Trail closures and detours at Mud Bay | Trail closures and detours at Mud Bay | <div class="ExternalClassDDC634CB958D4E4E84C3A48F926FF989"><div><div><p>Some trail sections at Mud Bay (at the eastern end of the Boundary Bay Dyke Trail) are temporarily closed until September 2025. Detour routes are in place but visitors should expect to encounter large trucks in one area (see map). Construction work is underway for upgrading the dykes (<a href="">Colebrook Dyke Projects</a>) and improving flood protection (<a href="">Mud Bay Nature-based Foreshore Enhancements</a>). For more information, see
<a href="">details on construction activity</a>, contact the City of Surrey at 604-591-4253, or email <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br></p></div></div></div> | Boundary Bay Regional Park | sts4s:// Mud Bay trail closures_Sept2024.pdf |
Boardwalk Closure: update November 2024 | Boardwalk Closure: update November 2024 | <div class="ExternalClass7BC449D366FE495BB0822F38E78207A6"><p>The boardwalk linking Raptor Trail with 12 Ave Dyke Trail remains closed because of storm damage. Plans for repairs began shortly after the damage but due to site sensitivities, several permits are needed before the work can proceed.</p><p>Applications have been submitted for permits required by the Provincial government to conduct the repair work. Once permits are obtained, repair work must be scheduled to meet bird nesting, and other environmental conditions.</p><p>Thanks for your patience!<br></p></div> | Boundary Bay Regional Park | |
Portable toilet removed at Sapperton Landing | Portable toilet removed at Sapperton Landing | <div class="ExternalClass3B98F67E3BD94005A8A883A420244E6D"><p>The portable toilet located near The Wharf has been removed for winter. Washrooms are available at the Sapperton Pump Station building and are open during park hours.<br></p></div> | Brunette-Fraser Regional Greenway | |
Temporary closure of the East Service Road | Temporary closure of the East Service Road | <div class="ExternalClass1D4F7DF7F0694EDEB5BDACF4AB4C4EED"><p>The section of the East Service between Palisades Trail and the dam picnic area will be temporarily closed to the public while a construction project is underway. Hikers can use Palisades Trail as a detour. <br></p></div> | Capilano River Regional Park | |
Work in the area of the Moyne Drive connector trail | Work in the area of the Moyne Drive connector trail | <div class="ExternalClass12CA630C08474702A899D935FFFCB823"><p>Work is underway related to a sewer line near the Moyne Drive connector trail. The trail is open, but be aware of crews and equipment. For more information, go <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.<br></p></div> | Capilano River Regional Park | |
Portion of Capilano Pacific Trail closed due to landslides | Portion of Capilano Pacific Trail closed due to landslides | <div class="ExternalClassFA9EA39AC9E94380999BCBB671EF6A3F"><p>Due to landslides that occurred in 2021, a portion of Capilano Pacific Trail between Keith Road and Moyne Drive is closed. Please stay out of the area as it is extremely hazardous. <br>A detour is in place; click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to see a map. <br></p></div> | Capilano River Regional Park | |
Viewpoint platform on Capilano Pacific Trail temporarily closed | Viewpoint platform on Capilano Pacific Trail temporarily closed | <div class="ExternalClass400078BFDE174C378AEA90B7452529AD"><p>The viewpoint platform on the Capilano Pacific Trail is temporarily closed.<br></p></div> | Capilano River Regional Park | |
Maple Trail temporarily closed | Maple Trail temporarily closed | <div class="ExternalClass6F1D4097E69D4C9EAA4101F62D198E91"><p>Maple Trail remains temporarily closed while construction of a new medical centre on Miller Road is underway. Please use Alder Grove Trail during this time.<br></p></div> | Crippen Regional Park | |
Inverholme Schoolhouse closed for repairs | Inverholme Schoolhouse closed for repairs | <div class="ExternalClassA4EAEF0FF5274768861783A8AB5B96EF"><p>Due to damage during winter storms, Inverholme Schoolhouse will remain closed until further notice. Plans for repairs are underway.</p></div> | Deas Island Regional Park | |
