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​Maintenance emergencies​

For maintenance emergencies, please call 604-436-6955.

Maintenance emergencies are defined as:

  • Major leaks in pipes or the roof;​
  • Damaged or blocked water pipes, sewer pipes or plumbing fixtures;
  • Problems with the primary heating system;
  • Damaged or defective locks to your unit; or
  • Malfunctioning electrical systems.

For all other maintenance issues, please see below.

Maintenance and repairs

Metro Vancouver Housing requires a written maintenance request in order to perform any routine maintenance or repairs in your unit or common areas of the property.

Online Maintenance Request

Paper copies may be found in the lobby, laundry room, or other common areas of your complex and should be submitted into the drop box at your site office.

Tenants can perform some basic maintenance tasks, like unclogging a toilet, flushing a toilet if the handle is broken, and cleaning mold, without having to submit a maintenance request. Visit Home Sweet Home for more household tips.

Safety of residents is a primary concern to Metro Vancouver Housing. As part of regular procedure when performing requested maintenance in a unit:
  • Smoke alarms installed in units will be checked by maintenance staff to ensure they are in working order.
  • Door closers on entry doors to units will be checked to ensure they are working properly.

Metro Vancouver Housing will take the following precautions to ensure the safety of all residents, staff and contractors:

  • Staff will wear booties (shoe coverings) upon request where operationally safe. Booties will not be worn on stairs, ladders or slippery surfaces.
  • Residents are expected to keep a social distance of two metres from staff and contractors.
  • If residents are ill, they should communicate this to staff or contractors prior, so that maintenance can be rescheduled.
  • In case of maintenance emergencies, ill residents should self-isolate in another area of the home while emergency maintenance is being performed.

 Related links



Home Sweet Home - Household Tips and Information, Home Sweet Home - Household Tips and InformationHome Sweet Home - Household Tips and Information
Contacts for Tenants, Contacts for TenantsContacts for Tenants

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