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Official Community Plan


Vision for Electoral Area A

Metro Vancouver has developed an Official Community Plan (OCP) for portions of Electoral Area A. This plan contains land use map designations and policies that together set out the long term vision for communities. The plan was adopted by the Metro Vancouver Board in July 2018 and provides guidance to the public, developers, Metro Vancouver staff, other orders of government, and elected representatives when considering land use changes, such as proposals for new development.​​



Official Community Plan Bylaw 1250, 2017, Official Community Plan BylawOfficial Community Plan Bylaw 1250, 2017

​​The Electoral Area A Official Community Plan applies to all areas other than the University of British Columbia (the Board of Governors is responsible for planning), the University Endowment Lands (the provincial government is responsible), Bowyer Island, and Passage Island (the Islands Trust is responsible). This plan does not apply to First Nations Reserves. Because Electoral Area A is comprised of diverse communities, the discussions and policies have been tailored to ensure that the plan addresses issues that are important to each local community.

Electoral Area A planning m​ap

Electoral Area A Planning Map​​

  • Areas where Electoral Area A Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw applies
  • Areas that have their own local planning bylaws (University of British Columbia, University Endowment Lands, and the Islands Trust)
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If you have any questions, please contact Marcin Pachcinski, Division Manager, Electoral Area and Implementation Services, directly at 604-451-6562 or​

 Related links



About Electoral Area A, About Electoral Area AAbout Electoral Area A
Building and Zoning, Building and ZoningBuilding and Zoning
Contacts, ContactsContacts
Resources, ResourcesResources
Electoral Area A Mailing List, Electoral Area A Mailing ListElectoral Area A Mailing List

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