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Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island


Update on land at Cape Roger Curtis

On October 25, Metro Vancouver concluded a sale of 65 hectares of land at Cape Roger Curtis to the Bowen Island Conservancy. A legal conservation covenant has been established to protect the land, including habitats, vulnerable species, and ecosystems, in perpetuity.

Metro Vancouver had applied to Bowen Island Municipality for rezoning and a change to the Official Community Plan to allow for overnight tent camping. The rezoning application remains at first reading, and with the sale Metro Vancouver will withdraw its application.

No public access

The land is not open to the public for day or overnight use (no camping). Municipal trails remain open and available for public use.​

About the land

Metro Vancouver is growing the regional parks system into a connected network of parks and greenways that protect regionally important natural areas and connect them to residents.

In spring 2023, Metro Vancouver acquired 24 lots totaling 97 hectares of land that had previously been slated for housing development at Cape Roger Curtis to create a new regional park. The land at Cape Roger Curtis presented a unique opportunity to protect valuable habitat, and connect with nature through trails, education, stewardship, and ocean viewing.

On October 25, Metro Vancouver concluded a sale of 65 hectares of land at Cape Roger Curtis to the Bowen Island Conservancy. A legal conservation covenant has been established to protect the land, including habitats, vulnerable species, and ecosystems, in perpetuity, while respecting what we heard as a priority for residents across the region during two phases engagement about the potential for the land.

Metro Vancouver will be exploring options for the remaining 32 hectares.

Metro Vancouver had applied to Bowen Island Municipality for rezoning and a change to the Official Community Plan to allow for overnight tent camping. The rezoning application remains at first reading, and with the sale Metro Vancouver will withdraw its application.

Cape Roger Curtis is eight kilometres from Snug Cove on Bowen Island. The property encompasses a large ecologically diverse dry coastal bluff waterfront, a landscape rare in the Metro Vancouver region and makes up less than one per cent of BC’s land base. It contains 15 plant communities listed as provincially threatened or endangered. The land encompasses about 900 metres of waterfront ranging from high bluffs to low bank and access to water’s edge. Along the shore, the coastal bluff plant communities are dominated by arbutus, shore pine, Douglas fir, and some 400-year-old maritime juniper. Huszar Creek flows through the site. In recent years, there have been frequent sightings of both orcas and humpback whales from this site.

The land is adjacent to Crown land that includes the headwaters of Huszar Creek and Fairy Fen Nature Reserve, and the Wild Coast Nature Refuge. The land is ​within the Átl'ka7tsem/Howe Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.



Regional Parks Land Acquisition at Cape Roger CurtisRegional Parks Land Acquisition at Cape Roger Curtis672134989

​Public enga​gement​

Metro Vancouver conducted two phases of engagement in 2023 that drew feedback from people across the region. Metro Vancouver engaged with the public and incorporated their feedback at each step in the proposed park development process and the Bowen Island Municipality rezoning process. The park planning process included background research, inventory, and analysis. Each project phase included engagement with First Nations, the public, stakeholders, and Bowen Island Municipality.​​​​

With the withdrawal of the rezoning application, the engagement process is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Details on the engagement process and what we heard is available in the engagement summary reports below.​



