Enhancements</a>). For more information, see <a href="">details on construction activity</a>, contact the City of Surrey at 604-591-4253, or email <a href="" target="_blank">​</a>.<br></p></div></div></div>Boundary Bay Regional Parksts4s:// Mud Bay trail closures_Sept2024.pdf
Boardwalk Closure: update November 2024Boardwalk Closure: update November 2024<div class="ExternalClass7BC449D366FE495BB0822F38E78207A6"><p>The boardwalk linking Raptor Trail with 12 Ave Dyke Trail remains closed because of storm damage. Plans for repairs began shortly after the damage but due to site sensitivities, several permits are needed before the work can proceed.</p><p>Applications have been submitted for permits required by the Provincial government to conduct the repair work. Once permits are obtained, repair work must be scheduled to meet bird nesting, and other environmental conditions.</p><p>Thanks for your patience!<br></p></div>Boundary Bay Regional Park



Boundary Bay Regional ParkBoundary Bay Regional ParkBoundary Bay Regional Park<div class="ExternalClass417DC3041E974498969FA5B2BD7957BE"><p>Sandy beach and tidal fla​ts draw crowds in the summer. But Boundary Bay is a great place to explore year round, whether on the trails near Centennial Beach or on the wide open Dyke Trail with its big views. <br></p></div>646178652,



