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Non-Road Diesel Engine FAQs





*Recent Expansion of the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emission Regulation *Recent Expansion of the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emission Regulation <div class="ExternalClass80A25D08753C49BB9E35FB09C4D2F599"><p>​​To further reduce DPM emissions and address harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx) produced by all tiers of non-road diesel engines, in October 2021 the Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD) Board adopted Bylaw 1329, which repealed and replaced MVRD Non-Road Diesel Engine Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1161, 2012 (Bylaw 1161).</p><p>Detailed information on the Bylaw expansion c<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>an be found <a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/expansion-of-the-non-road-diesel-engine-emission-regulation">here</a>.</p></div>
Are machines used for agricultural operations exempt from the regulation?Are machines used for agricultural operations exempt from the regulation?<div class="ExternalClass3E6BEFCCFF89402ABA6DFD9FC8EF6112"> <div> <p><span lang="EN-CA">The regulation does not apply to machines used in agricultural operations on farm land as defined in the <a href="" target="_blank">Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act</a>.<br></span></p></div></div>
Are there any exemptions to the regulation?Are there any exemptions to the regulation?<div class="ExternalClassA51C7DCA89954199A1974034D0B4D678"><p> The regulation do​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>es not apply to:</p><div class="ExternalClass00C6C21C49DC48019887C01399FB00C9"><ul><li>any engines less than 25 hp</li><li>agricultural and recreational equipment engaged in those activities</li><li>marine vessels</li><li>line haul locomotives</li><li>on-road vehicles</li><li>emergency engines  <ul><li> don’t require labeling or registration, but must be operated, inspected and maintained to prevent impacts on nearby building occupants.​<br></li></ul></li></ul></div></div>
My diesel powered machine has a licence plate that allows travel on public roads. Is the machine still considered as a non-road machine?My diesel powered machine has a licence plate that allows travel on public roads. Is the machine still considered as a non-road machine?<div class="ExternalClassCA19CCFE938245B7B12EEACA9FB7BDDB"><p>If your diesel powered machine is not primarily used or intende​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>d to be used for transportation on a public street, road or highway then the engine in the machine is considered as a non-road engine and the regulation will apply. </p></div>
What are the key requirements of the regulation?What are the key requirements of the regulation?<div class="ExternalClass32AAF8A60F464908BB268490364AD0B9"><p>Owners and opera​​tors of non-road dies​​el engines must:    </p><ul><li> register the engine/machine </li><li> label the machine </li><li> Pay fees to operate the machine in Metro Vancouver.</li></ul><p>​Effective dates f​​or engine​ registration:</p><ul><li>Tier 0 effective January 1, 2012</li><li>Tier 1 effective January 1, 2014</li><li>Tier 2 effective January 1, 2023</li><li>Tier 3 effective January 1, 2024</li><li>Tier 4 effective January 1, 2029</li></ul><p>​Owners and op​​erators of all no​​n-road diesel engines 25 hp or greater must comply with emission opacity restrictions and Idling restrictions. <br></p><p>Effective immediately, Tier 0 an​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>d Tier 1 engines must not be operated within 100 metres of hospitals, elementary schools, day cares or community care facilities (referred to as “sensitive receptors”). The elderly, young children, and other​​ at-risk individuals are particularly vulnerable to the impacts from high emitting Tier 0 and Tier 1 engines.<br></p><br></div>
What is a Non-Road Diesel Engine? What is a Non-Road Diesel Engine? <div class="ExternalClass1A1DA2A1AD4741F58884211F85D6E557"><p> Diesel engines used in construction, industrial, comme​​​​rcial or stationary machines not used or intended for transportation on public roads are considered to be non-road diesel engines.  <br></p><p>Examples inc​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>lude:<br></p><ul><li>excavators  </li><li>graders  </li><li>backhoes</li><li>skid steers  </li><li>forklifts  </li><li>cranes</li><li>grinders  </li><li>compressors  </li><li>generators</li><li>light towers</li></ul></div>
Who does the regulation apply to?Who does the regulation apply to?<div class="ExternalClass86B6A8C693BC40DAB6BC5C63C4C9CF0B"> <p>The regulation applies if you own, operate or hire non-road diesel engines in Metro Vancouver that are 25hp or greater. The regulation applies to Tier 0 and Tier 1 engines and will apply to Tier 2 (2023), Tier 3 (2024) and Tier 4 (2029) engines in the future.​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> The bylaw limits the exhaust opacity and idling of all non-road diesel engines.</p></div>
Why do we need non-road diesel engine regulation?Why do we need non-road diesel engine regulation?<div class="ExternalClass853481430A934992971AF214DB307EC3"><p>Reducing diesel emissions is the most important step we c​​an take to improve air quality and public health in Metro Vancouver. Emissions of diesel particulate matter (DPM) are responsible for 67% of the lifetime cancer risk from air pollution in Metro Vancouver. In addition to being a threat to human health, DPM contributes to climate change and reduced visibility.</p><p>​The regulation will promote the​ reduction of DPM and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from non-road machines that are often operated close to where people live, work and play. </p><p>​The 201​5 <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/air-quality-climate-action/Documents/lower-fraser-valley-air-emissions-inventory-forecast-2015.pdf" target="_blank"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Lower Fraser Valley Air Emissions Inventory </a>indicates that non-road diesel engines are the highest contributor of DPM and the third highest contributor of NOx in the Metro Vancouver region.<br></p></div>