First phase of engagement (complete)First phase of engagement (complete)<div class="ExternalClassD1A2FE9C53194F1AB8EF36B23FEFE778">​<p>​From February 10 to March 20, 2023, Metro Vancouver invited the public to share their feedback on the first phase of engagement for the proposed regional park at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island. During this engagement period, 2,364 participants submitted 25,158 responses and comments through the online feedback form.</p><p>The feedback, suggestions, and additional analysis and research in this phase of the engagement will inform the development of guiding principles and draft concepts, which will be shared in the second phase of public engagement for the proposed regional park. It will also inform and support decision making by the Metro Vancouver Board of Directors, and was provided to the Bowen Island Municipality for consideration as part of the rezoning and official community plan amendment process.​<br></p><p>Materials from the first phase of engagement:</p><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/final-engagement-summary-print-version-2023-04-12.pdf" target="_blank" title="Read the Engagement Summary Report">Read the Engagement Summary Report</a>​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-video"></i></span><a href="" target="_blank" title="Watch a video presentation">Watch a video presentation</a>​​​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/regional-parks-phase-1-engagement-boards.pdf" target="_blank" title="View the public engagement boards">View the public engagement boards</a>​​​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/proposed-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-bowen-island-phase-1-engagement.pdf" target="_blank" title="View the public engagement presentation">View the public engagement presentation</a>​​​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="" target="_blank" title="Discussion Guide and Feedback Form: Phase One Engagement: Listen and Learn (Interactive version)">Discussion Guide and Feedback Form: Phase One Engagement: Listen and Learn (Interactive version)</a>​​​​</li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/metro-vancouver-cape-roger-curtis-discussion-guide.pdf" target="_blank" title="Discussion Guide and Feedback Form: Phase One Engagement: Listen and Learn (Interactive version)">Discussion Guide and Feedback Form: Phase One Engagement: Listen and Learn (PDF​ version)</a>​​​​​​​<br></li></ul></div>
Second phase of engagement (complete)Second phase of engagement (complete)<div class="ExternalClass18FC346A72DF4BFA92C08AFFFA6C6680"><p>From July 29 to August 16, Metro Vancouver invited the public to provide feedback on the draft park vision, guiding principles, and park concept. During this engagement period, Metro Vancouver heard feedback via two online webinars (60 attendees), two in-person open houses (140 attendees), and an online engagement form (1,100+ responses).</p><p>Overall, participants shared support for the proposed park’s draft vision and guiding principles. However, feedback on the draft park concept was mixed, with the level of support for the proposed regional park concept varying between Bowen Island residents (25% in support) and residents from the rest of the region (68% in support).</p><p>Key themes respondents noted through the second phase of engagement included:</p><ul><li><strong>Overnight use</strong> –suggestions for the approach to overnight uses including particular support for group camping</li><li><strong>Planning process</strong> – interest in community engagement, First Nations collaboration, and plan feasibility and implementation.</li><li><strong>Transportation</strong> – concerns about the impact of park visitors on the ferry system and traffic, as well as opportunities and challenges related to sustainable transportation options.</li><li><strong>Infrastructure and services</strong> – concerns and questions about the impact and plans for emergency services, water, and waste management.</li><li><strong>Environmental stewardship</strong>​ – its importance and ideas for protecting biodiversity, building climate resilience, and establishing a conserved area.</li></ul><p>Materials from the second phase of engagement:</p><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​ <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/phase-II-engagement-summary-proposed-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis.pdf" target="_blank" title="Read the Engagement Summary Report">Read the Engagement Summary Report</a>​​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​ <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/draft-concept-plan-and-guiding-principles-crc-zones-concept%20package-low-res.pdf" target="_blank" title="Read the Draft Concept and Program plan">Read the Draft Concept and Program plan</a><br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/crc-public-engagement-phase2-display-panels.pdf" target="_blank" title="View the public engagement boards">View the public engagement boards</a>​<br></li></ul> ​ </div>

