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Grouse Mountain Regional Park Trail and Site Improvements


Project overv​​iew

The governments of Canada and BC, in partnership with Metro Vancouver, are providing $3.5 million in funding for improvements to Grouse Mountain Regional Park. The improvements, including a revitalized trailhead area, upgrades to the Grouse Grind Trail, BCMC Route and Baden-Powell Trail, viewpoints and rest stops, will be completed between 2021 and 2025.

The improvements reflect the park vision of supporting ecological and human health by protecting and enhancing forest ecosystems, and by providing opportunities to learn about, explore and be active in a coastal mountain landscape. They relate to the goals and objectives identified in the Grouse Mountain Regional Park Management Plan (2018).

Since 2021, ​the project has made improvements to existing popular trails and routes in the park (Grouse Grind Trail, BCMC Route and Baden-Powell Trail) and added an additional connector trail.

The improvements also include engagement with First Nations and opportunities to learn more about the ecological and cultural aspects of the park through interpretive elements and programming.

For regular updates, check the Grouse Mountain Regional Park webpage or sign up for the Grouse Mountain Regional Park mailing list.

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.


Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, West Area Office



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