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Housing Leadership


As a long-time non-profit housing provider, Metro Vancouver Housing is keen to connect with others in the housing industry to share experience and learnings on topics such as tenant management, operations and maintenance strategies, lease agreements, service partnerships, asset management and redevelopment planning, and more. 

Email if you would like to learn more.

Aff​ordable housing research and data

Metro Vancouver’s Regional Planning department provides research and data on affordable housing. Learn more about Housing Affordability and Diversity.

Housing Affordability and Diversity

​​​R​​​efr​​​amed ​Initiative

Metro Vancouver Housing is working together with BC Non-Profit Housing Association, BC Housing, Pembina Institute and City of Vancouver to make homes safer, more energy-efficient, more resilient and less polluting through the “Reframed Initiative”. Through six demonstration projects (three from Metro Vancouver Housing’s portfolio), “Reframed” brings together the construction industry, building owners, policy makers, and the financial industry to shift current retrofit approaches towards advancing healthier, more comfortable, and resilient low-carbon homes.

Reframed Initiative

BC benchmarking

Metro Vancouver Housing participates in Building Benchmark BC which encourages building owners and managers to measure and disclose their energy use and GHG emissions. By measuring and comparing this data, resources can be funneled towards the best interventions, in the right buildings, to achieve the highest climate benefit.

Building Benchmark BC

Asset management

Our asset management program identifies and prioritizes needs for building maintenance, renewal, and redevelopment. Assets are assessed based on their expected life-cycle and validated through regular and ongoing in-person assessment. This information is then used to plan investment over the short and long term.

Integrating affordable childcare with affordable housing

As a family-oriented housing provider, Metro Vancouver Housing is exploring opportunities to integrate non-profit childcare facilities and/or in-home daycare in new developments.

Tenant programs

Ten​ant involvement is an important part of our operating philosophy to support safe and inclusive communities. Check out our Community Champions and Community Building Programs​.


Metro Vancouver Housing is always striving to enhance our operations to provide high quality service for our tenants and drive industry best practices. This includes ongoing staff training for excellence in customer service, tenant placement and income testing, relocation support and coordination, tenant management and communications, and operational policies and planning.

Awards and recognition

  • 2021 FortisBC Efficiency in Action Award for Outstanding Achievement in Energy Savings: Innovation Award for Metro Vancouver Housing’s Gas Absorption Heat Pump Project at Hugh Bird
  • 2020 PIBC Awards for Excellence in Planning: Silver Winner Award for Excellence in Planning Practice (Metro Vancouver and CitySpaces Consulting Ltd). Read the submission at the link below.
      ​​​​What Works: Securing Affordable and Special Needs Housing through Housing Agreements​​​​​

 Related links



Rental Housing Blueprint, Rental Housing Blueprint Rental Housing Blueprint
Inclusionary Housing Report, Inclusionary Housing ReportInclusionary Housing Report

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