How do I enter hours for my Moderate-Use and Low-Use Operating Period?How do I enter hours for my Moderate-Use and Low-Use Operating Period?<div class="ExternalClass05A9A87C013D474E820F91650B7CE777">​Hour meter readings for all moderate-use and low-use operating periods must be report​ed at the end of each calendar quarter during the following reporting periods:<div class="ExternalClassFD06CCC78F9B4E2DAC86E3C28BFFC4AF"> <br> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>Calendar Quarter</strong></em></span>           <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><em>Reporting Periods</em></strong> </span> <br>Quarter 1                         April 1st - 15th<br>Quarter 2                         July ​1st - 15th<br>Quarter 3                         October 1st - 15th<br>Quarter 4                         January 1st - 15th</div><div class="ExternalClassFD06CCC78F9B4E2DAC86E3C28BFFC4AF"> </div><p> <br>If an engine is going to exc​​eed the allotted hours for the operating period, the Registrant is responsible to report the hour meter reading and renew the operating period as required.​<br></p><p>You ​will receive a reminder email for any registered engines that require reporting when each reporting period opens. </p> ​<br></div>
How do I register my engine?How do I register my engine?<div class="ExternalClass924DD8CD2D1A4920AF98EFAFA3DAB07F"><p>Register your engi​​​ne by ​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>using the <a href="" target="_blank">Online Registration System</a>.  </p></div>
How do I renew an engine operating period?How do I renew an engine operating period?<div class="ExternalClass6FD9E15B15824541B1ADB9C3774C11D5"><ol><li>Login to the <a href="" target="_blank">NRDE Online Registration System </a></li><li> <span lang="EN-CA">Select the engine that requires a renewal and click "Buy Operating Period"</span></li><li> <span lang="EN-CA">Select the operating period type (e.g. Annual) </span></li><li> <span lang="EN-CA">C</span><span lang="EN-CA">lick on the "Select Date" to select your start date</span></li><li> <span lang="EN-CA"></span> <span lang="EN-CA">Click the button labelled “Calculate Operating Period Fee”​</span></li><li> <span lang="EN-CA"></span> <span lang="EN-CA">Click the button labelled “Add to Cart”</span></li><li> <span lang="EN-CA"></span> <span lang="EN-CA">Click the button labelled “Proceed to Checkout”</span></li><li><div> <span lang="EN-CA"></span> <span lang="EN-CA">Select your payment method (Credit Card or Cheque) </span></div></li></ol><p>​***<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>If paying by credit car​d:  Click the button labelled “Pay Now”</p><p> <span lang="EN-CA"></span> <span lang="EN-CA">***If paying by cheque:  Click the button labell​​ed “Generate Cheque Payment Invoice”</span></p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;"> <font size="3"> <font face="Calibri"> <span lang="EN-CA"></span> <span lang="EN-CA"></span></font></font> <br></p></div>
What are grey market engines? What are grey market engines? <div class="ExternalClassE11E23C292A344A39566C3C7ACCEC565"><p>Grey market engines are engines manufactured for markets outside of North America and the European Union. They are assumed to be Tier 0 unless it can be demonstrated otherwise by providing supporting documentation about the PM emission rates of the en​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>gine. Please contact  Metro Vancouver if you require assistance registering your grey market engine. </p><br></div>
What are my operating period options? What are my operating period options? <div class="ExternalClass74B9600E5E4E4815AF374A5FFDFD4A6F"><p> <strong>Annual </strong> <br>Recommended for engines used on a regular basis and is valid for any consecutive 365 day period. </p><p> <strong>Monthly</strong><br>Valid for any consecutive 30 day period.​<br></p><p> <strong>Daily</strong><br>Intended for very short term use. Valid for up to a consecutive 14 day period.</p><p> <strong>Annual Low-Use</strong><br>The low-use option is valid for 200 hours in any consecutive 365 day period. Registrants are required to report engine hour meter readings at time of purchase and at end of each calendar quarter. The engine must have a functioning, non-resettable hour meter installed. </p><p><strong>Annual Moderate-Use</strong></p><p> Effective January 1, 2024, operators can purchase moderate-use operating periods at 60% of the annual registration fee for engines that operate for a maximum of 500 operating hours per year. The same reporting requirements for low-use operating periods apply to moderate use.</p></div>
