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Caring for the Air Reports


​Metro Vancouver’s Caring for the Air is an easy-to-read annual publication that provides information about air quality and climate change issues in our region, as well as programs that protect public health and the environment, improve visual air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Caring for the Air 2022

​​​The 2022 edition showcases innovative solutions to air quality and climate challenges, and focuses on how Metro Vancouver is implementing actions in the Climate 2050 Roadmaps and Clean Air Plan.

Previous Caring for the Air reports​



Caring for the Air 2021, Caring for the Air 2021Caring for the Air 2021<div class="ExternalClass8A1B759958BC4B2ABAFEDC627F5E050D"><p>The 2021 edition celebrates the 10th anniversary of Caring for the Air. This edition takes a look back at accomplishments since the first edition in 2012, and a look ahead at upcoming plans and programs, such as the Clean Air Plan and the development of the Climate 2050 Roadmaps. The 2021 edition was prepared entirely during the COVID-19 pandemic, and includes an analysis of how the pandemic response affected regional air quality.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2020, Caring for the Air 2020Caring for the Air 2020<div class="ExternalClassDCC43F82D4174A17BD184748249F4011"><p>The 2020 edition of Caring for the Air highlights Metro Vancouver’s climate leadership, how residents can participate in developing the Clean Air Plan, and how the new bylaw on residential wood burning improves air quality. Other articles examine emissions from heavy duty trucks and ride-hailing, how emissions of volatile organic compounds are changing in our region, and the way Metro Vancouver handles air quality complaints. This edition was published during the COVID-19 response, and while it analyzes 2019 air quality data and trends, we expect to report on the impacts of the pandemic on air quality in our 2021 edition.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2019, Caring for the Air 2019Caring for the Air 2019<div class="ExternalClassABA2463E3CD748C995978A118E161D7D"><p>The 2019 edition of Caring for the Air describes the progress made by Metro Vancouver and partners on significant climate action and air quality initiatives. Articles feature information about living with climate action, dealing with wildfire smoke and air quality advisories, and how to get involved in decisions about air quality management. There is also material showing air quality data for 2018 and what our future emissions are projected to be by 2035.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2018, Caring for the Air 2018Caring for the Air 2018<div class="ExternalClass69FAFA28B9D446CDA12041FE25A0D60E"><p>The 2018 edition of Caring for the Air features articles on Metro Vancouver’s Climate 2050 Strategy, including initiatives underway to address climate change, and what more we need to do in the coming years. There are also articles on new regulations and programs under development, and data on our air quality in 2017, a year heavily impacted by wildfire activity.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2016, Caring for the Air 2016Caring for the Air 2016<div class="ExternalClass36FF641011364C518357BB7D1FCAAE44"><p>The 2016 edition of Caring for the Air contains news, tips and background information related to air quality and climate change issues. Articles include reports on the effects of energy use on climate and air quality, how to conserve energy, innovative solutions to addressing climate issues, cleaning up dirty diesels, wildfires and smoke impacts, and descriptions of trends in air quality and the ‘state of the air’ in 2015.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2017, Caring for the Air 2017Caring for the Air 2017<div class="ExternalClass960C3DE795F04AB392A05DA084A942CD"><p>The 2017 edition describes the key air quality and climate change issues affecting the region and highlights the efforts to improve conditions in the Lower Fraser Valley airshed, which stretches from West Vancouver to Hope.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2015, Caring for the Air 2015Caring for the Air 2015<div class="ExternalClass93DCA90867CB4323994829B8502B8F7A"><p>The 2015 edition of Caring for the Air is packed with news, tips, and background information about air quality and climate change issues in our region.​<br></p></div>
Caring for the Air 2014, Caring for the Air 2014Caring for the Air 2014<div class="ExternalClass2DEEAD61AE2B4B55B0F8571E2997D30B"><p>Information on linking emissions to exposure, the ‘state of the air’ in 2013, transportation, sulphur dioxide limits, climate change actions, trends in emissions, and air quality.​<br></p></div>
Caring for the Air 2013, Caring for the Air 2013Caring for the Air 2013<div class="ExternalClass3DB51016E8A84A129E81FA5EA78ED082"><p>Information on diesel particulate matter, air quality around the Burrard Inlet, greenhouse gas emissions, visual air quality, data on the “state of the air” in the Lower Mainland.</p></div>
Caring for the Air 2012, Caring for the Air 2012Caring for the Air 2012<div class="ExternalClass469CB085C4A94CA69755BADB114EE804"><p>Information on fine particulate matter and diesel particulate matter, ground-level ozone, visual air quality, greenhouse gases, key sources of emissions, and measured air quality concentrations.​<br></p></div>

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