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Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve






CBC Seasonal ClosureCBC Seasonal Closure<div class="ExternalClass656DD7ED193349C19559068BB947ADB9"><p>​​CBC Trail is now closed. The trail will reopen in the spring when winter conditions recede. Please obey closure signage to help preserve the trail.​<br></p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Rice Lake HazardRice Lake Hazard<div class="ExternalClassB7CDD03E9DA642E4B6C8F4DCED278F9E"><p>​​Ice conditions on Rice Lake are not monitored. For the safety of the public, staff and first responders please stay off the ice.​<br></p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Fishing Banned between Seymour Dam and Seymour EstuaryFishing Banned between Seymour Dam and Seymour Estuary<div class="ExternalClassC19DFD71A9FD4B638297A523E2E102BC"><p> <a href="">​More Information from Fisheries and Oceans Canada</a></p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Adverse WeatherAdverse Weather<div class="ExternalClassA35092F419D14AA0AF02FE261C77D513"><p>​​​The fall and winter can bring severe weather to the LSCR which can make recreating in the forest dangerous. Prolonged periods of rain, high winds, and snow all increase risk. During severe weather events, trail closures may occur. Please always respect closure signage for the safety of the public, LSCR staff, and first responders. <a href="">Email the LSCR here​</a> to report any storm-related damage or downed trees.</p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve



Lower Seymour Conservation ReserveLower Seymour Conservation ReserveLower Seymour Conservation Reserve<div class="ExternalClassF52ABAA85C6747F79F79C275ACFF208E"><div><p>The 5,668-hectare Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR) is located directly south of the Seymour Reservoir and water supply area. Its mountain peaks, forested slopes, and pristine waters offer spectacular scenery for visitors to enjoy. The Water Services department manages the LSCR for the primary purpose of future drinking water storage and supply. Educational and environmental values, as well as recreational opportunities, are maintained in conjunction with the LSCR’s capacity as a water reserve.​​​ </p></div></div>537440976,