Viewing Tower CLOSED starting February 10 | Viewing Tower CLOSED starting February 10 | <div class="ExternalClassDC01B34746F64332B6DEB93C1E6896D6"><p>The viewing tower at the Riverside Picnic Area will be closed for repairs starting the week of February 10. The work is expected to take about a week. Please follow posted safety signs. <br></p></div> | Deas Island Regional Park | |
Sporadic flooding after heavy rainfall | Sporadic flooding after heavy rainfall | <div class="ExternalClassB7636837966E4B7FA0ECBD1E1F798E21"><p>Due to site conditions, the Delta Nature Reserve can be affected by heavy rainfall so the access road and some sections of boardwalk may be intermittently and unpredictably flooded. <br></p></div> | Delta Nature Reserve | |
Temporary Trail Closures | Temporary Trail Closures | <div class="ExternalClassCBF3F90312EB4929B5E1920E26202CEF"><div>Due to recent changes in forest health and boardwalk damage from fallen trees, significant sections of trail have been closed until further notice. There is no through access on any trails so visitors should be prepared to re-trace their steps. For your safety and to protect bog habitats, do not bypass the closures. Work is underway to replace and improve the alignment of the boardwalks. Thanks for your patience.<br></div></div> | Delta Nature Reserve | sts4s:// Boardwalk Closure MAP_Jan2025.pdf |
Service road closure near 72 Ave | Service road closure near 72 Ave | <div class="ExternalClass77D77D946DA24EB592465C697AA062CB"><div><p>Due to flooding and washouts, the access road to the Delta Nature Reserve is closed between 72 Ave and the southermost boardwalk entrance. There is access to Delta Nature Reserve trails from Nordel Way; but there is no through access, to or from, 72 Ave. Please follow posted safety signs.<br></p></div></div> | Delta Nature Reserve | |
Tree work will affect access trail starting week of February 19 | Tree work will affect access trail starting week of February 19 | <div class="ExternalClass24EBA60E64A2438B814BEC8C3889F7A3"><p>Tree work between Nordel Way and 64 Ave will affect access to the Delta Nature Reserve. The work will take about three weeks. The trail will remain open but visitors should expect short delays and to encounter crews and equipment. Please follow posted safety signs and directions from work crews. <a href="/services/regional-parks/Lists/ParkAdvisories/Attachments/1478/DSG%20Tree%20work_Feb2025_map.pdf">Map showing work area.</a><br></p></div> | Delta Nature Reserve | |
Seasonal, sporadic trail flooding | Seasonal, sporadic trail flooding | <div class="ExternalClass4E1D74C41C0749CC93A37DE803D7A145"><p>Due to site conditions, some sections of the trail may be intermittently and unpredictably flooded after heavy rainfall. Please follow posted safety signs.<br></p></div> | Delta South Surrey Regional Greenway | |
Tree work starts week of February 19 | Tree work starts week of February 19 | <div class="ExternalClassEF69E036229C44D2B5A4EC83FF9A40A1"><p>Tree work between Nordel Way and 64 Ave will begin the week of February 19 and take about three weeks. The work will affect both the greenway and access to the Delta Nature Reserve. The trail will remain open but visitors should expect short delays and to encounter crews and equipment. Please follow posted safety signs and directions from work crews.<br></p></div> | Delta South Surrey Regional Greenway | sts4s:// Tree work_Feb2025_map.pdf |
BCMC Route conditions | BCMC Route conditions | <div class="ExternalClass3C614928D11047F69801CAFB672A8D64"><p>Be prepared for snow and ice on the upper part of the trail. Wear good footwear and seasonally appropriate clothing. Bring microspikes and poles for icy sections. Carry water and a snack. And be sure to leave enough time to finish your hike before the sun sets.<br></p></div> | Grouse Mountain Regional Park | |
Grouse Grind Trail closed | Grouse Grind Trail closed | <div class="ExternalClassF620308322AB4A1F93B8E86A449F83ED"><p>Grouse Grind Trail is closed due to hazardous winter conditions.<br><br></p></div> | Grouse Mountain Regional Park | |