What are the penalties for non-compliance?What are the penalties for non-compliance?<div class="ExternalClass4EF11D1204E24E199EBCE031F46488CE"> <p>Failure to comply with the reg​​ulation is an offence and may result in: </p> <ul><li>tickets ($1,000 max) </li><li>fines ($200,000 max)<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> </li></ul> </div>
What happens if I cancel my operating period?What happens if I cancel my operating period?<div class="ExternalClass39B74B87BC154A64B13E68ED298A7A12"><p>A refund of the unused portion, less a $15 admin​​istration fee, will be issued to the registrant. The registrant can then select a new operating period and pay the applicable fees for the new operating period.​​ </p><p> Note: There are no refunds for the annual low-u​se or mo​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>derate-use operating period options. </p></div>
What if I can’t find my engine serial number?What if I can’t find my engine serial number?<div class="ExternalClass262291F2154445008ABA8FDE99F91D23"><p> If the engine serial number cannot be​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> located, you can:</p><ul><li>contact the dealer or manufacturer for assistance </li><li>check the equipment documentation</li><li>provide the machine VIN and engine model during the online registration process</li><li>call Metro Vancouver for assistance (604-451-6655)</li></ul></div>
What information is required for registration?What information is required for registration?<div class="ExternalClass6D550027D10D48E98A3E4D8C66572E00"><p>The online reg​​istration system will require:<br></p><div class="ExternalClassAB1C445170F44538B8F83CF63C77DC1B"><ul><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">maximum engine horsepower</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">engine manufacture year </div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">engine serial number</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">engine manufacturer</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">engine model</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">engine family name (Tier 1 and newer)</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">engine hour meter reading (for low-use and moderate-use operating period only) </div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">machine manufacturer</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">machine model </div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">machine type</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">machine VIN (vehicle identification number)</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">company details</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">contact details</div></li><li><div class="ExternalClass8DF8F29B87C6404590737CE8D22AB452">payment details<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></div></li></ul></div></div>
Who is responsible to ensure that contractors and sub-contractors working on my site are in compliance with the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emissions Regulation Bylaw 1161?Who is responsible to ensure that contractors and sub-contractors working on my site are in compliance with the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emissions Regulation Bylaw 1161?<div class="ExternalClassA1A9AE2D0A9442B984D44F93B1FCF38C"> <p>If you own, operate or hire non-road​​ diesel equipment, you may be responsible for compliance. </p><p>The regulation was written in a way that makes everyone respon​​sible. It states a “person” must not discharge, or cause, permit, or allow the discharge of any air contaminant into the environment from a non-road diesel engine unless in compliance with the regulation. </p><p>It then defines a person as the operator of th​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>e equipment, the owner ​​of the equipment, the land owner, a government body, or any director, officer, employee or an agent of a person or government body. </p></div>




