Metro Vancouver collects development cost charges (DCCs) for new residential and non-residential developments in the region to pay for new liquid waste and water infrastructure as well as parkland acquisitions needed to provide services to the future occupants of these buildings. These charges are defined in the bylaws of the legal entity responsible. There are currently three separate DCC charges, liquid waste, water, and parkland acquisition.
Funding wastewater system expansion
Metro Vancouver updated the water Development Cost Charge rate effective January 1, 2025. Metro Vancouver collects Development Cost Charges (DCCs) for new residential and non-residential developments in the region to pay for new sanitary sewer works such as additional trunk lines, pumping stations, and wastewater treatment plant expansion that are needed to deliver wastewater services to the future residents of these buildings. These fees are defined in the Development Cost Charge Bylaw below. The Liquid Waste DCC rates are phased in over three years beginning January 1, 2025.
Calculating the development cost charges
DCCs are calculated based on the type of development and the location. The Lower Mainland is divided into four sewerage areas, Fraser, Lulu Island West, North Shore, and Vancouver.
For each sewerage area, the DCCs are based on four separate land use categories: residential (detached single-family, duplex and triplex), townhouse, apartment, and non-residential. Residential, townhouse, and apartment are charged per unit/dwelling, while non-residential developments are charged per square foot.
Collecting the development cost charges
Local municipalities are responsible for collecting the charge. This is usually done at the subdivision approval stage for single-family residential developments and the building permit stage for other types of development.
Sewer DCC rates by sewerage area and land use category (effective: January 1, 2025).
Assist Factor
| Jan 1, 2025 16%
| Jan 1, 2026 10%
| Jan 1, 2027 1%
Residential Lot Development Unit | $10,498 | $11,290 | $12,476 |
Townhouse Dwelling Unit | $9,593 | $10,316 | $11,400 |
Apartment Dwelling Unit
| $6,298 | $6,772 | $7,484 |
Non-Residential (per square foot) | $5.30 | $5.70 | $6.30 |
Residential Lot Development Unit | $9,760 | $10,478 | $11,557 |
Townhouse Dwelling Unit | $8,996 | $9,658 | $10,652 |
Apartment Dwelling Unit | $6,005 | $6,448 | $7,111 |
Non-Residential (per square foot) | $5.00 | $5.37 | $5.92 |
Residential Lot Development Unit | $5,683 | $6,152 | $6,855 |
Townhouse Dwelling Unit | $4,927 | $5,333 | $5,943 |
Apartment Dwelling Unit | $3,516 | $3,806 | $4,241 |
Non-Residential (per square foot) | $2.55 | $2.76 | $3.08 |
Residential Lot Development Unit | $11,443 | $12,311 | $13,613 |
Townhouse Dwelling Unit | $10,015 | $10,775 | $11,914 |
Apartment Dwelling Unit | $7,302 | $7,855 | $8,686 |
Non-Residential (per square foot) | $5.41 | $5.82 | $6.43 |
A list of DCC liquid waste capital growth projects can be found in the DCC Capital Growth Program 2023 Budget. The above effective January 1, 2025 DCC rates include interest costs to finance the infrastructure projects.
- "In-stream" applications
I started my development application process before the new Development Cost Charge (DCC) rates were approved. Am I subject to the new DCC rates?
New development cost charge bylaws are subject to “in-stream” provisions as determined by Section 568 of the Local Government Act.
Local Government Act - Effect of bylaws adopted after application for rezoning, development permit or building permit submitted
568(2) - Subject to subsection (3), a development cost charge bylaw that would otherwise be applicable to the construction, alteration or extension of a building or structure has no effect with respect to that construction, alteration or extension if
- the building permit authorizing that construction, alteration or extension is issued within 12 months after the date the bylaw is adopted, and
- a precursor application to that building permit is in-stream on the date the bylaw is adopted.
For complete precursor applications, it is the issuance of the related building permit for construction, alteration or extension of a building or structure within 12 months of the bylaw adoption date that is required to qualify for the in-stream protections.
The most recent liquid waste DCC rate bylaw was adopted March 22, 2024; thus, the in-stream protection period for precursor applications will last until March 21, 2025.
Learn more about Division 7 — Development Permits
- Waiver or reduction for not-for-profit rental housing
GVS&DD (Liquid Waste) DCCs may be waived for not-for-profit rental housing that is:
- Owned, leased or otherwise held by a not-for-profit society, BC Housing, CMHC, a non-profit municipal housing corporation, or a registered charity at the time of any application for, or issuance of, a waiver of DCCs;
- Operated as rental housing for people who meet eligibility criteria;
- Governed by the terms of an agreement and/or covenant with the Province of British Columbia, BC Housing, CMHC or a municipality regarding the operation of the housing and stipulating how the dwelling units will be managed and occupied; and
- Proposed project rents are geared toward households who meet or fall below the applicable Housing Income Limits (HILs).
There are also provisions to reduce DCCs for not-for-profit student housing. Details are provided in the Bylaws and the documents below.