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Grease Interceptor Requirements


​Metro Vanc​ouver’s Food Sector Grease Interceptor Bylaw ​365 requires commercial and institutional kitchens to install and maintain a grease interceptor to reduce fats, oils and grease (FOG) in the sewer system.

Addressing the build-up of fats, oils and grease in the sewer​ system costs the region over $2.7 million each year. They can clog sewers and cause back-ups into homes and businesses, and overflows into the environment.

​Who does the​ bylaw apply to?

This bylaw applies to commercial kitchens and operations that prepare, package, serve, sell or otherwise handle food in a way that ​results ​in discharge of fats, oils and grease into the sewer. This includes: restaurants, fast-food operations, cafeterias, hospitals, bars, grocery stores, bakeries, coffee shops, butcher shops, and other similar operations.

Main ​bylaw requirements

If you operate a commercial or institutional kitchen, you must:

  • Install a correctly sized grease interceptor that is connected to all required fixtures
  • Maintain the grease interceptor by having it pumped out by a service provider every 90 days or when fats, oils, grease and solids are more than 25% of the total liquid depth (whichever happens first)
  • Keep records of grease interceptor cleanouts and maintenance activities

Viola​tions may result in re-inspection fees of up to $500 or a fine. Certain violations — such as not having a grease interceptor — carry a minimum fine of $2,000.​

What to d​​​o after we inspect

If you have received a Notice of Violation letter after Metro Vancouver has conducted a compliance inspection, here are the next steps to take.

If you have questions about the letter you received, call or email your assigned officer.​

Related links


We can help with questions about the technical requirements of the regulation.

  • Email
  • 604-432-6200​​​​​

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