How do I label my machine?How do I label my machine?<div class="ExternalClass58B4C2D51F664F789150DDAB55F1EBF6"><p>You are required to label the oppo​​site sides of your machine with a Tier label and Registration Number label. If you need to operate before receiving the Metro Vancouver issued labels, you can paint or otherwise permanently affix your own labels. </p><p>The registration number is unique for each machine y​​ou register, which can be found when logged in to your account on the online <a href="" target="_blank">Registration System</a>. </p><p>The following are requirements for label<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span>i<span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>ng using either the provided labels or your own labels: </p><ul><li>Painted on or otherwise permanently affixed on both sides of the exterior housing of the machine </li><li>In black characters at least 15 cm tall and 10 cm wide on a yellow or white background </li><li>Located at least 1.5 m above or as high as possible on smaller machines</li><li>Visible and legible at all times during operation </li></ul></div>
How do I obtain my labels?How do I obtain my labels?<div class="ExternalClass6779DBF29CF84A48AF18133D9ABA01A9"><p> A set of Tier labels and your Registrat​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>ion Number labels will be mailed to you after you register your non-road diesel engine with Metro Vancouver. You are required to affix these labels to opposite sides of your machine. <br></p><br></div>
How do I obtain replacement registration labels?How do I obtain replacement registration labels?<div class="ExternalClass8D4E58C5D31A463AB27BD83BD7892227"><p> If the tier and registration labels provided by Metro Vancouver are lost ​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>or destroyed, you can paint or otherwise permanently affix your own labels on opposite sides of the exterior housing of the machine in black characters at least 15 cm tall and 10 cm wide on a yellow or white background. You can also contact Metro Vancouver for replacement labels.</p></div>
I haven’t received my labels in the mail. What do I do?I haven’t received my labels in the mail. What do I do?<div class="ExternalClass73519A9E2CAC49FBABF63F18B0A6A1D3"><p> You can use temporary labels until the issued la​​​bels arriv​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>e in the mail. </p><p> You can paint or otherwise permanently affix your own labels, provided​​ that you follow the labelling requirements. </p></div>