Lower Seymour Conservation ReserveGP0|#2e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51;L0|#02e3f5e5d-f72a-4278-b23e-25e6ce7b4d51|Transit;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73;L0|#0732f01c7-3203-4080-a710-fd3875d80b73|Picnic Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#e917ae52-1f8b-456e-9b7b-7ebe44d2ddd3;L0|#0e917ae52-1f8b-456e-9b7b-7ebe44d2ddd3|No Camping;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766;L0|#0fa3273cc-c453-47fa-a061-f6d8afc45766|Dog Leash Required Trails;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#bc4abe17-6ec0-4066-a930-9e9dbd6e274a;L0|#0bc4abe17-6ec0-4066-a930-9e9dbd6e274a|Leash Optional Area;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#e88f8a62-6861-4dcd-b506-d7701c90fafe;L0|#0e88f8a62-6861-4dcd-b506-d7701c90fafe|Fishing;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#4685dfc7-ba7e-48e2-b554-582f9e4727f9;L0|#04685dfc7-ba7e-48e2-b554-582f9e4727f9|No Harvesting;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#c417ab40-3cf3-4357-989d-355a42b2305d;L0|#0c417ab40-3cf3-4357-989d-355a42b2305d|Canoeing or Kayaking;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6;L0|#0dee15a63-f74f-4991-9d95-b4b5f6a64db6|Accessible;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#60abc746-2085-4117-a711-a20e1bb9b49f;L0|#060abc746-2085-4117-a711-a20e1bb9b49f|Fish Hatchery;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#64d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee;L0|#064d8e368-ff10-4512-9ac8-def76589bfee|View Point;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#74c003f7-48df-4669-b49a-68ae0eb29e0f;L0|#074c003f7-48df-4669-b49a-68ae0eb29e0f|Drinking Water;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#25080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38;L0|#025080aaf-eb40-4ba1-a9d6-c0915c7e6d38|Washroom;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#8806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342;L0|#08806b9f9-bc47-443d-8468-291f20148342|No Drones;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#f4ee7931-9950-4038-b596-e35db33f6632;L0|#0f4ee7931-9950-4038-b596-e35db33f6632|No Smoking;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#d677eaff-32ed-4b18-af05-2a6093c728bb;L0|#0d677eaff-32ed-4b18-af05-2a6093c728bb|No Campfires;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e4;GP0|#466bccb8-a477-4dad-8786-a9c2a48d101a;L0|#0466bccb8-a477-4dad-8786-a9c2a48d101a|Bike Fix Station;GTSet|#850077c1-afb0-49c9-a133-2c3df22499e46512.550<div class="ExternalClass0BA17E1A1D824C039EE766EA6477645E"><p>​The LSCR is op​​en 365 days a year. Area closures may occur during inclement weather. </p><p>*Though Dog Mountain Trail is in the LSCR, road access is limited by closures to Mt. Seymour Road from 10:00 pm - 7:00 am in winter months.​​​<br></p><table class="uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider mv-border-green mv-table-heading-green mv-table-border uk-table-responsive"><tbody><tr><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>January</strong><br>6:00 am – 5:00 pm</p></td><td><p> <strong>February</strong><br>6:00 am – 5:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>March</strong><br>6:00 am – 7:00 pm <br>(Daylight savings start)</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>April</strong><br>6:00 am – 8:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>May</strong><br>6:00 am – 9:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>June</strong><br>6:00 am – 9:00 pm</p></td></tr><tr><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>July</strong><br>6:00 am – 9:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>August</strong><br>6:00 am – 9:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>September</strong><br>6:00 am – 8:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>October</strong><br>6:00 am – 6:00 pm or 6:00 am – 7:00 pm</p></td><td><p class="uk-text-top"> <strong>November</strong><br>6:00 am – 5:00 pm <br>(Daylight savings end)</p></td><td>​<strong>December</strong> <p class="uk-text-top">6:00 am – ​5:00 pm</p></td></tr></tbody></table>​ <br> <p> <strong>NOTE: </strong>All vehicles must be out of the lower gate at the bottom of Lillooet Road by the posted closing time.​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass4A9CAD3481C743149EFB1A359927C5E2"><p>The LSCR featur​​es over 65km of hiking trails from a quick 2km stroll around Rice Lake to full day adventures. The LSCR neighbours with Lynn Headwaters and Lynn Canyon Park, offering a further trail network. Ensure you and your group are prepared. See link below on how to prepare for your hike. </p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i> <a href="" target="_blank">Hiking S​afety</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass792E83647AF34AF1875C08BB31AF2196"><p>The LSCR features ov​​er 55km of cycling trails. There are options for every level of rider: an easy and accessible paved Seymour Valley Trailway, more challenging gravel trails, and a variety of mountain bike trails. </p><p>Only Class 1 pedal assisted e-bikes are permitted in the LSCR. Motorized/throttle actuated vehicle​s are not permitted on the trail network. Do not exceed 30km/hr and yield to all other trail users.</p><br></div><div class="ExternalClassF8A79BFA6C5147F3901063EAA7052F6D"><p>In the LSCR, hor​seback riding is permitted on Bridle Trail, Richard Juryn (West), Twin Bridges, Fisherman’s (South) and the Berm Trail. All other trail users including bikers and dog-walkers must yield to horses and their riders. Dogs should be leashed when approaching horses.<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassBA0BEF15AA6B49869378E801D3BE807A"><p>Dogs must be in control at all times and leashed in high use areas and in sensitive ecosystems​​. Show courtesy to other visitors by removing your dog waste and disposing of it in dog waste bins located at main entrances. Dogs are not permitted on the Seymour Valley Trailway, the Fisherman's Trail (north of the Homestead Trail junction) and the Rice Lake Loop Trail. The LSCR does not permit commercial dog walking. </p><p><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/water/Documents/lower-seymour-conservation-reserve-dog-walking-brochure.pdf" target="_blank">Dog Walking​​ Guide</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass608A8CBD26A548E79A474510A12B7678"><div><p>​Absolutely no harvesting of any wildlife, plants, or mushrooms is permitted in ​​the LSCR. Mushroom idenification groups must obtain a land use permit to operate in the LSCR.</p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass2C9608F49F1A424CB561D501F77A0D4A"><p>Come drop a line in Rice Lake, ​​which is stocked with more than 5,000 Rainbow trout each year by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC. All provincial fresh water fishing regulations apply in these areas. Boats and inflatables are not permitted in Rice Lake.</p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-link"></i><a href="" target="_blank">Rice Lake Fish Stocking Information</a>​<br></p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/fishing-synopsis-region-2.pdf" target="_blank">Regulations</a><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassD43638DA105C44D29AAAA26F3049FB19"><p>Vehicle access, north of Rice Lake Gate, is permitted for canoeing and kayaking for active members of the Recreation Canoeing Association of B​​C, the Beaver Canoe Club and the Vancouver Whitewater Club. </p><p>​For information on how to obtain access see the links below.</p><p> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i><a href="/services/water/Documents/lower-seymour-conservation-reserve-paddlers-access-regulations.pdf" target="_blank"> Paddlers Access</a><br><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i><a href="/services/water/Documents/lower-seymour-conservation-reserve-paddler-pullout.pdf" target="_blank"> Parking Locations</a><br> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i> <a href="/services/water/Documents/lscr-canoe-kayak-access-permit-request-form.pdf" target="_blank"> LSCR Canoe and Kayak Access Request Form​</a>​<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassC62CF1BD6DC943AA83897141B0C32F79"><div><p> <strong>Seymour ​Hatchery</strong></p><p>The Seymour Salmonid Society is a non-profit organization that operates the Seymour River Hatchery and Education Centre. They enhance sa​​lmon populations and encourage proper management of fisheries in the Seymour River. Their mission is to educate the public about the value of the Seymour River and the salmonids it supports as a resource for everyone living in British Columbia.</p><p><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i><a href="" target="_blank">Seymour Sal​monid Society</a><br></p><p> <strong>Permits & E​​vents</strong></p><p>If you are planning an event (e.g. fundraiser, wedding, race, field trip) or t​​o operate a business on LSCR land, you are required to obtain a land use permit.<br></p><p><i class="fa-light fa-link"></i><a href="/services/water/lscr-online-event-booking">LSCR Land Use​​ Permit Application</a></p><p>NOTE: All permit applications will be reviewed. Any proposed activities that a​​re found to not align with LSCR land management goals will not be permitted. Permit applications must be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to a proposed event. Failing to meet this requirement may result in denial of an application.<br></p></div></div><div class="ExternalClass42FDDDE83DAF4F4C9A3B988D30233A54"><p>The LSCR offers 10 km of smooth pavement on the Seymour Valley Trailway an​d a low gradient compacted gravel trail around Rice Lake. <br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass72B24E4E49D24F458F791C90FE1E5F15"> ​​ <p> <strong>School Programs</strong></p><ul><li> <a href="/school-programs">Metro Vancouver K-12 Field Trips and Teacher Resources</a></li><li> <a href="/school-programs/watershed-programs">Grade 4/5 Watershed Field Trips</a></li><li> <a href="/school-programs/K-12-Field-Trips-and-Programs">High School Watershed Tours</a></li></ul> <br> <p> <strong>Public Programs</strong></p><ul><li> <a href="/services/water/watershed-tours">Watershed Tours </a></li></ul></div><div class="ExternalClassF213FF8473BC430DA259202721401112"><div><p>Discover the treasures of the watersheds, where ancient trees tower in steep mountain valleys, wildlife abounds and water flows through natural landscapes to ou​r drinking water supply system. The health of these ecosystems is an important natural asset to our region; one that contributes greatly to the health and vitality of the place we call home. Come and see it for yourself! </p></div></div><div class="ExternalClassD4F04BCF9E654E33B99C72FA6EF5C028">​ <a href="" target="_blank">Volunteer Sign U​​p Form</a><br><p></p></div>



