The Bylaw requires fermentation operations to remove solids from wastewater and monitor and control the pH of cleaning and sterilization wastewater. The Bylaw also requires operators to:
- Install a sampling point
- Record pH measurements, amount of packaged product produced and discharges of off-spec product.
Remove solids
The discharge of coarse spent grains or fruit pulp to the sewer is prohibited.
The discharged wastewater must not exceed a Total Suspended Solids concentration of 1,200 mg/L.
Install a sampling point
A suitable sampling point that can be accessed during operating hours must be installed.
A suitable sampling point must be:
- Downstream from fermentation equipment
- Downstream from any equipment or device for treating wastewater
- Upstream from washrooms
- Easily accessible.
The sampling point will be different based on the scale and type of operation. Fermentation operators are strongly encouraged to contact regulation staff to confirm their plans before installing a sampling point. Some examples of a sampling point are pictured below:
Monitor and treat wastewater pH
On days where cleaning and sterilization of fermentation equipment is carried out, operators must measure and record pH at least once during discharge to sewer. The pH level must be measured immediately after sampling using an onsite pH meter.
All owners or operators are required to ensure that their wastewater pH falls within the range of 5.5 – 10.5.
Keep records
All operators are required to keep the following records:
- Hectolitres (hl) of product packaged per calendar month
- Dates, time and results of pH testing
- Off-Spec product discharges of more than 100 litres per day
These records must be kept on site and available for inspection for a minimum of 2 years. For hectolitres of product, copies of data recorded by operators for tax purposes (Canada Revenue Agency) would be acceptable. Operators should use the
Fermentation Operations Bylaw Reporting Form for recording information about pH and off-spec discharge.
Manage discharge of off-spec product
Off-spec product (or 'bad batches') are very high in Biochemical Oxygen Demand which can have negative effects on sewage infrastructure if discharged. Metro Vancouver must be notified prior to discharges of off-spec product greater than 100 litres. Operations inside the City of Vancouver must notify the City of Vancouver.
More detailed information can be found on the
Discharge of Off-Spec Product page.