 Engine tiers



How do I determine my engine Tier? How do I determine my engine Tier? <div class="ExternalClass600E241417304010B788E90FB515A9DB"><p>Ways to determine yo​ur engine Tier: </p><ul><li> Refer to <a href="/boards/Bylaws/MVRD_Bylaw_1329_Consolidated.pdf" target="_blank">Schedule 1</a> and Tables 1 or 2 in the regulation (page 20)</li><li>Ask your manufacturer or dealer </li><li>Check your engine emission labels​ </li><li>Use the <a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/calculate-engine-tier">Tier Calculator </a>provided on the website by entering your engine horsepower and engine manufacture year</li><ul><li>Note that the tier/fee calculator is being updated to reflect recent amendments to the bylaw</li><li>There will be no changes to fees for Tier 0 and Tier 1 engines until 2024</li></ul></ul></div><p>​The following table provides gene​​ral guidance on estimating your non-road diesel engine tier level. <br></p><p> <img alt="NRDE Tier Update Chart" src="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/PublishingImages/nrde-tier-update.jpg" style="margin:5px;" />​​​​<br></p>
What is an engine emission label?What is an engine emission label?<div class="ExternalClass2FD6DA139EA24D13ACCA910D77E6FE75"><p>Engines manufactured to comply with the EPA emissions standards will have an emissions label indicating the year of applicable EPA em​​issions standards achieved. </p><p>Tier 0 engines were manufactured before emiss​​ions standards were in place and will not have an emissions label.</p><p> <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><img alt="Engine emission label" src="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/PublishingImages/enigine-emission-label.jpg" /><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span></p></div>
What is an Engine Tier?What is an Engine Tier?<div class="ExternalClass475D8B1D7F1A47B8943D5828F0A7DAF4"><p>The “tier” level of a non-road diesel engine relates to both the age and the a​​mount of emissions it produces. All tiers of non-road diesel engines generate emissions of diesel particulate matter (DPM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).</p><p>Tier 0 engines are older engines that do not have any emis​​sion controls. Tier 1 engines generate slightly lower levels of emissions, but do not have the extent of emission controls found on Tier 2 and 3 engines and, to a much greater extent, on Tier 4 engines.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>




What are the opacity restrictions of the regulation?What are the opacity restrictions of the regulation?<div class="ExternalClassA992CC13085A4C65A56013E6AA1129B4"><p> Diesel exhaust from non-road diesel e​​ngines must not exceed 20% opacity. </p><p>​The opacity restriction applies to all non​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>-road diesel engine​s 25hp or greater. </p></div>
What is opacity?What is opacity?<div class="ExternalClass4D2FDF2EFC2A421BBC32170358A0CD41"><p>Diesel engine exhaust contains a complex mixture o​​f gases and particles called diesel soot or particulate matter (PM). </p><p> Diesel engine exhaust can reduce the passage of light​​​ or obscure the view of a background object observed through the exhaust. Opacity is a measurement of the obscuring power of an exhaust stream expressed from 0 per cent (transparent) to 100 per cent (opaque). <br></p> <br> <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><img alt="Opacity" src="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/PublishingImages/nrde-opacity.jpg" /><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> </div>




What are the idling restrictions of the regulation?What are the idling restrictions of the regulation?<div class="ExternalClassB2752154411B476385F3C3B435EB7212"><p>The Bylaw restricts idling of all non-road diesel engines to less th​an five consecutive minutes unless: </p><ul><li>required for safe operation of the vehicle or in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. </li><li>necessary to serve the purpose of the machine in the course of its operations (crane, cement mixer, cherry picker, boom lift or similar machine) </li><li>required for testing or maintenance. </li><li>performing emergency work. </li><li>as stated in a written anti-idling policy. </li></ul><p>Note: An anti-idling policy is only required to be submitte​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>d to Metro Vancouver if requested by the District Director. </p></div>
Why do we need to stop unnecessary idling? Why do we need to stop unnecessary idling? <div class="ExternalClass6D55E3827C49444C9E819BDBAB65B07B"><p> Unnecessary or​​​ excessive idling: </p><div class="ExternalClass7A07E88B76E846D794E317DE8B21CE0F"><ul><li> Causes pollution </li><li> Contributes to global warming </li><li> Not needed for proper operation of machine </li><li> Wastes fuel and money</li><li>Creates unnecessary noise</li><li>Reduces engine life</li></ul></div><p>Idling can b​​e minimized through education and implementation of an anti-idling policy. An anti-idling policy can save money through reduced fuel consumption and reduced engine wear, and will reduce air pollution.<br></p><p>A good anti-idling p​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>olicy should educate operators on the economic, social and environmental costs of unnecessary idling of diesel engines.       </p><ul> </ul></div>