Boundary Bay Regional ParkGP0|#732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73;L0|#0732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73|Picnic Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#49cdde70-26fc-4a04-9515-0e4912543f4c;L0|#049cdde70-26fc-4a04-9515-0e4912543f4c|Reservable;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#9168a339-38e5-4aa0-ab69-3ac40bd467ab;L0|#09168a339-38e5-4aa0-ab69-3ac40bd467ab|Picnic Shelter;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#2e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51;L0|#02e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51|Transit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766;L0|#0fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766|Dog Leash Required Trails;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#edff50ab-7203-4730-bf87-d4a3d6b74e9a;L0|#0edff50ab-7203-4730-bf87-d4a3d6b74e9a|Beach;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#a6e808ff-8573-4b8f-abcf-414d14d7857f;L0|#0a6e808ff-8573-4b8f-abcf-414d14d7857f|Swimming (unsupervised);GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6;L0|#0dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6|Accessible;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#aff58497-abe6-4ae6-92bb-4757a8488aff;L0|#0aff58497-abe6-4ae6-92bb-4757a8488aff|Viewing Tower;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#814efeb2-a896-4e5d-81d9-c57337f0a14d;L0|#0814efeb2-a896-4e5d-81d9-c57337f0a14d|Heritage Site/Building;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#074e9b20-8623-4996-9eff-66ee300be8ee;L0|#0074e9b20-8623-4996-9eff-66ee300be8ee|Interpretive Exhibit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#b3561b9b-bb45-4d94-aaf1-fb7c2850b82d;L0|#0b3561b9b-bb45-4d94-aaf1-fb7c2850b82d|Seasonal Concession;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#74c003f7-48df-4669-b49a-68ae0eb29e0f;L0|#074c003f7-48df-4669-b49a-68ae0eb29e0f|Drinking Water;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#25080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38;L0|#025080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38|Washroom;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#70392679-dfee-4e9d-bf09-1d1130b55744;L0|#070392679-dfee-4e9d-bf09-1d1130b55744|Electric Vehicle Station;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#8946bb8d-1b99-4dd2-a9e9-0c2f376c8be6;L0|#08946bb8d-1b99-4dd2-a9e9-0c2f376c8be6|Playground;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e423.717.520.2<div class="ExternalClassFFA06231A5224B92B32EF56B0D1FDD89"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong></strong></p><p><strong><strong>February 4 to March 6</strong>​</strong>: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm​<br><strong>March 7 to April 7:</strong> 7:00 am – 8:00 pm​​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassEB802712E4CD4C4D9A041BA227D88695"><p>​There are a number of trails in Boundary Bay Regional Park, including: ​​<br></p><ul><li>Savannah & Raptor trails create a network of flat, pedestrian-only routes (about 4 km return from Centennial Beach). Winding between Wildlife Reserves and Dune Protection Areas, the habitat variety along these trails make great wildife viewing. By keeping your dog leashed and out of sensitive habitats, you help protect park wildlife. Thanks!<br></li><li>Dyke Trail is 17 km from 17A Ave to Mud Bay (34 km return) and has spectacular views of Boundary Bay. This flat trail is shared with cyclists and equestrians and has multiple access points (parking regulations are strictly enforced). Farm vehicles also use the trail; please move aside to let them pass. <br></li></ul><div> <br> </div><p>To see all the tr​​ails in the park, view the ​ <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/boundary-bay-regional-park-map.pdf">park map</a>.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass214A0745B19C4C03B91F566516857556"><p>For visitors arriving by bicycle, bike racks are located at Centennial Beach near the washroom building. ​12 Ave Dyke Trail (Centennial Beach to 12 Ave) is a shared trail for cycling and hiking. Cyclists yield to pedestrians.</p><p>Dyke Trail (17A Ave to Mud Bay Park) a shared trail for cycling, hiking and horseback riding. Pedestrians yield to equestrians; cyclists yield to pedestrians and equestrians. All visitors yield to farm vehicles.​<br></p><p>Cycling is not permitted on any pedestrian-only trails.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass96A70EE71A794DD8AA22DD8FB8205FB4"><p>Horse riding is permitted on Boundary Bay Dyke Trail between 17A Ave and Mud Bay and the trail is shared with cyclists and hikers. Pedestrians yield to equestrians; cyclists yield to pedestrians and equestrians. All visitors yield to farm vehicles<br></p><p>Equestrians are not permitted between 12th Ave and Centennial Beach.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass8398833AE555458CA9FB0627F4769A57"> <p>Please give farm vehic​les the right-of-way on the Boundary Bay Dyke Trail. Stand to the side of the dyke, off the travelled surface, to let farm vehicles pass, so farmers can continue their work to produce food for all of us.</p></div><div class="ExternalClass7992032A1A2046E6A60E230861DB1FBD"><p>Dogs must be leashed and under control. Off-leash dogs can have significant impacts on ground-nesting birds and other wildlife year-round. Please scoop your dog's poop and dispose of it properly.​<br></p><p>Dogs are not permitted in the park’s three wildlife reserves. Dogs are also not permitted on most of Centennial Beach - signs and yellow marker posts indicate the area where dogs are prohibited. </p><p><a href="/services/regional-parks/dogs-in-regional-parks">More on dogs in Me​tro Van​​​couver regional parks ...</a></p></div><div class="ExternalClass83F98A99BC6D48BF91A089BB4803ED03"><div class="ExternalClass0F9F07038DF84A579F6154088391FE9F"><ul><li><div><div><a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/cammidge-house">Cammidge House</a><br><div>This historic building is typical of farmhouses from the early 1900s. It wa​s re-located to the park and restoration was completed in 1999.<br></div></div></div></li></ul><ul><li><div><div><a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/centennial-beach-picnic-shelters">Picnic Shelters</a> <br></div></div></li></ul></div><ul><li><div><div><a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/centennial-beach" target="_blank">Centennial Beach </a><br></div></div></li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass63A03CB4F7004012B8BF9D8D535D787E"><div><p>​Boundary Bay R​egional Park is accessible by transit. <a href="" target="_blank">More info</a><br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass66EB4C8D6A894BF7A1053FBF6CC0903D"><p>Boundary Bay Regional Park is part of a <a href="/services/regional-parks/real-time-parking-availability-tool">parking availability pilot project​</a>. Before heading to the park, visitors can check the park webpage to see an estimate of how much parking space is available (at the top of the page, near the park hours). <br>If parking is at capacity, please consider other ways to get to the park or other destinations.​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass197AC9C9385844989BE6F3C465D658E2">At low tides, foreshore mudflats may have sinking hazards due to extremely soft sand. Be aware of changing tides - distant sandbars can remain exposed while water closer to shore gets deeper.</div><div class="ExternalClass30B26AAF1D5D4C138A7A57C5B3E4A1AC"><p>An internationally recognized Important Bird Area, Boundary Bay Regional Park is a critical rest stop for thousands of birds using the Pacific Flyway migration route.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass8ABC8760A83745248906080ABE5852A0"><p>The concession at Centennial Beach is closed for the season.<br></p><p></p></div><div class="ExternalClass8A6EA5C571604FF08E2FAB4D069C7E47"><p>​​​The park is habitat for a variety of wildlife including coyotes. Never feed, disturb or approach wildlife, or leave any garbage behind.​ See <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/regional-parks-coyote-brochure.pdf" target="_blank">Help Keep Coyotes Wild and People Safe​</a> for more information.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass58DCA73BAB9D479DAF04E10F8BA26783"> <div class="ExternalClassDC5E1F4280C74AC7B1855EC3B0277A16"><p>The Centennial Beach washrooms, changerooms and concession are wheelchair accessible. In addition, there a​​re several wheelchair accessible picnic tables, a playground and parking. </p><p>From May to Septe​​mber, a blue beachmat walkway provides access to the beach environme​​nt.</p><p>The viewing platform at the w​​​est end of the 12th Avenue dyke can also be accessed by wheelchair users.<br></p></div><p>Trail Accessi​​​bility:<br>12 Ave Dyke Trail is a sem​​i-firm surface, with some patches of coarse gravel. The trail is 2 km long, minimum 4 m wide, with minimal slopes.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass1AD15E0688414BC2971D20F03268EE9A"><p>Fires are permitted o​nly in the 4 designated fire rings at <a href="/services/regional-parks/facility/centennial-beach">Ce​​ntennial Beach</a>. First come, first served. Restrictions may apply e.g. wildfire season. </p><ul><li>Use only bundled firewood.</li><li>Stay with the fire at all times.</li><li>Extinguish the fire completely (30 minutes before park closes).</li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClass8D77A92E3CEE45C2BD313AF13AD62223"><p>Two electric vehic​le charging stations are available in the parking lot close to the concession/washroom building. Charging is free. There is a two-hour time limit.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassD3A1F5B7EE684A6B95E72ED9A25634B1"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Community Group Field Trips Information</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass8217312FB4E4442DB7594A7448389093"><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fills quickly so please plan to register two months in advance​ of your preferred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Book online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information. </p></div><div class="ExternalClass5D0449A664AA489BA9DAA563498BCD07"><p>To learn about ways to <a href="/services/regional-parks/get-involved">get involved in regional parks​</a>, contact the <a href="">Community Development Coordinator</a> at 604-520​-6442.<br></p></div>