Viewing structure at end of jetty closed due to damage | Viewing structure at end of jetty closed due to damage | <div class="ExternalClass3B7DC6A09A6B41F0A67F1820F1AC2B97"><p>The viewing structure at the end of Iona Jetty is currently closed due to damage from winter storms. Please stay off the structure for your safety.<br></p></div> | Iona Beach Regional Park | |
Fishing Banned between Seymour Dam and Seymour Estuary | Fishing Banned between Seymour Dam and Seymour Estuary | <div class="ExternalClassC19DFD71A9FD4B638297A523E2E102BC"><p>
<a href="">More Information from Fisheries and Oceans Canada</a></p></div> | Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve | |
Adverse Weather | Adverse Weather | <div class="ExternalClassA35092F419D14AA0AF02FE261C77D513"><p>The fall and winter can bring severe weather to the LSCR which can make recreating in the forest dangerous. Prolonged periods of rain, high winds, and snow all increase risk. During severe weather events, trail closures may occur. Please always respect closure signage for the safety of the public, LSCR staff, and first responders. <a href="">Email the LSCR here</a> to report any storm-related damage or downed trees.</p></div> | Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve | |
Wildlife and Recreation | Wildlife and Recreation | <div class="ExternalClass94B64BA1D9E34CEE9C8D54CBE05657A4"><p>While using trails, it can be easy to forget that you are in a natural space and encounters with wildlife are possible. Keep yourself and wildlife safe, <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/lscr-wildlife-area.pdf">more information</a>. </p></div> | Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve | |
CBC Seasonal Closure | CBC Seasonal Closure | <div class="ExternalClass656DD7ED193349C19559068BB947ADB9"><p>CBC Trail is now closed. The trail will reopen in the spring when winter conditions recede. Please obey closure signage to help preserve the trail.<br></p></div> | Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve | |
Rice Lake Hazard | Rice Lake Hazard | <div class="ExternalClassB7CDD03E9DA642E4B6C8F4DCED278F9E"><p>Ice conditions on Rice Lake are not monitored. For the safety of the public, staff and first responders please stay off the ice.<br></p></div> | Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve | |
Drinking fountain shut down for the winter | Drinking fountain shut down for the winter | <div class="ExternalClass8040E8CC6332419D951542CAC688F7FD"><div>The drinking fountain and tap in the picnic area have been shut down for the winter, effective Dec. 15. They will be available again in March 2025. Apologies for any inconvenience. <br></div></div> | Lynn Headwaters Regional Park | |
Backcountry routes closed | Backcountry routes closed | <div class="ExternalClassFD8F2C5F91FF493CBD0F4D0ABB7AAAF5"><p>Backcountry routes at Lynn Headwaters Regional Park are now <strong>closed</strong> due to hazardous conditions. This applies to routes beyond Norvan Falls (e.g. Hanes Valley, Coliseum Mtn & Lynn Lake) as well as routes in the Grouse subalpine beyond Dam Mountain and Thunderbird Ridge (e.g. Crown Mountain, Goat Mountain, Little Goat & Goat Ridge).<br></p></div> | Lynn Headwaters Regional Park | |
Bridge closed on Headwaters Trail | Bridge closed on Headwaters Trail | <div class="ExternalClassB086E282B36B4882B914491B516EEEA6"><p>A bridge on Headwaters Trail is closed due to damage. The creek is <strong>not</strong> safe to pass during or after times of heavy rain. Click the map to see the location of the bridge.<br></p></div> | Lynn Headwaters Regional Park | sts4s:// |
Expect detours and delays in getting to the park | Expect detours and delays in getting to the park | <div class="ExternalClassC6F03C26A8F746268A52B19B1A23674E"><div>The City of Coquitlam is working on a major project that includes sewer system improvements, environmental enhancements, and transportation upgrades. Although Victoria Drive and Cedar Drive are primarily affected, visitors heading to the park should expect to encounter detours, delays, and significant increases in construction traffic on all routes to the park. Work is expected to be ongoing until 2025. Updates can be found at