Project documents​​​



Metro Vancouver Board highlightsMetro Vancouver Board highlights<div class="ExternalClassE19336FB9F6E433E85EEDB2CD2D1CEE7"><ul><li>​The Metro Vancouver Board approved the inclusion of the Cape Roger Curtis property in its land acquisition catalogue on April 29, 2022 (<a href="/boards/GVRD/RD_2022-Apr-29_RCL.pdf#search=RD_2022-Apr-29_RCL.pdf" target="_blank">Of​ficial Public Reference​​</a>)</li><li>The Metro Vancouver Board approved the initiation of rezoning process for a new regional park at Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island Municipality on Jul 29, 2022 (<a href="/boards/GVRD/RD_2022-Jul-29_RCL.pdf#search=RD_2022-Jul-29_RCL.pdf" target="_blank">Officia​l Public Reference​</a>)<br></li><li>Metro Vancouver presented to the Bowen Island Municipality Committee of the Whole on February 27, 2023 (<a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/proposed-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-bowen-island-municipality-committee-presentation.pdf" target="_blank">download the presentation (PDF)</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">watch the meeting</a>)<br></li><li>The Metro Vancouver Board directed staff to proceed with the purchase of 97 hectares of land for a proposed regional park at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island on April 21 2023 (<a href="/boards/GVRD/RD-SP_2023-Apr-21_RCL.pdf#search=RD-SP_2023-Apr-21_RCL.pdf" target="_blank" title="Rise and Report (Items Released from Closed Meeting) - MVRD Special Board Meeting - April 21, 2023">Official Public Reference</a>)​​<br></li></ul></div>
Media releasesMedia releases<div class="ExternalClassE19336FB9F6E433E85EEDB2CD2D1CEE7"><ul class="fa-ul"><li>​ <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span>​<a href="/media-room/media-release/743" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver Proposal for New Regional Park on Bowen Island Includes Camping Opportunities</a> (Media Release, August 10, 2022)<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/media-room/media-release/781" target="_blank">Public Engagement Begins February 10 for Proposed Regional Park on Bowen Island</a> (Media Release, February 9, 2023)<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/media-room/media-release/809" target="_blank">Second Phase of Public Engagement for Proposed Regional Park on Bowen Island Begins July 29</a> (Media Release, July 29, 2023​)​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span><a href="/media-room/media-release/875" target="_blank">Land at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island Protected for Conservation</a> (Media Release, October 25, 2024)​<br></li></ul></div>
Email newslettersEmail newsletters<div class="ExternalClassE19336FB9F6E433E85EEDB2CD2D1CEE7"><ul class="fa-ul"><li>​ <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​​<a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/proposed-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-public-engagement-timeline.pdf" target="_blank">Public Engagement Timeline – Propos​ed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> (September 28, 2022)<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​<a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/email-cape-rogers-metro-vancouver-work-bowen-island-engagement-process-proposed-park.pdf" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver Continues Work with Bowen Island Municipality on Transparent Eng​​agement Process for Proposed Park on Bowen Island​​​</a> (December 6, 2022)</li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​<a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/email-cape-rogers-metro-vancouver-work-bowen-island-engagement-process-proposed-park.pdf" target="_blank">Have Your Say – Phase One Public Engagement for the Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis is Now Open</a> (February 10, 2023)</li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/email-phase-1-public-engagement-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-2023-03.pdf" target="_blank">Closing Soon + What We’ve Heard – Phase One Public Engagement for the Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> (March 10, 2023)<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/email-phase-1-public-engagement-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-2023-04.pdf" target="_blank">Phase One Engagement Summary – Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> (April 14, 2023)<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/email-purchase-completion-update-proposed-regional-park-2023-05.pdf" target="_blank">Purchase Completion Update – Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> ​(May 16, 2023)​​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/advance-notification-of-phase-two-engagement-and-project-updates.pdf" target="_blank">Advance Notification of Phase Two Engagement and Project Updates – Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> ​(July 19, 2023)​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​ <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/email-phase-2-public-engagement-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-2023-07.pdf" target="_blank">Now Open! Phase Two Public Engagement for the Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> ​(July 29, 2023)​​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​ <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/e-newsletter-wildfire-preparedness-response-09-07-2023.pdf" target="_blank">Wildfire Preparedness and Response – Crippen Regional Park and Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> ​(September 7, 2023)​​<br></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​ <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/e-newsletter-phase-two-engagement-summary-proposed-regional-park-cape-roger-curtis-09-29-2023.pdf" target="_blank">Phase Two Engagement Summary – Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> ​(September 29, 2023)​​<br></li><li>​​ <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> ​​<a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/e-newsletter-update-on-land-at-cape-roger-curtis-on-bowen-island-10-25-2024.pdf" target="_blank">Update on Land at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island</a> (October 25, 2024)<br></li></ul></div>