Tidal flats at Boundary Bay Regional Park flats at Boundary Bay Regional Park
Great blue herons at Boundary Bay Regional Park blue herons at Boundary Bay Regional Park
Boundary Bay Regional Park protects rare coastal sand ecosystems, including sand dunes. Bay Regional Park protects rare coastal sand ecosystems, including sand dunes.
Views from Boundary Bay Regional Park from Boundary Bay Regional Park
Misty morning sunrise at Boundary Bay Regional Park morning sunrise at Boundary Bay Regional Park
Beach explorer at Boundary Bay Regional Park explorer at Boundary Bay Regional Park
Sunset at Boundary Bay at Boundary Bay
Boundary Bay views from Dyke Trail in Boundary Bay Regional Park Bay views from Dyke Trail in Boundary Bay Regional Park
Explore the beach at Boundary Bay Regional Park, but please leave sand dollars and sea stars where you find them. the beach at Boundary Bay Regional Park, but please leave sand dollars and sea stars where you find them.
Park interpreter shares wonders of seashore life at Boundary Bay Regional Park interpreter shares wonders of seashore life at Boundary Bay Regional Park





Boardwalk Closure: update November 2024Boardwalk Closure: update November 2024<div class="ExternalClass7BC449D366FE495BB0822F38E78207A6"><p>The boardwalk linking Raptor Trail with 12 Ave Dyke Trail remains closed because of storm damage. Plans for repairs began shortly after the damage but due to site sensitivities, several permits are needed before the work can proceed.</p><p>Applications have been submitted for permits required by the Provincial government to conduct the repair work. Once permits are obtained, repair work must be scheduled to meet bird nesting, and other environmental conditions.</p><p>Thanks for your patience!<br></p></div>Boundary Bay Regional Park
Trail closures and detours at Mud BayTrail closures and detours at Mud Bay<div class="ExternalClassDDC634CB958D4E4E84C3A48F926FF989"><div><div><p>Some trail sections at Mud Bay (at the eastern end of the Boundary Bay Dyke Tra​​il) are temporarily closed until September 2025. Detour routes are in place but visitors should expect to encounter large trucks in one area (see map)​. Construction work is underway for upgrading the dykes (<a href="">Colebrook Dyke Projects</a>) and improving flood protection (<a href="">Mud Bay Nature-based Foreshore Enhancements</a>). For more information, see <a href="">details on construction activity</a>, contact the City of Surrey at 604-591-4253, or email <a href="" target="_blank">​</a>.<br></p></div></div></div>Boundary Bay Regional Parksts4s:// Mud Bay trail closures_Sept2024.pdf



Boundary Bay Regional Park, Boundary Bay,,-123.0485473,,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xdb7a949eb6a591d7?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj83fLS2ZmAAxVjHUQIHbEcAAYQ_BJ6BAhqEAA&ved=2ahUKEwj83fLS2ZmAAxVjHUQIHbEcAAYQ_BJ6BQiBARAJ, Google map,, Area Office





Once Upon a Forest Trail Upon a Forest Trail3/19/2025 5:00:00 PM3/19/2025 8:00:00 PM



<div class="ExternalClassD3A1F5B7EE684A6B95E72ED9A25634B1"><p> <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">School Field Trips Information </a><br><a href="/services/regional-parks/park-programs">Workshops & Community Group Field Trips Information</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass8217312FB4E4442DB7594A7448389093"><p> <strong>Contact Us</strong> </p><p>The calendar fills quickly so please plan to register two months in advance​ of your preferred date. <a href="/school-programs/regional-parks">Book online</a> or call 604-432-6359 for more information. </p></div><div class="ExternalClass5D0449A664AA489BA9DAA563498BCD07"><p>To learn about ways to <a href="/services/regional-parks/get-involved">get involved in regional parks​</a>, contact the <a href="">Community Development Coordinator</a> at 604-520​-6442.<br></p></div>

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