 Fees & payments



Can I reduce or eliminate fees?Can I reduce or eliminate fees?<div class="ExternalClassDDF77A1679EB4AA381113A0A6BB7FF73"><p> Fees can be reduced proportionate  to the red​​uction of diesel particulate matter (DPM) emissions.</p><div class="ExternalClass59C028AB89CA4C91A25F465CBED3CBDF"><p>​​In addition, 80% of fees paid over the previous 3 years will be refunded if an engine is permanently retired from use in Metro Vancouver. Effective January 1, 2026 the retirement refund will be increased to 5 years. </p><p>Further infor​​mation on how to reduce emission can be found on the <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/erm-application"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>ERM (emission reduction measures) page</a>. </p></div></div>
How do I calculate the cost for the various operating periods?How do I calculate the cost for the various operating periods?<div class="ExternalClassB1D9A458E26E45048A081A2B5E189E2F"><p>Fees will be automatically calculated during the online registration process. There is a <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/calculate-engine-tier"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Fee Calculator</a> available on the website to assist in estimating your fees prior to registration. <br> </p><p>There will be a non-refundable $15 administrative fee for each operating​​ p​​eriod purchased.​ </p></div>
How does the quarterly payment option work?How does the quarterly payment option work?<div class="ExternalClass34A68E16A4BF4D07AB45AD0B6325055E"><p>The quarterly payment option allows you to pay for your operat​​ing periods in four quarterly cheque payments. Interest of 5.00% per annum will be added to your invoice total when you select this option. </p><p>Note that this option​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span> is only available if all the operating periods on the invoice meet the following requirements:</p><ul><li>All operating periods on this invoice must be Annual </li><li>All operating periods on this invoice must begin on the same date </li><li>The minimum total amount of the invoice is $5,000.00 </li></ul></div>
How much are the fees and what are my operating period options?How much are the fees and what are my operating period options?<div class="ExternalClass0CBB2AFDC9B144608FC0946D6B928B22"><p>There are options to pay for d​​aily, monthly, annual, annual moderate-use (500hrs), and annual low-use (200hrs) operating periods. The operating period fees are based on the engine tier classification and horsepower. A $15 non-refundable administration fee applies to​​ each transaction. </p><p>An example of annual fee ​​rates is shown below. A<a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/calculate-engine-tier"> Tier & Fee Calculator </a>is available on the website to help you estimate your operating period fees.<br></p>​​ <p> <strong>Annual Fee Rates ($/hp) ​</strong></p><p> <img src="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/PublishingImages/bylaw-1329-fee-schedule.png" alt="Bylaw 1329 fee schedule" /> </p><p>See example calculations below on the impact of fee changes. Metro Vancouver is working on an update to the non-road diesel engine tier and fee calculator, and will notify registrants when the system is updated. <a href="/services/air-quality-climate-action/Documents/non-road-diesel-engine-bylaw-1329-fee-example.pdf" target="_blank">Example NRDE Fees by Tier</a></p></div>
What are my operating period payment options?What are my operating period payment options?<div class="ExternalClass296B88E7BD2745969EB8091FD7B1B133"><p> <strong>Pay by credit card</strong><br>Pay registration fees with MasterCard or Visa using <a href="" target="_blank">Metro Vancouver’s Engine Registration System</a>.</p><p> <strong>Pay by electronic funds transfer</strong><br>For information on paying registration fees by electronic funds transfer (EFT), please call us at 604-451-6655.</p><p>​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><strong>Pay by cheque</strong><br>To pay fees by cheque:</p><ul><li>make cheques payable to the Metro Vancouver Regional District</li><li>include the invoice remittance form with your cheque</li><li>mail your cheque and remittance form to:<br> 4515 Central Boulevard<br>Burnaby, BC V5H 0C6<br>Attention: Financial Services</li></ul></div>
What are the fee break even points for the operating period options?What are the fee break even points for the operating period options?<div class="ExternalClassF9FF11BAB99B47CE915549FC9E9A18C7"><p> <strong>Monthly </strong> <br>8 months will cost the same as an annual operating period.</p><p><strong>Daily</strong> <br>15 days will cost the same as a monthly operating period.</p><p>Use the <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/calculate-engine-tier"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Tier & Fee Calculator </a>available on the website to help you estimate your operating period fees. </p></div>
What does Metro Vancouver do with the fees collected for this program?What does Metro Vancouver do with the fees collected for this program?<div class="ExternalClass743C88109EC147DEB36ACBDF7AD23476"><p>A portion of the fees collected are used to s​upport the diesel regulatory program and the remai​​nder of the fees are being held in reserve to support the incentive program for when registrants retire their engines. </p><p>80% of fees paid over the previous ​​3 years will be refunded if an engine is permanently retired from use in Metro Vancouver. Effective January 1, 2026 the retirement refund will be increased to 5 years.<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>
What is an engine surcharge fee? What is an engine surcharge fee? <div class="ExternalClassA71C731FFCEC492F991E930476CCE8D9"><p><strong>New options for previously unregister​​ed engines.</strong> </p><p>Previously unregistered engines would be able to register and operate if they install an approved emission reduction measure or pay a surcharge of 300% of the registration fee on top of the regular registratio​​n fee.</p><p>Surcha​​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>rges start:</p><ul><li>January 1, 2023 for previously unregistered Tier 0 and Tier 1 engines</li><li>February 1, 2026 for Tier 2 engines that have not been registered for at least 90 days prior to January 31, 2026</li><li>February 1, 2027 for Tier 3 engines that have not been registered for at least 90 days prior to January 31, 2027</li></ul></div>