<a href="" target="_blank">Cedar Creek Upgrade Project</a>. For more information, email the Cedar Drive Project team at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or call 604-927-3515.<br></div></div> | Minnekhada Regional Park | |
Expect heavy construction traffic along Oliver Rd | Expect heavy construction traffic along Oliver Rd | <div class="ExternalClass3A45F63AE21B45B6B8A50AA2A9006C23"><div>Visitors planning to use the Minnekhada Lodge Entrance should expect heavy construction traffic along Oliver Road. Be prepared to frequently meet large construction vehicles, such as dump trucks. Note: Oliver Road is narrow with few pullouts for passing. Please allow extra time to travel to the park, or consider using the Quarry Road Entrance.<br></div></div> | Minnekhada Regional Park | |
Tree Work: mid-January to late February | Tree Work: mid-January to late February | <div class="ExternalClass3E24990FD5384FE791969E7BC770766F"><div>Tree work is planned for several areas of the park. Visitors should expect delays and intermittent closures along Lodge, Meadow, Log Walk and Mid-Marsh trails. To conduct the work at Low Knoll and near Minnekhada Lodge, temporary closures of a day or two may be required. Please follow posted safety signs and directions from work crew. Thanks for your cooperation.<br></div></div> | Minnekhada Regional Park | sts4s:// Tree Work_Jan2025_MAP.pdf |
Quarry Trail Conditions | Quarry Trail Conditions | <div class="ExternalClass2D4C6BF41B58473EAD52D5ACEBD39550"><p>Due to storm damage, some sections of Quarry Trail are rough and uneven. Trail may be flooded at location shown on map, especially after heavy rainfall. Plans for repairs are underway but several permits are required before the work can proceed. Please follow posted safety signs; use extra caution; and consider other routes in poor weather conditions.<br></p></div> | Minnekhada Regional Park | sts4s:// Quarry trail conditions_Nov2024_MAP.pdf |
Foreshore Trail between Trail 7 and Trail 6 closed | Foreshore Trail between Trail 7 and Trail 6 closed | <div class="ExternalClass01186C64628144FEA0A82220A693B909"><p>Due to a slide, Foreshore Trail between Trail 6 and Trail 7 is closed until further notice. Please stay out of the area for your safety, and that of park staff and first responders. <br></p></div> | Pacific Spirit Regional Park | |
No horses on Southwest Marine Trail between Camosun St. and Clinton Trail | No horses on Southwest Marine Trail between Camosun St. and Clinton Trail | <div class="ExternalClassDBF8F8B84588455FA1A59B95D73A93E6"><p>Due to damage to a culvert, Southwest Marine Trail is temporarily closed to horses between the Camosun St. entrance and Clinton Trail. Equestrians can detour using the St. George's Trail entrance on Camosun St. <br></p></div> | Pacific Spirit Regional Park | |
Crews working to refurbish Sasamat Reservoir | Crews working to refurbish Sasamat Reservoir | <div class="ExternalClassC6DDBF01FA8B44D795BE8AA7DC4A351C"><p>Crews will be working to repair and replace components of the Sasamat Reservoir, located within Pacific Spirit Regional Park, near the 16th and Sasamat entrance until May 2025. Trails will remain open, but park visitors may encounter crews, equipment and vehicles. <br></p><p><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/sasamat-reservoir-refurbishment-Jan2025-factsheet.pdf" target="_blank">More information</a><br></p></div> | Pacific Spirit Regional Park | |
Dog Management Program Review | Dog Management Program Review | <div class="ExternalClassE5EFFDD74E4A4D6687E1063B5DF2D880"><p>In response to safety incidents, user conflicts, complaints, and ecological impacts, Metro Vancouver is reviewing the dog management program at Pacific Spirit Regional Park.<br>This review will assess and seek to make improvements to the signage, trail designations, and public education and bylaw enforcement program. <a href="/services/regional-parks/pacific-spirit-regional-park-dog-management-program-review" title="Pacific Spirit Regional Park Dog Managment Program Review" target="_blank">More information.</a><br>To provide your thoughts on the current dog management program, email <a href="mailto:"></a>.<br></p></div> | Pacific Spirit Regional Park | |
