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Metro Vancouver Housing is a leader in providing safe, affordable rental housing to support healthy, engaged communities across the region.

Guiding principles​

  • Social: Support tenant well-being through quality housing and community building.
  • Financial: Ensure long-term affordability through financial sustainability.
  • Environmental: Strive to enhance environmental and energy sustainability.

Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan

The region is facing an affordable housing crisis. As one of the largest affordable housing providers in the region, Metro Vancouver Housing recognizes both the need and opportunity to increase our housing portfolio. At the same time, our existing housing is aging and requires ongoing investment. Balancing the renewal of existing housing with the creation of new affordable housing will require significant investment, innovation and collaboration.

The Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan provides a vision and framework to guide how Metro Vancouver Housing will provide, preserve, and expand affordable housing in the region.

Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan​​​

To support this Plan, Metro Vancouver Housing will invest $190 million in affordable housing over the next 10 years. We will also seek to partner with public, private, and non-profit sectors to leverage this investment and support even more affordable housing across the region.




Goal 1: Support healthy, engaged communities.Goal 1: Support healthy, engaged communities.<div class="ExternalClass5F01E04CA16F42F48F4CB78731F9A018">We know that homes are more than just buildings. We provide inclusive, family-friendly housing and programming to support tenant needs and build healthy, engaged communities.​​<br></div>
Goal 2: Preserve and renew existing housing to maintain affordability and improve sustainability and accessibility.Goal 2: Preserve and renew existing housing to maintain affordability and improve sustainability and accessibility.<div class="ExternalClassE4C05B26077F466F8377E8C60ABCB79F">We are committed to supporting our existing housing and providing safe and affordable homes for tenants of all ages and abilities. We will continue to invest in maintaining and renewing our housing portfolio while working towards regional and national sustainability goals.​​<br></div>
Goal 3: Grow strategically through redevelopment and expansion.Goal 3: Grow strategically through redevelopment and expansion.<div class="ExternalClassB5A3395221624A0F87B9ADD75930C505">Providing new affordable rental housing while supporting the needs of existing tenants will require a careful balance. To grow in a way that is sustainable, we will expand by strategically redeveloping existing properties and by acquiring and building new housing.​​<br></div>
Goal 4: Develop partnerships to expand affordable rental housing across the region.Goal 4: Develop partnerships to expand affordable rental housing across the region.<div class="ExternalClass6329306373E04EAE96838FE1D7B36665">Effectively addressing the affordable housing crisis will require strong collaboration. We aim to expand and deepen our relationships and partnerships with public, private, and non-profit sectors and work together to provide more affordable rental housing across the region.​​<br></div>




Mixed-incomeMixed-income<div class="ExternalClass3047BB9B00824FD0BA196165E95E64B4">Maintain at least 30% of our porfolio as Rent-Geared-to-Income to support a range of affordability needs and ensure long-term financial sustainability.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Diverse housing typesDiverse housing types<div class="ExternalClass8AD57B429A8E4BFAA6A7AA32613A1F28">Maintain at least 70% of portfolio as 2-bedroom units or larger to support family-friendly housing and provide a mix of unit sizes to allow flexibility and suit a range of needs.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Energy efficientEnergy efficient<div class="ExternalClassF454DFAF7BF646F48B8198F8EA382EC2">Reduce energy consumption by 25% for major rehabilitations, such as building envelope upgrades, and for new construction (from 2015 National Energy Code for Buildings).​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Low emissionLow emission<div class="ExternalClass9FDF0B7395EE4556B6AA0D321012C376">Reduce GHG emissions in housing portfolio by 45% (from 2010 levels) over the next 10 years to work towards the region's goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Well-maintainedWell-maintained<div class="ExternalClass7EDD0913F8184CEAA466D5B97CEF88E8">Maintain a portfolio-wide Facility Condition Index at or below 20% over the next 10 years to support safe and healthy homes for existing tenants.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
Age-friendlyAge-friendly<div class="ExternalClassE5A3850CE3114A0DB74E066D83B11002">Work towards 20% of units as adaptable or fully accessible to support people of all ages and abilities.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>
GrowthGrowth<div class="ExternalClass3450066815D742BF8F097FE8FE92E394">Increase housing portfolio with 1,350 new and redeveloped units approved over the next 10 years.​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div>

10-Year Plan progress r​eport

Implementation of the 10-Year Plan is underway and strong. This report outlines what has changed since the adoption of the plan, highlights progress to date towards targets and goals, and describes how Metro Vancouver Housing is adapting ​and moving forward.

Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan – 2022 Progress Update

Metro Vancouver Housing Redevelopment Plan

The Metro Vancouver Housing Redevelopment Plan represents a critical next step in implementing the 10-Year Plan by outlining a process to assess and prioritize existing housing sites for redevelopment or renewal over time.

​Metro Vancouver Housing Redevelopment Plan

 Related links



Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan, Metro Vancouver Housing 10-Year PlanMetro Vancouver Housing 10-Year Plan
Metro Vancouver Housing Redevelopment Plan, Metro Vancouver Housing Redevelopment PlanMetro Vancouver Housing Redevelopment Plan

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