 Emissions Reduction Measures (ERM)



Is biodiesel considered an ERM? Is biodiesel considered an ERM? <div class="ExternalClass20BAFE43D98141C7911D14812D4AAF06"><p>Yes. The US EPA includes biodiesel in the verified technologies list and can be used with Tier 0 engines. The particulate matter reductions associated with biodiesel are proportional to the amount of biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel fuel. Generally ​​every 1% increase in the blend achieves approximately 0.4% decrease in PM emissions. Biodiesel can be used with exhaust retrofit technology to further reduce emissions. <br></p><p>Diesel fuel sold in BC already contains 5% renewable content (biodie​sel). To qualify for a fee reduction, the biodiesel content used in a non-road diesel engine needs to be greater than 5%. </p><p>The biodiesel percentage specified during the operating ​period selection must be used during the entire operating period. Records of engine use and receipts for fuel purchase must also be provided upon request. Officers may also collect fuel samples to confirm biodiesel use. </p></div>
What is an ERM?What is an ERM?<div class="ExternalClass09C5804B88B7416B9630F9A29FD83784"><p> Emissions reduction measures (ERMs) are tools used to reduce the amount of harmful diesel particulate matter (DPM) emitted from diesel engines. </p><div class="ExternalClassD8A8949468074E4FABFB138DAB2BD9CA"><p>​ERMs for non-r​​oad diesel engines include:</p><ul><li> exhaust after-treatment retrofit devices using verified technologies* </li><ul><li>diesel oxidation catalysts </li><li>diesel particulate filters<br></li></ul><li>engine re-power<br></li><li>engine re-manufacture<br></li><li>biodiesel<br></li></ul><p> Further information re​​garding ERMs can be found on <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/erm-application"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>the ERM webpage</a>.</p><p>*Verified techn​​ologies listed by the <a href="" target="_blank">US EPA</a> and <a title="CARB" href="" target="_blank">CARB </a>websites are accepted as approved emissions reduction measures under the Metro Vancouver regulation.</p><p> Other products may be considered for approva​​l by the District Director but in the absence of EPA or CARB verification, the onus will be on the registrant to provide sufficient documentation to satisfy the District Director of the emission reductions associated with these products. There is a $2000 fee to recover costs for assessing novel emission reduction measure technologies.</p></div></div>