Technical reportsTechnical reports<div class="ExternalClass675D2E6971F44853AB6BA7C086D95D99"><p>​Metro Vancouver produced technical reports as part of the planning and rezoning process for the proposed regional park at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island. The reports were produced by professional consultants and experienced Metro Vancouver staff, including registered professional biologists, engineers, planners, and landscape architects​.</p><ul><li> <strong>Ecological Background</strong><br> Summar​​izes existing biophysical conditions of the site and provides proposals for management opportunities.<br> Date: March 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/ecological-background-crc-biophysical-background.pdf" target="_blank" title="Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis – Ecological Background Information">Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis – Ecological Background Information​</a> </li><li> <strong>Emergency Management Overview</strong><br> Summarizes Metro Vancouver’s approach to emergency management in regional parks. The principles, approaches, and resources reflect Metro Vancouver’s experience in emergency preparedness and commitment to safety, collaboration, and readiness.<br> Date: June 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/emergency-management-overview-emergency-response-bim-2023-06-07.pdf" target="_blank" title="Emergency Management Overview – Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island">Emergency Management Overview – Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island​</a> </li><li> <strong>Summary of Approaches to Implementation, Visitation, Operations, and Access</strong><br> Provides estimations of overnight and day use visitation, park operation and implementation, phasing, and an overview of connections to the proposed park.<br> Date: March 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/summary-of-approaches-to-implementation-visitation-operations-report-2023-03-30.pdf" target="_blank" title="Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis – Summary of Approaches to Implementation, Visitation, Operations and Access">Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis – Summary of Approaches to Implementation, Visitation, Operations and Access​</a> </li><li> <strong>Phasing Summary</strong><br>Appends the phasing summary presented in the Implementation, Visitation, Operations and Access Report.<br>Date: March 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/phasing-summary-updated-phasing-summary.pdf" target="_blank" title="Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island Addendum to Summary of Approaches to Implementation, Visitation, Operations and Access">Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island Addendum to Summary of Approaches to Implementation, Visitation, Operations and Access</a> </li><li> <strong>Water Study Analysis Results</strong><br>Availability and quality of drinking water.<br>Date: June 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/water-study-analysis-results-361-cape-roger-curtis-water-study-2023-06-09.pdf" target="_blank" title="Technical Memorandum Water Study Analysis Results">Technical Memorandum Water Study Analysis Results</a> </li><li> <strong>Transportation Impact Assessment</strong><br>Estimates and forecasts for the anticipated traffic demand resulting from the proposed development and provides transportation demand management (TDM) strategies aimed at reducing travel demand by private vehicles. Includes updated census information in trip generation.<br>Date: July​ 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/incoming-tia-cape-roger-curtis-rpt.pdf" target="_blank" title="Cape Roger Curtis Transportation Impact Assessment">Cape Roger Curtis Transportation Impact Assessment</a></li><li> <strong>Trip Generation Review</strong><br>Estimates and compares the potential number of vehicle trips generated from the existing and proposed land use/s at Cape Roger Curtis.<br>Date: March 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/trip-generation-review-incoming-bunt-trip-generation-cape-roger-curtis-bowen-island-trip-signed-2022-03-28.pdf" target="_blank" title="Cape Roger Curtis Park / Campsite – Bowen Island: Trip Generation Review">Cape Roger Curtis Park / Campsite – Bowen Island: Trip Generation Review</a> </li><li> <strong>Visitor Use Management Plan</strong><br>Outlines management actions at the proposed park to guide visitor management and ensure park and community resources are protected and resilient over the long term.<br>Date: May 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/visitor-use-management-plan-crc-visitor-use-management-plan.pdf" target="_blank" title="Visitor Use Management Plan Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis">Visitor Use Management Plan Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis</a> </li><li> <strong>Draft Concept Plan and Guiding Principles</strong><br>Provides details of draft guiding principles for park planning design and management, draft spatial concept, and program tables.<br>Date: June 2023 <br> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/draft-concept-plan-and-guiding-principles-crc-zones-concept%20package-low-res.pdf" target="_blank" title="Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis Draft Concept and Program">Proposed Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis Draft Concept and Program​</a> </li></ul></div>
Draft concept planDraft concept plan<div class="ExternalClass004464621F474C68986C047027490833"><p>Find details of the draft concept plan below:</p><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/regional-parks/Documents/draft-concept-plan-and-guiding-principles-crc-zones-concept%20package-low-res.pdf" target="_blank" title="Draft Concept and Program">(June 2023) Proposed Regional Park at Ca​​​pe Roger Curtis Draft Concept and Program</a>​<br></li></ul></div>

 Photo gallery



Image arbutus tree and panorama from upland. arbutus tree and panorama from upland.
Huszar Waterfall. Waterfall.
Cape Roger Curtis Lighthouse. Roger Curtis Lighthouse.
Logs on east end beach. on east end beach.
View from west uplands. from west uplands.
Upland meadow. meadow.
Upland meadow. meadow.
Natural bonsai. bonsai.
CRC Engagement Infographic Engagement Infographic




Metro Vancouver ​​Regional Parks, West Area​​ Office



Help create a new regional p​ark

This project is being supported by the Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation, a registered charity dedicated to the conservation and enhancement of Metro Vancouver’s regional parks.

Learn more


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