Trail 4 closed | Trail 4 closed | <div class="ExternalClassE3D66248A27341469FD0CA389D6D4978"><p>Due to a slide, Trail 4 is closed until further notice. Please stay out of the area for your safety.<br></p></div> | Pacific Spirit Regional Park | |
Resurfacing Parsons Trail – January 27 to February 14, 2025 | Resurfacing Parsons Trail – January 27 to February 14, 2025 | <div class="ExternalClass0C7F8C44A487465496E718D6B0C2A6EE"><p><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:115%;font-family:"segoe ui", sans-serif;">Expect equipment, crews and soft, uneven surface on Parsons Trail while
it is being resurfaced. Parsons Trail will remain open during the work, but
there may be delays and short diversions for those walking the trail. See map
showing location of trail work.</span><a href="/services/regional-parks/PublishingImages/Lists/ParkAdvisories/AllItems/MAP%20trail%20resurfacing.jpg"><img class="ms-asset-icon ms-rtePosition-4" src="/_layouts/15/images/icjpg.gif" alt="" />MAP trail resurfacing.jpg</a><br></p></div> | Surrey Bend Regional Park | |
Boardwalk closed on Woodhaven Swamp Loop Trail | Boardwalk closed on Woodhaven Swamp Loop Trail | <div class="ExternalClassF21654D52FC941C78075B1F1DDBFBDB4"><div><p>The boardwalk at the eastern end of Woodhaven Swamp is closed. A temporary detour route is in place along Tum-tumay-whueton Drive to bypass the boardwalk. Work to replace the boardwalk is underway and will take about three months. Please follow posted safety signs.<br></p></div></div> | təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park | sts4s:// Woodhaven Boardwalk closure MAP 2_15Feb2024.pdf |
Picnic Area washrooms closed | Picnic Area washrooms closed | <div class="ExternalClass1A8E50704D5B466B9151FA8CCFF5D5D7"><p>Washrooms at the Picnic Area (near the ocean) are closed until further notice. Portable toilets are availabe. Sorry for the inconvenience.<br></p></div> | təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park | |
Bridge closed on Woodhaven Swamp Loop Trail | Bridge closed on Woodhaven Swamp Loop Trail | <div class="ExternalClassF9F4665C390A400886EF6992C0187785"><div><p>Due to storm damage, a bridge has been temporarily closed along the Woodhaven Swamp Loop Trail. Visitors will NOT be able to complete the loop. Please follow posted safety signs, and consider other routes or be prepared to re-trace your steps.<br></p></div></div> | təmtəmíxʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park | |
No cycling on Mundy Creek Trail | No cycling on Mundy Creek Trail | <div class="ExternalClass33B10760A3014BC9A0D5A4BFC029B72C"><p>Mundy Creek Trail remains a ‘no cycling’ route at this time. Please make alternate plans and follow posted signs.<br></p></div> | ƛ̓éxətəm Regional Park (formerly known as Colony Farm Regional Park) | |
Millennium Bridge: temporary closures starting week of January 13 | Millennium Bridge: temporary closures starting week of January 13 | <div class="ExternalClass1E06A97BE3314D11B240A1066720A598"><div>Work to replace the bridge decking will require temporary closures. For about six weeks, the bridge will be completely closed Monday to Friday; there will be no public access across it. The use of park trails and the Traboulay PoCo Trail will be affected. Please plan alternate routes and follow posted safety signs. For more information about the bridge work, call 604-520-6442. For information on the Traboulay Poco Trail, call 604-927-5496 or email<br></div></div> | ƛ̓éxətəm Regional Park (formerly known as Colony Farm Regional Park) | sts4s:// Millennium Bridge closures MAP_Jan2025.pdf |
Temporary closure of viewing decks | Temporary closure of viewing decks | <div class="ExternalClass114A58D106EC4F2B9DE8057014BF635A"><p>Work to replace two small viewing decks along the Wilson Farm Dyke Trail is expected to occur within two months. In preparation, dismantling has started with the removal of benches and signs. They will be re-installed after the structural work is completed. <br></p></div> | ƛ̓éxətəm Regional Park (formerly known as Colony Farm Regional Park) | |