 Engine retirement



How do I retire an engine?How do I retire an engine?<div class="ExternalClassBD891190208E4B7287C2914C5FA29269"><p>A registered engine can be retired in 3 ways: </p><div class="ExternalClass1DCADEFDFBD04A9D96A7ABF1AD70744B"><ul><li>by selling the engine for use outside of Metro Vancouver</li><li>by scrapping the engine </li><li>by permanently moving the engine outside of Metro Vancouver​<br></li></ul></div><p> Proof of engine retir​ement is required to receive a refund of 80% of the fees paid in the last 3 years leading up to retirement. </p><p>Full requirements for engine reti​rement can be found on the <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/retire-an-engine"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Engine Retirement Application Form</a>.</p><p>Note that a retired engine is prohibited from ​​any present or future operation within Metro Vancouver. </p><p>*An engine without a serial number must be permanen​tly marked with Metro Vancouver initials (‘MV’) followed by Metro Vancouver’s Engine Registration number.</p></div>

 Health effects



What are the health effects of diesel particulate matter?What are the health effects of diesel particulate matter?<div class="ExternalClass905E560BE38045A79442CD0CE247BA88"><p>Diesel engines emit a complex mixture of air pollutants. The visible and non-visible emissions are known as particulate matter (PM) and sometimes called diesel soot. The particles are composed of carbon, coated with other chemicals found in the exhaust gases, including ​known cancer causing chemicals. When inhaled, the smallest of these particles can become embedded in the lungs or even pass through the lungs directly into the blood stream. </p><p> </p><p>Diesel PM is linked to premature death and a number of heart and lung di​​seases. Diesel PM emissions are responsible for 67% of the lifetime cancer risk from air pollution in Metro Vancouver. </p><p>​Exposure to diesel PM is a health hazard, particularl​​y to children, the el​​derly and those working around diesel exhaust. </p><p>Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is one of a group of gases known as nitrogen oxide​​s (NOx) that are produced during high-temperature fuel combustion. On hot and sunny days, NOx can react with volatile organic compounds (VOC) to form harmful gro​<span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>und-level ozone. NOx can also react with other air contaminants to form fine particulate matter (PM2.5), a priority air contaminant in the region. NO2 has direct respiratory effects and contributes to early mortality, particularly for the elderly and those with pre-existing respiratory conditions.</p><p><br></p></div>




How do I get more information?How do I get more information?<div class="ExternalClass883B4619F5774CC7904DE1AF71FAE138"><p><strong>Call</strong> the Metro Vancouve​​​r Information Centre at: 604-451-6655<br>(ask for information regarding Bylaw 1329 or the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emission Regulation.)</p><p><strong>Em​​ail:</strong> <a href=""></a> </p><p><strong>Mail:</strong> Metro V​​ancouver<br>4515 Central Boulevard<br>Burnaby, BC V5H 0C6</p></div>
Where is Metro Vancouver?Where is Metro Vancouver?<div class="ExternalClass3FDC742554484738A9A7C32DA19A4452"><p>Metro Vancouver consists of 24 local authorities spanning an area from Lions Bay and Bowen Island to Maple Ridge and the Township of Langley (Aldergrove), and includes the Tsawwassen First Nation.​ </p><div class="ExternalClass61197B64BEF649A9BD782DF329D54836"> <br></div><p> <img alt="Metro Vancouver map" src="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/PublishingImages/mv-map.jpg" style="margin:5px;width:606px;" /> <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span><br></p></div>




How do I file a complaint?How do I file a complaint?<div class="ExternalClass64D4D1174A714A6DB5FB20732134E651"><p>If you have a specific concern about the emissions from a non-road dies​​el engine or wish to file a complaint, contact Metro Vancouver’s 24-hour Air Quality Complaints and Inquiries Line: 604-436-6777 or fill out the <span id="ms-rterangecursor-start"></span><a title="Air Quality Complaint Form" href="/services/environmental-regulation-enforcement/air-quality-regulatory-program/make-an-air-quality-complaint" target="_blank"><span id="ms-rterangecursor-end"></span>Air Quality Complaint Form</a><br></p></div>

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