Off-spec product, or a ‘bad batch’ is very high in Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) which can negatively impact the region’s wastewater treatment plants.
Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver (for operations located within the City of Vancouver) must be notified for discharges of off-spec product over 100 litres.
Notify Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver
You may notify Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver of your intention to discharge off-spec product either by telephone, email, or by filling out the web form below. The City of Vancouver may be contacted by telephone or email using the information in the Contact section on the right side of this page.
Discharge of Off-Spec Product Notification
Note: The web form is submitted to Metro Vancouver only. If you intend to contact the City of Vancouver, you must phone or email them to inform them of your off-spec discharge.
Off-spec product management
Discharge of off-spec product depends on the volume to be discharged.
Discharges of less than 100 litres of off-spec product
Off-spec product discharges to the sewer of less than 100 liters each day do not need to be reported to Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver.
Discharges between 100 litres and 2000 litres of off-spec product
Off-spec product discharges to the sewer of between 100 litres and 2000 litres each day must be reported to Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver. After notifying Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver of your intent to discharge, you may discharge off-spec product to sewer (up to 2000 litres per day) immediately.
Discharges of off-spec product more than 2000 litres
Off-spec product discharges to the sewer of more than 2000 litres must be reported to Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver. Prior to discharge, you must wait to receive confirmation from Metro Vancouver or the City of Vancouver that your requested discharge is acceptable. All efforts will be made to respond to these requests within 1-2 business days.