Yards, Balconies and Carports – Creating A Welcoming Space | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-yard-balconies.pdf, Yards, Balconies and Carports – Creating A Welcoming Space | Yards, Balconies and Carports – Creating A Welcoming Space | <div class="ExternalClass8C96F48E3CBD46989A2D50E6766B3C2C"><p>Everyone wants to feel proud of their home – it’s where we go to escape the pressures of the world, unwind, and enjoy life with family and friends. Parts of your home may be visible to neighbours and the general public, such as balconies, courtyards, carports, and entrances to apartments that share an exterior hallway.<br></p></div> |
Beautifying Your Home | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-beautifying-your-home.pdf, Beautifying Your Home | Beautifying Your Home | <div class="ExternalClass69B638C4E009434CB8E13063DAA83905"><p>Metro Vancouver Housing recognizes that it takes a personal touch to turn a unit into a home. We encourage residents to make their homes a place of comfort and pride.<br></p></div> |
Pest Control - Helpful Tips | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-pest-control.pdf, Pest Control - Helpful Tips | Pest Control - Helpful Tips | <div class="ExternalClass98DC1B655F8D4C81B34B7A7D2265C001"><p>Pest problems arise from surroundings, geography and lifestyle. Effective pest control depends on residents being well informed and involved in the process, to prevent and avoid recurrences.<br></p></div> |
Plumbing - Stop Blockages Before They Happen | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-plumbing.pdf, Plumbing - Stop Blockages Before They Happen | Plumbing - Stop Blockages Before They Happen | <div class="ExternalClass406BAD017D7440E292602D7DF8ABA82C"><p>Blockages are caused by a range of things, from cooking fat to disposable items (toothpicks, chopsticks or napkins) that accidentally flush down the drain. Share this information with your kids, so they take proper care.<br></p></div> |
Tenant Household Insurance | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-insurance.pdf, Tenant Household Insurance | Tenant Household Insurance | <div class="ExternalClass2F4875AE176B4A0BB3EF9839E5B31509"><p>Insurance is one of those things you hope you never need. Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer a major event such as a fire, you will be forever grateful that you made the decision to get insurance.<br></p></div> |
Caring For Your Flooring – Carpets | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-caring-for-carpets.pdf, Caring For Your Flooring – Carpets | Caring For Your Flooring – Carpets | <div class="ExternalClass4F8CC2FF8BB24CBF903DB22A5BB301DE"><p>Because preventative maintenance is key to maintaining the quality and extending the life of your carpet, here are some tips from experts in the flooring industry.<br></p></div> |
Caring For Your Flooring – Laminate | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-caring-for-laminate.pdf, Caring For Your Flooring – Laminate | Caring For Your Flooring – Laminate | <div class="ExternalClass600885CDBA2A44E282489D436E956254"><p>Preventative maintenance is key to maintaining the quality and extending the life of your laminate floor. Here are some tips from experts in the flooring industry.<br></p></div> |
Caring For Your Flooring – Vinyl | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-caring-for-vinyl.pdf, Caring For Your Flooring – Vinyl | Caring For Your Flooring – Vinyl | <div class="ExternalClassC6F7FA82EF07480D8360D5FBA2CDA1A3"><p>Preventative maintenance is key to maintaining the quality and extending the life of your vinyl floor. Here are some tips from experts in the flooring industry.<br></p></div> |
Electricity & Your Home | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-electrical.pdf, Electricity & Your Home | Electricity & Your Home | <div class="ExternalClassE753A42608AA49AD9F1903AD2F02C3ED"><p>Electricity is an incredibly beneficial part of our lives, however if not properly used, or maintained by a qualified worker, then electricity can become frightening. To keep you safe here are some useful reminders about electricity in your home.<br></p></div> |
Illegal Dumping – Put Waste in its Place | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-illegal-dumping.pdf, Illegal Dumping – Put Waste in its Place | Illegal Dumping – Put Waste in its Place | <div class="ExternalClass18AFDF79B97C499BAAE0CCAF3583A2AA"><p>Illegal dumping hurts us all. Staff time spent cleaning the garbage areas leaves less time for repairs and site upkeep. Dollars spent hauling away garbage takes money from repair and improvements budgets.<br></p></div> |
Metro Vancouver Housing Recycles | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-metro-vancouver-housing-recycles.pdf, Metro Vancouver Housing Recycles | Metro Vancouver Housing Recycles | <div class="ExternalClassE92784708DCF4F7E96A46888A06881AA"><p>At Metro Vancouver Housing sites, we provide the space and bins to help residents reduce the amount of garbage that goes to the landfill.<br></p></div> |
Neighbourliness – Living in a Multi Housing Environment | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-neighbourliness.pdf, Neighbourliness – Living in a Multi Housing Environment | Neighbourliness – Living in a Multi Housing Environment | <div class="ExternalClass92F96053C1B44AA0B3FDE4095423A988"><p>Complaints often arise due to differences in lifestyle (music volumes for instance) or other behaviour. We ask all residents to try and find a reasonable balance and compromise.<br></p></div> |
Parking - Some Helpful Reminders | https://metrovancouver.org/services/housing/Documents/home-sweet-home-parking.pdf, Parking - Some Helpful Reminders | Parking - Some Helpful Reminders | <div class="ExternalClass9C05CA9987EA4C72AC19EDA2CC58672E"><p>An overview of the Metro Vancouver Housing parking policy, including parking for tenants and guests.<br></p></div> |