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Circuit 8 Crossing 8 Crossing





Rice Lake HazardRice Lake Hazard<div class="ExternalClassB7CDD03E9DA642E4B6C8F4DCED278F9E"><p>​​Ice conditions on Rice Lake are not monitored. For the safety of the public, staff and first responders please stay off the ice.​<br></p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
CBC Seasonal ClosureCBC Seasonal Closure<div class="ExternalClass656DD7ED193349C19559068BB947ADB9"><p>​​CBC Trail is now closed. The trail will reopen in the spring when winter conditions recede. Please obey closure signage to help preserve the trail.​<br></p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Adverse WeatherAdverse Weather<div class="ExternalClassA35092F419D14AA0AF02FE261C77D513"><p>​​​The fall and winter can bring severe weather to the LSCR which can make recreating in the forest dangerous. Prolonged periods of rain, high winds, and snow all increase risk. During severe weather events, trail closures may occur. Please always respect closure signage for the safety of the public, LSCR staff, and first responders. <a href="">Email the LSCR here​</a> to report any storm-related damage or downed trees.</p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve
Fishing Banned between Seymour Dam and Seymour EstuaryFishing Banned between Seymour Dam and Seymour Estuary<div class="ExternalClassC19DFD71A9FD4B638297A523E2E102BC"><p> <a href="">​More Information from Fisheries and Oceans Canada</a></p></div>Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve



Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve, Trail Map604-432-6200



<div class="ExternalClassCC1BF2D9564443C49171C562ED3037BA"> <h4>Rice Lake<br></h4><p>Rice Lake is a small, artificial water body maintained for public education, habitat preservation, and recreation. Rice Lake Loop, a 2km wheelchair-accessible trail, circles the lake providing opportunities for fishing, exercise, and nature appreciation.</p><p>​Dogs, biking, swimming and boating are not permitted at Rice Lake. In the winter, ice thickness is not monitored and visitors should not go onto the lake for any reason. LSCR staff are not equipped to provide assistance in case of an emergency on the lake. </p><h4>Stay informed</h4><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/water/Documents/lower-seymour-conservation-reserve-management-plan.pdf" target="_blank">LSCR Management Plan 2022</a><br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/lscr-work-plan-2024-02-20.pdf" target="_blank">2024 LSCR Work Plan​</a><br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/water/Documents/lower-seymour-conservation-reserve-trails-strategic-plan.pdf" target="_blank">Strategic Trails Plan - Full Report</a><br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/nsmba-work-permit.pdf" target="_blank">NSMBA Trail Maintenance Permit</a></li></ul></div>

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