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Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant Program




Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant ProgramNorthwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant Program<div class="ExternalClass293134900EB648D3B28F14ACB172D0CB"><p>Metro Vancouver is undertaking the Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Program to continue to protect public health and the environment in a growing region.​<br></p><p>The improvements are being done to:<br></p><ul><li>Meet the needs of our growing population</li><li>Help prevent untreated wastewater back-ups and overflows</li><li>Strengthen the plant to ensure it will continue to operate in the event of an earthquake</li><li>Adapt to sea level rise from climate change</li><li>Reduce treatment plant water and energy use</li><li>Treat wastewater beyond the levels set by provincial and federal regulations using tertiary treatment methods<br></li></ul><h3>A​bout the program​​​<br></h3><p>The Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant, which currently serves 30,000 people, is being expanded to serve over 280,000 people, including residences and businesses in the Township of Langley, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and North Surrey. The plant expansion is one of several projects taking place to improve the sustainability and resilience of wastewater treatment in the region.</p><p>Untreated wastewater from Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows currently flows to the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in Delta. To divert the flows to the Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant, a new pump station is being built north of the Fraser River in Maple Ridge. Two new sewer pipes are being constructed under the Fraser River to connect the pump station in Maple Ridge to the upgraded treatment plant in Township of Langley​. A new storage tank, located ​within the pump station, will temporarily store wastewater to significantly reduce overflows during heavy rain.​​​​<br></p></div>Township of Langley, City of Maple Ridge, and City of Pitt MeadowsProgram



Pump Station and Storage Tank, Pump Station and Storage TankPump Station and Storage Tank
Fraser River Crossing, Fraser River CrossingFraser River Crossing
Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant ExpansionNorthwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
Outfall Pipe, Outfall PipeOutfall Pipe





Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Projects Overview Map Langley Wastewater Treatment Projects Overview Map



EngagementEngagement<div class="ExternalClass91C6C5B724C64180B62B5BA8404738BB"><p>Metro Vancouver is committed to minimizing the impacts of the Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant Program on local communities. We continue to work closely with local communities, First Nations, government partners, and other affected parties.</p><p>We recognize that this project may impact your business or residence. A Community Liaison has been assigned to this project and is available to listen to concerns, answer questions, and minimize disruptions.</p><p>You can contact the project’s Community Liaison using the information in the “Contacts” box. Please include “Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant” in the subject line of your email.</p><h4>Open Houses<br></h4><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-fraser-river-crossing-public-comment-period-display-panels.pdf" target="_blank">January 2021: Public Comment Period Panels</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <strong> </strong> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-projects-eedback-summary.pdf" target="_blank">January 2021: Public Comment Period Feedback Highlights</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <strong> </strong> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-fraser-river-crossing-open-house-panels.pdf" target="_blank">September 2021: Project Open House Panels</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <strong> </strong> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-fraser-river-crossing-open-house-feedback-highlights.pdf" target="_blank">September 2021: Project Open House Feedback Highlights</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <strong> </strong> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-pump-station-storage-tank-open-house-displays-panels-2019-06-04.pdf" target="_blank">June 2019: Maple Ridge Display Panels</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <strong> </strong> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-open-house-meeting-display-panels-2018-02-21.pdf" target="_blank">February 2018: Barnston Island Display Panels</a></li><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/nwl-wwtp-open-houses-display-panels-2017-09.pdf" target="_blank">​September 2017: Maple Ridge and Township of Langley Display Panels</a><br></li></ul><p>Please see below for project materials from past engagement events.​<br></p></div>
Project materialsProject materials<div class="ExternalClassB8B813984D68437894F24C629DCA2C40"><h3>Newsle​​tters</h3><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/nwlwwtp-newsletter-project-updates-2024-9.pdf">2024 - September - Projec​t Update​</a>​<br></li> <li>​ <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/ConstructionDocuments/nwlwwtp-newsletter-project-updates-2023-12.pdf">2023 - December - Projec​t Update​</a>​<br></li> ​ </ul><h3>Reports​​<br></h3><ul class="fa-ul"><li> <span class="fa-li"> <i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/liquid-waste/Documents/lg-wwtp-indicative-design-summary-report-2018-10.pdf" target="_blank">2018 - October - Indicative Design Summary Rep​ort</a>​</li></ul></div>



Early 2020 – Mid 2024Early 2020 – Mid 2024<div class="ExternalClass03DC85D4A8E74DCC99FACD5C16B23937"><p>Pump Station and Storage Tank​<br></p></div>1
Mid 2021 – Mid 2024Mid 2021 – Mid 2024<div class="ExternalClassA7B88CB69522416DA6780FC9D81AF1FB"><p>Fraser River Crossing ​<br></p></div>1
2018 – 20302018 – 2030<div class="ExternalClass7EC77CED8FF04FCC840A918907DD6871"><p>Wastewater Treatment Expansion<br></p></div>1
2026 -20292026 -2029<div class="ExternalClassCEC7FAF239164A569E8D561694873A6B"><p>Outfall Pipe​<br></p></div>0


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8:00 am – 4:30 pm

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  • 604-432-6200​​​

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  • 604-451-6610​​​​​

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