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Grease Interceptor Sizing Tool


The Grease Interceptor Selection (Sizing) Tool helps restaurants and other food service establishments in the Metro Vancouver region determine the grease interceptor (grease trap) requirements for their operation.

This tool provides information on the size of the grease interceptor required to meet bylaw requirements and identifies which fixtures should be connected to the grease interceptor.

This tool provides guidance based on the requirements of the Food Sector Grease Interceptor Bylaw No.365, 2023​. It is not meant to replace advice from a plumber or Metro Vancouver staff.

Start using the tool

What information do I need?

To get the most complete information on your grease interceptor requirements, you will need:

  • A list of fixtures
  • Fixture information (dimensions and/or rated flow, depending on the fixture)
  • Manufacturers' rated flow (for existing grease interceptor)

If you are unsure if your operation requires a grease interceptor, please contact Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver.

 Related links



Grease Interceptor Resources, Grease Interceptor ResourcesGrease Interceptor Resources
Grease Interceptor Requirements, Grease Interceptor RequirementsGrease Interceptor Requirements


Metro Vancouver

  • Email ​​
  • 604-432-6200​​​

Establishments in City of Vancouver

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